Dozens of thunderbolts fell and wreaked havoc on the beautiful Mermaid Bay. The violent thunder kept moving around, destroying everything around it!

"Click... click……"

"Boom... boom!!"


"Bang! Bang!"


Deep pits were carved out of the earth, houses and buildings were turned into ruins, the bay exploded and shattered, the people around were killed and injured, and there were charred corpses everywhere.………

A scene of being baptized by the doomsday!

The dark clouds in the sky began to shrink, and Zeus turned into a naive look again, flying down with little Zixi.

"Lord Thistle……"Zeus looked at Thistle fawningly

"Not bad, just a little less powerful."Thistle said calmly.

Compared with Enelu's Thunder, it is more than one level behind

"Zeus, you are not cute when you turn black."Xiao Zixi patted Zeus's"head" and said

"ah……"Zeus was too aggrieved to speak

"Woo woo……"

"Hateful human beings……"


"Damn it……"

The surviving people looked at the Mermaid Bay in ruins with sadness and disbelief!

The eyes that looked at Sisir and the others were filled with anger and deep hatred, but more importantly, they were filled with fear!


A huge blue whale, carrying Neptune and Jinbe, swam over quickly

"Your Majesty, Boss Jinbei!"

"His Majesty……"

"Boss Jinbei!"

The surviving people all looked at Neptune and Jinbei with hope. Facing the terrifying Thistle and others, they almost despaired.……

"Sir Sisir, please show your respect, I don’t know what offends our Fish-Man Island! Neptune looked at everything in front of him, suppressed the resentment in his heart, and asked respectfully.

No matter how much anger, unwillingness, and hatred he had in his heart... for the safety of Fish-Man Island and his compatriots, he did not dare to show it. Come out, with the current situation, if Thistle is angered again, Fish-Man Island will really be doomed!

"Lord Sisir, if the fishmen have offended me in any way, let me make amends! Jinbei stood up and said in a sincere tone.

Thisl smiled lightly:"This attitude can also give you a chance to atone for your sins.""

"Your Excellency, please come here. A banquet has been prepared in the palace."

Neptune happily summoned the highest-standard car that had been prepared!

What Neptune is most afraid of is that Thistle will directly destroy the Fish-Man Island regardless of the situation. If there is room for negotiation, there will be a chance of survival!

In the stunningly beautiful banquet hall of the Mermaid Palace, a variety of delicacies and desserts have been prepared.

When Thistle and others sat down, the rest of the crowd left in a wise manner, leaving only Neptune and Jinbei. come down

"Sir Sisir, these are the special delicacies of our Fish-Man Island, please try them. Neptune said respectfully

"Well, delicious."Xiao Zixi was not polite at all and started eating happily.

Of course, Thistle understood what Neptune and the others were thinking, and they just wanted to try their best to please themselves and calm everything down.

However, Thistle didn't hate this.""Hypocrisy." The weak depend on the strong for their survival.

After the feast, Jinbei asked respectfully:"Lord Thistle, what exactly did Fish-Man Island do wrong this time?"

Sisir picked up a bottle of wine and swayed it in his hand:"Aaron, do you know him?""

"Aaron!"Jinbei's heart skipped a beat. He's a racial extremist. Could it be that he is a racial extremist?……

"know! We are all Brother Tiger's crew, aren't we?……"

"He is dead!"Sisier said lightly.

"What!"Jinbei exclaimed, but he quickly reacted and looked at Thistle apologetically.

"This is my navigator." Sisl pointed at Nami and said,"That guy Aaron destroyed her hometown and forced my navigator to draw charts for him for several years.……"

When she said this, Nami's eyes showed loneliness, thinking of that dark time.

"The most important thing is..." Sisir's eyes turned cold, and the surrounding temperature began to drop:"He punched my daughter!"

"What……"Neptune and Jinbe were shocked, with cold sweat dripping from their heads. They both looked at Xiao Zixi who was holding the crab with both hands and was about to take a bite.

"Do you want to eat?"The little guy gave them a strange look.

"No! No!"The two of them quickly waved their hands and shook their heads, and then looked at Sisir in fear.

"damn it!!"The two of them cursed Aaron in their hearts,"You dare to beat the daughter of"Four Emperors" Thistle? Do you want to kill the whole clan?"

"Lord Sisir, Aaron has been away from Fish-Man Island for several years. We have no idea how dare he do such a thing!"

Jinbei lowered his head and said sincerely:"We are willing to use all our treasures to apologize to your daughter and the navigator!"

"Treasure!"Nami was instantly excited, and her eyes turned into Bailey's.

Enel looked at Nami's useless look with disgust, Telef looked helpless, Baccarat was really amused by Nami, and Xiao Zixi looked up He looked at them doubtfully, then lowered his head to"fight" again.

The corners of Sisir's mouth twitched, but he still said calmly:"Are our Fallen Angel Pirates short of money?"

With that guy Tezoro here, the Fallen Angel Pirates can be said to be the richest pirate group!

"I wonder what you want to forgive Fishman Island for its mistakes? Neptune asked in a low voice.

"Fishman Island is under my control!"

"Every year, a treasure of 500 million Baileys is contributed!"

"Recruit 10,000 combat troops within three months and wait for deployment!"

Sisir stretched out three fingers and said calmly but forcefully.

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