"Mrs. Charlie's divination?"

"what would that be………"

"It must be related to the Fallen Angel Pirates. Only the King and Boss Jinbe would give such an order!"

"Yes...yes...that makes sense!"

Just when the soldiers were chatting in full swing, a pirate ship appeared outside the Fish-Man Island. Even in the deep sea, the surrounding sea kings stayed away, as if there were natural enemies on the ship!

"Mom, the bottom of the sea is so beautiful! Mom, look at that……"

Little Zixi lay on Zeus and looked excitedly at the scenery outside the boat!

Zeus floated on the bow of the ship, eating the"snacks" made by Enel with big mouthfuls, looking satisfied.

"The sea is so magical!"Nami's eyes were eager and she looked at everything around her in surprise.

"Captain, Fishman Island has arrived!"

Telef said with his arms crossed.

"Where where... wow! Then it’s Fish-Man Island! What a nice view!"

Little Zixi stood up on Zeus's back, staring into the distance, her cute little face shining with starlight.

"Lord Enel, I've finished eating."

The naive Zeus was not interested in any of this, and looked at Enel who was chewing an apple in a flattering manner.

"Zeus, you can't eat, you're getting fat."Xiao Zixi lowered her head and said seriously.

"Na? ?"

Zeus' naive face was in a daze, with a confused expression. How could a cloud be fat?

"Zi Xi said you are fat, then you should lose weight and you are not allowed to eat."Anilu ignored Zeus' pitiful eyes and supported Xiao Zixi unconditionally.

"Just go in!"

Thistle said calmly to Telef, he would not wait foolishly for the fish-man island to release him.

"Look...that's...a pirate ship!! A pirate ship is coming!"

"He didn't enter through the entrance, but broke in directly through the bubble shield! Damn human pirates!"

"wrong! That's...the Black Winged Skull Flag, that's the Fallen Angel Pirates!"

"What? The Fallen Angel Pirates are coming! Don't act rashly, notify His Majesty Neptune and Boss Jinbe quickly!"

"No one is allowed to attack!"

The seawater in the bubble shield was split by the sharp sword light. In the middle of the seawater that was divided into two, Sisir's pirate ship floated in!

Such a big movement was not only caused by the soldiers of Fish-Man Island. , even ordinary citizens discovered that a pirate ship entered above their heads!

The pirate ship slowly passed through the second layer of bubble film shield and officially entered the Fish-Man Island!

"Really...really here! Fallen Angel Pirates!"Mrs. Charlie looked at it in horror, seeing the flag of a pirate ship in the sky!

"That pirate ship didn't fall down!"Many fishmen and mermaids said in surprise.


The pirate ship slowly descended, and all the mermaids and fishmen watched nervously. This is the famous"Four Emperors" pirate group in the new world!


"Come... come!"

The residents of Fishman Island gathered together out of fear and curiosity, but they did not dare to come forward. They just watched from a distance. The soldiers swallowed their saliva and stood nervously in front.


The pirate ship landed in Mermaid Bay, where mermaids live in groups. Although it is a deep sea area, you can see blue sky, sunshine, and white clouds.……


A burst of footsteps stepped on the heartstrings of the mermaids and fishmen. Under everyone's nervous gaze, Sisir took Enilu and others off the boat.

"That... that's it!!"

""The"Four Emperors" Demon King—Thisir!!"

"The Four Emperors...have arrived in person!"

"And"Thor" Enelu!!"

""arrogant monarch"——Telef!"

"All...all...big shots!"

"How come... they... come to... Fish-Man Island?"

"It should be... just for fun! I heard that Sisir and his daughter were playing on the sea……"


The appearance of Sisir and others shocked everyone present, and what followed was a mountain of pressure!

"What kind of existence are the"Four Emperors"? They can bring devastating disasters to Fish-Man Island!

Now that they have arrived on Fish-Man Island for no reason, how can they not be frightened!

"So beautiful! Mom what is that……"Xiao Zixi looked around excitedly, pointed at a group of beautiful mermaids and asked

"That's a mermaid, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish!"

Bacara said with a smile, this is the first time Xiao Zixi has seen a creature like a mermaid!

"Well, much prettier than those ugly fishmen."

The little guy looked at it with disgust, and the fishmen around him concluded.

"Completely opposite to Sky Island, a civilization living 10,000 meters under the sea! Amazing!"Nami sighed again at the charm of the sea!

"West…Lord Sisir, welcome to Fishman Island, please………"


"Zi... Zi……"

A leader-looking soldier from Fishman Island stepped forward and said respectfully, but before he could finish his words, he was directly chopped into charcoal by a bolt of thunder.

"Even cats and dogs deserve to talk to the captain!"Enilu said arrogantly

"It's a pity that such a beautiful place was ruined, but Neptune's attitude is a bit big.……"

Sisir said calmly

"Zeus, I leave it to you!"

"yes! Lord Sisir!"

Zeus, who was flying around with little Zixi on his back, immediately agreed when he heard Sisir's words.

Zeus flew into the sky, his white"body" quickly turned black and expanded, and his innocent expression became fierce, but Compared with the Zeus created by Bigum, it had less of an evil aura.

All the residents of the Fish-Man Island present looked at the"dark" clouds in horror, and the thunder kept swimming in the clouds!



Amidst the lightning and thunder, thunder fell...

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