With just one move, the entire Tokyo Self-Defense Force was wiped out.

Sisir, however, calmly prepared to leave as if he had never done anything.

The scene of Sisir's torture of the Self-Defense Forces was recorded by satellite.

The Sakura Cabinet at this time

"Eight..Baga...How could such a thing happen?"

"That man, he is an absolute monster!"

"How can humans have such power?"

"Damn it...."

"The Tokyo Self-Defense Force was completely wiped out?!"

"And it also caused a major earthquake. This kind of power...."

"what should we do?"

A group of high-level officials gathered together and looked at the scene on the big screen, exclaiming in disbelief.

Sakura Country Prime Minister Sasaki even lowered his eyes.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I suggest launching missiles immediately to destroy him."

"Yes, his existence is a threat!"

"But, can we kill him?"

"Yes, if we incur his revenge, the consequences will be disastrous."

"If this is the case, then where should I put the face of our Great Sakura Country?"

Everyone was talking about it. Some people wanted to take the initiative, while others wanted to stop there.

For a while, the conference room was noisy.

"Needless to say!"

The Prime Minister suddenly shouted loudly, and the conference room immediately became quiet.

"Gentlemen, think about it..."

"If we can master this man's power, then our Sakura Country will become the master of the world!"

"So I decided to catch him at all costs"

"If you can't live, you must die."

The Prime Minister held the table with both hands, his face was fierce, and he looked at the senior officials with gloomy eyes.

His tone was firm and ruthless!

"The Prime Minister is right"

"This is our opportunity for Sakura Country to become the world’s hegemon."




With the approval of the senior officials, the battle notice was quickly issued.

Tens of thousands of troops stationed outside Tokyo have been summoned, and several missiles have been launched.

At the same time, Sakura Country Tokyo suffered a major earthquake and large-scale military mobilization, which also attracted international attention.

Xia Kingdom, Stars and Stripes Kingdom, Bear Kingdom, Cosmos Kingdom......

All received the information immediately.

Xia Kingdom, Zhonghai Government

"I never thought that someone in the world could have such power!"

"This achievement is beyond the scope of science. Is it true that the ancients moved mountains and seas?"

"No matter what, pay attention to every move of this man immediately"


As the world's leading country, the Xia Kingdom quickly made arrangements for the Sakura Kingdom.

It also sent satellites in the sky to pay attention to the situation of Sisir 24 hours a day.

Similarly, the Bear Kingdom, Eagle Kingdom, etc. also made arrangements Act accordingly.

Only the Stars and Stripes Kingdom immediately approached the Sakura Kingdom and demanded that the man be captured and immediately handed over to their troops stationed in the Sakura Kingdom.

For safety reasons, the Stars and Stripes soldiers stationed in the Sakura Kingdom were mobilized , go to'reinforce’

"Smecta, at first glance, this man belongs to our universe country."

"That's right! He should be allowed to return to the Universe Kingdom."

The Cosmos Kingdom shamelessly issued an announcement to the Sakura Kingdom, but unfortunately Prime Minister Sasaki ignored it and just threw it away as garbage. However

, Sisir, the center of the storm, seemed to be traveling at this moment.

While strolling towards the coast, While looking at the surrounding scenery,

I didn’t feel at all after the massacre.

But at this moment, several meteors flew from the distant sky.


It was not a meteor, but a meteor.....missile!!

Several missiles flew in at high speed, and the target was Sisir.

"What a bunch of annoying bugs."

Sisir frowned, and a black light flashed in his hand, and the first generation of Ghost appeared in his hand.


"That is..."


Several major countries also saw the sudden appearance of weapons in Sisir's hands through satellites.

"Doesn't he want to use the knife to chop the missile?"

"Hahaha....it's out of the question!"

"He is dead!"

"This man is of great research value. Even if it is a wreckage, we must find a way to study it."

"Inform Dr. Ono to get ready"


Not only the Sakura Kingdom, but also several other countries have no hope for Thisisle.

I originally thought that Thisisle would use some special ability to avoid missiles, but I didn't expect that he wanted to use a knife to harden steel.

Isn't this looking for death? ?


The Great Elder of Xia State sighed and said

"Let Sakura Country hand over this man's body to us."

The leader of the Star-Spangled Kingdom shouted sternly.

Looking at Sisir on the screen, he was full of contempt and....greedy.

Just when several countries were preparing to see how Sisir would be bombed to death, Sisr took out a knife!


The indescribable blade is like the light at dawn, the blazing sword light arrives instantly, and the atmosphere roars!


"boom! Boom boom!!"

I saw a half-moon-shaped blade streaking across the sky, and the missiles rushed into the sky and cut the clouds in half.

While everyone was stunned, all the missiles were split into two in mid-air and exploded violently!

The sound was shocking. , flames illuminated the entire sky, and waves of overwhelming air raged around.

"This..this this..."


The Prime Minister of Sakura Country was stunned, with his eyes widened, and it took a long time before he let out a cry of disbelief.

Not to mention him, everyone else was also dumbfounded looking at the footage captured by the satellite.



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