Two days later, the new world interrupted a certain sea area

"Captain, we found Sleeping Ancient Town, right there!"

A boy on the boat ran over excitedly and shouted to the three people who were taking a rest.

"oh? Already arrived?"

Sisir came to the bow of the ship and sensed it with his sense of dominance. There was a small island in the distance. There was no human presence on the island, but there were a lot of bats. It should be this. That's right.

"Leave some people to watch the ship. Sia and Taylor, you can also go down and look for it together."


Soon after, Sisir took Xia and the others to this small desert island.

"It seems that this island was inhabited before."

Sisir and the others also discovered as they walked that there were many ancient buildings covered with moss on the island.

"Nonsense, the captain said he was looking for Sleeping Ancient Town, but there must be too many bats here. Xia casually killed a few more attacking bats and asked,"Captain, should we search separately now?""

"Well, each of you will lead a team of people to search the island, and I will go for a walk alone."

Xisi Er's knowledge of Se Baqi discovered an interesting place. There were actually a large number of bats there, and their strength was obviously stronger than the bats that attacked them.

As for not all being separated, West Asia and the others were asked to each lead a team of people. There are a lot of bats on the island, and the second reason is that he is worried that these weak little pirates will steal his Devil Fruit.

"Then find it as soon as possible and leave here as soon as possible. I don't want to stay on this island forever."

After speaking, Taylorf led a group of people to search for devil fruits, and Sia also left with the remaining people.



Sisir, who was deep in the jungle, heard roars from time to time on the island.

"That's it, just……"Standing at the entrance of a huge cave, Sisir felt a little strange. The bats on the island were very aggressive and alert. He had already reached the entrance of the cave, but not a single bat came out.

Sisir didn't think so much, and the skilled man walked in boldly. He couldn't see his fingers in the cave, and could only sense the domineering power based on what he saw, heard, and felt.




The bats in the cave began to become frantic when they felt Sisile's entry. The harsh cries and ultrasonic waves made people dizzy and nauseated.

"It’s so noisy!"

Sisile irritably picked up a pile of stones at the entrance of the cave and threw them quickly and forcefully towards the bats in the cave.




The stone penetrated the bodies of dozens of bats like armor-piercing bullets, and finally collided with the wall of the cave.

After a while, the bodies of hundreds of bats fell down and lost their life.

This completely caused the bats in the cave to go berserk. Countless bats were screaming and screaming towards Sisir.

"Hahahahaha, that’s it."

This is a number that can make a trypophobic scalp tingle, but Thistle rushed over without fear and killed all these bats at once so that he could continue to explore the cave, right?


"Boom... boom"


However, after just a few minutes, the cave was filled with bat corpses. Thistle continued to move forward without caring. These terrifying bats were not even a warm-up for this current Cecil.

The cave was large, dark and humid, but had no pungent smell. Just when Sisir thought it was just a bat's nest and his trip was in vain, Sisl discovered an abyss at the end of the cave.

And I also sensed that there was a bat at the bottom of the abyss. It was very huge but its breath was weak.

"It was actually able to evade my Haki of Knowledge. If I hadn't been here, I really wouldn't have noticed it."

Thistle jumped towards the bottom of the abyss.


Sisir's landing brought up a burst of smoke and dust, and he discovered that the bottom of the abyss was much brighter than the cave above.

He found that the rock walls around here were covered with unknown plants, emitting a faint light, and there were things burning on several surrounding stone pillars, which was really strange.

Through the light, Sisir saw a bat, which was as huge as a mountain of flesh. The aura of its dying years was extremely weak, as if it would die at any time.

Beside the bat, there are many treasure boxes, and countless Bailey's gold and pearl treasures are scattered.

"It seems that this is a man-made treasure trove, but it has been regarded as a nest by these bats for a long time!"


Suddenly the huge bat let out a sharp cry. The harsh sound and ultrasonic waves caused the treasure chest to shatter, and the golden Baileys flew everywhere.

"Um? Even Thistle felt a little uncomfortable,"What the hell," Thistle raised his hand and threw a stone, which penetrated the bat's head. The head bloomed and blood was left on the ground.


Sisir snorted in disgust and began to search at the bottom of the abyss. He had a premonition that the Devil Fruit was here.

"Hahahahaha, is this it?"

After a long time, Thistle found a small locked treasure box under Bailey's gold in a broken treasure box.

"昳hahahaha, no wonder so many pirates like to hunt for treasures, it feels really good. 昳hahahaha."

Opening the little treasure box, there was indeed an apple-sized, dark red fruit full of mysterious lines.

"That’s it, 昳hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

"Captain, have you found it?"

"Captain, take it out and see"

"昳hahahaha, let’s take a look!"

Sisile threw the fruit to Xia and smiled happily. The goal he had worked hard for so long was finally achieved.

"Wow, this is the devil fruit, it’s the first time I’ve seen it!"

"The captain said, this is an animal-type phantom beast type, a devil fruit that is even rarer than the natural type."


"Captain, you'd better keep it. This fruit can definitely cultivate a strong man in the future."

After Taylor finished reading it, he carefully handed it back to Cecil.

"昳hahahaha, kids, let’s have a party! I will take you to get the treasure tomorrow, hahahaha"

"And treasure?"

"Hahahaha, Telef, hurry up and get the wine on the boat!"

"Then go hunt some prey!"

"Hahahaha, let’s get ready for the party!!"


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