Grand Line, Malinvando Naval Headquarters. marshal——"In the office of"Chief General" Sengoku, Sengoku wears a pair of frog glasses, a long beard on his chin tied into a twist, and a military hat with a seagull symbolizing the"Navy" on it. There is an explosive hair hidden under the hat. There is a goat next to him. He was still chewing a piece of paper in his mouth, holding a piece of information in his hand and frowning at it



"Garp, please be quiet."

On the sofa, sitting was a Vice Admiral with black and white hair, tall body, broad chest, muscular body, and a scar on his left eye.——"The hero Garp is eating donuts unscrupulously

"Hahahahaha, Warring States, I am about to break the record of eating donuts in one minute." Garp, who was still in his prime, laughed heartlessly,"Ah, how many have I eaten? Hahahaha, it’s time to start again"

"You bastard."

Sengoku ignored him because of his headache, and looked at the latest information from the New World:"Recently,"Drought" Jack of the Beasts Pirates was hunting down the Tiger Pirates, and had a four-day incident with them on Letinife Island. After a big battle, he fought with"Diamond" Jozi and lost in one day. He was rescued by"Fire Calamity" Jhin, and the Fierce Tiger Pirates also escaped."

"The new world is not peaceful again, and it is not easy for this fierce tiger pirate group to be able to fight Jack for four days and still escape unscathed."

Sengoku only knew that Jack was fighting the Fierce Tiger Pirates, but he didn't know who they were with, and he didn't know that the Fierce Tiger Pirates had changed captains. After all, it was a new world, and it was still an unknown small pirate group before.

"Hahahaha, you can fight with that brat Jack for so long, now the newcomer is really capable!"Garp laughed again.

"Shut up, you old bastard, stay here with me when you have time, why don't you go to work?"

"Hahahaha, Sengoku, what should we do with the Fierce Tiger Pirates?"Garp smiled and changed the subject carelessly.

"We don't have time to intervene in the new world now, so let's increase the reward."Warring States pondered for a moment and then said:""Fierce Tiger" Sija added to 400 million, and"Wind-Slashing Sword" Daryu Telev would have been 300 million."


New world, Onigashima, this is the headquarters of the Beast Pirates

"Uh...Jack, you are so embarrassed,'s all because you are too weak."Referred to as"the most powerful creature in the sea, land and air" all over the world","The admiral of the Beast Pirates who is the strongest in a one-on-one challenge——""Hundred Beasts" Kaido was holding a big wine gourd, and while drinking, he scolded Jack who was standing next to him.

"I cried when I was drunk today!"

"It's such an embarrassment to me that I can't win a rookie pirate group!"


Kaido suddenly hit the standing Jack with a mace and said with anger and dissatisfaction:"You lost to those sons of Whitebeard, you bastard!"

"Angry again," the other members of the Beast Pirates standing aside muttered in a low voice.

"Captain,"Diamond" Jozi, needless to say, is no weaker than that idiot Jack, but the Fierce Tiger Pirates are not simple either. A young man has such strength. Do we need to continue to pursue him? I will take action myself."At this time,"Yan Calamity" Jin on the side said lightly.

"Gu... Gu... Uh, no need. The most important thing now is Wano. As for the guy you mentioned, you should find an opportunity to kill him later. Besides, the old man with white beard is not easy to talk to."

Kaido took a few sips of wine and waved his hands indifferently. These little pirates who had just gone to sea not long ago were playing tricks and were not taken seriously by him. He was"Beasts" Kaido!

On the Moby Dick , Jozy is also back with Marco

"Dad, we are back."Marco said hello with a smile.

"The captain is back!"

"Ku la la la la, Jozi, why is this expression on your face, what’s wrong?"

Qiaozi looked at Whitebeard awkwardly and said sheepishly:"Dad, I asked them all to run away. I originally captured Jack, but he was rescued by the guy"Yanyan", and there was another guy who called himself The boy from Sata Thistle also slipped away while I was fighting Jhin."

"Ku la la la la, stupid son, it's no big deal, how's Letinifer?"Whitebeard smiled indifferently.

Jozi said with an ugly face:"When I went there, the town was almost destroyed. Later, it was even more seriously destroyed during the battle. Fortunately, the residents ran to the forest and hid. , Marco and I have now arranged for them to be on the island of Phodonia."

Whitebeard also put away his smile, stood up and picked up the Daguan Dao - Cong Yunya"Peng" smashed it on the deck, and said angrily:"Those guys from Baishou, let's go, let's go find them to settle accounts."

"Yes, Dad!"

"Go give some color to those guys from the Beasts!"


The Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates both selectively ignored Sisir and the others. After all, in their eyes, Sisir and the others were just unimportant little characters.

In the first half of the new world, Sisir and the others arrived here after several days of sailing.

"Captain, are we really going to the first half of the Grand Line?"

"Hahahaha, I will take you to an interesting place for adventure"

"Where to go? Xi Lai asked with interest.

"Sky island! 昳hahahaha!"Thistle was also a little excited. In addition to various devil fruits, the various magical islands in the One Piece world are also the most interesting adventures.

"Sky island? Island in the sky?"Xia asked hurriedly

"Are there islands in the sky?"Telef is also interested.

"Of course there is, hahahahaha, there is a fish-man island ten thousand meters under the sea, why can't there be an empty island ten thousand meters in the sky?"

"Sky Island, I really want to go there quickly. Then Captain, where are we going now?"

"Go to Gaya Island in the first half of the Grand Line. There are upwelling currents there and you can go directly to Sky Island."

"Let’s go, kids!"


Sailing on the sea is boring. For Sisir, cultivation is all the activities on the road.

A few weeks later, Sisir and the others went through the coating process and did not stop at Fishman Island. They came directly to the vicinity of Gaya Island on the Grand Route. Of course, the road was not smooth sailing. Many bounty hunters and pirates were sunk to the bottom of the sea by them.

"Captain, Gaya Island has arrived"

"Log in!"

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