"What!! Neptune couldn't sit still anymore and stood up. He looked at Mrs. Charlie in shock, with a horrifying fear in his eyes!

"I have been having an uneasy feeling in my heart today, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Then I did some divination, and I...I...saw something……"

"What did you see?! Neptune asked anxiously

"I saw Fish-Man Island, full of abyss and rugged terrain! Countless compatriots were killed, as well as"Devil King" Sisir!"

There was a look of fear in Mrs. Charlie's eyes.

"this………"Neptune sat on the ground in a daze. He did not doubt the accuracy of Mrs. Charlie's divination. Could it be that Fish-Man Island was really going to happen?………

"No! No...the prophecies of divination can be changed, right? We must not let Fishman Island be destroyed!"

Neptune grabbed Mrs. Charlie's shoulders tightly and looked at her with hope.

"I don’t know this either. There are too many uncertain factors in the future!"

Mrs. Charlie shook her head, and there was nothing she could do.

"Your Majesty, since Charlie has said that it is Thistle who wants to destroy Fish-Man Island, we can only try our best not to offend him now and try our best to please him.……"

Minister Zuo said analytically

"Tell Boss Jinbei the news and see what he can do.

The right minister also immediately began to think of a solution:"It would be best to get help from the Whitebeard Pirates!""

"Yes, the only one who can stop the Four Emperors is the Four Emperors! Minister Zuo said in agreement.

"Okay, contact Jinbe first! Neptune nodded and said;"As for the Whitebeard Pirates, let's ask Jinbe for his opinion!""

After all, nothing has happened now, because he went to help the Four Emperors with a prophecy, and he didn't know if Whitebeard would believe it!

One day later, after receiving the news from King Neptune, Jinbe hurried back to Fish-Man Island

"His Majesty……"

Jinbei also had a serious face, he was also shocked by the news!

"Jinbe, what should I do now? Neptune asked hurriedly

"We can only... wait and see what happens."Jinbei said helplessly.

"ah? Do nothing? Otherwise, ask for help from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

The right minister suggested anxiously.

"it's useless. Jinbe shook his head and said:"With Sisir's domineering attitude, even the white-bearded father can't stop what he wants to do!""

"If we inform Dad, it will arouse Sisile's resentment, and then our situation will be even more dangerous!"

"good! Neptune said with a solemn expression.

"A man like Cecil will never compromise with anyone!"

"That……"Minister Zuo doesn't know what to do.

"Please continue the notice and never offend the Fallen Angel Pirates. If Sisir really comes, I will try my best to comfort him, even if it costs me my life!"

Jinbei said firmly.

"Boss Jinbei………"


Jinbei waved his hands and said in relief:"Although Thisisle is cruel and domineering, he is not an unprincipled person. As long as we have no conflict of interest and no conflict with him, I believe that Thisisle will not destroy Fish-Man Island!""

"Hope so!"

Neptune sighed helplessly. It is true as Jinbei said. If Thistle is determined to destroy Fish-Man Island, it will be useless for them to find any foreign aid!

In the end, Fish-Man Island is still too weak!

Even the right to survive is not in their own hands!

Neptune and Jinbe are trying their best to tell everyone not to provoke the Fallen Angel Pirates.

The mermaids and most fishmen will listen to their words and will not say that Neptune is the king. , even Jinbei is highly respected in Fish-Man Island!

The two of them told it so seriously, most of the citizens of Fish-Man Island will still listen.

However, there is one exception!

That is Fish-Man Street, the fish-men here are full of love for humans. Hatred, and a strong sense of racial superiority, believing that fish people are the highest race in the sea!

"Hahahaha... What a cowardly royal family, they are afraid of a mere human pirate group!"

Hody Jones, who had curly hair, wore a flat hat with a trident on his head, a wolfskin scarf around his neck, and a large tattoo on his left arm, laughed wildly.

"We really want humans to see how powerful we are, Tikka."

Said Bodhidharma, who was short and kept jumping on the table.

"I made a decision!"Hody Jones suddenly grinned, and several people around him looked at him

"I want to establish a new fish-man pirate group to replace the cowardly royal family!"

His words made these murlocs a little moved. They had already had enough of the life in murloc street!

"Yes, replace the royal family! Rule the fish-man island and rule the humans!"

"Yes, we can give Fish-Man Island a better future and no longer be oppressed by humans!"

"Overthrow the royal family! Slave humans!"

"Overthrow the royal family! Slave humans!"

Nipton didn't know that the measures he took to protect Fishman Island actually made the arrogant and human-hating fishman establish a pirate group in advance, preparing to overthrow his throne and compete with humans head-on! A new day

, Nothing happened on Fish-Man Island, and we don’t know what kind of plan Hody Jones has!

"Do you know why His Majesty issued such an order?"

"Not sure"

"I don’t know either, and Boss Jinbei means the same thing."

"I heard that it seems to be related to Mrs. Charlie's divination……"

Several idle patrol soldiers curiously discussed Neptune's orders.

"Tell me quickly……"

"My eldest cousin's second uncle's brother is a guard of the palace. From what he said, it seems that Mrs. Charlie has divined something.…………"

A soldier said mysteriously.

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