"This this...."


All the senior leaders of several major countries who saw this scene had their eyes widened at this moment, looking in disbelief at

Sisir standing under the firelight with a knife.

"This... this man's... power?!!"

"It can actually kill missiles with a knife!"

"have to...Gotta get him!"

After the Prime Minister was shocked, he shouted with a crazy face.

"at all costs!"


Military orders were issued quickly one after another, and the Sakura Kingdom did not hesitate to use all its national power.

It vowed to take down Thisisle.

Thisisle looked at the 'fireworks' in the sky, his expression changed, and he looked into the distance.




Smoke and dust are billowing, and the sky is filled with dust!

Rows of menacing armed tanks are coming here.

Looking at the phalanx, there are hundreds of them.

Behind Sisir, there are large troops armed with the most advanced weapons.

There are countless to say the least. Thousands of people!

On the sky, densely packed black spots appeared.

They were armed fighter jets.

There were more than a thousand in number.

Thistle also discovered that in addition to the local armed forces of Sakura Country, there was actually an entire division of them. Stars and Stripes Country soldiers.

And all of them are well-armed.

This is also thanks to the fact that Sakura Country is an island country with a small land area.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many troops to arrive in a short time.

Such an armed force can definitely attack a small country. More than enough.

For example, a certain cosmic country with a smaller land area


"Are you going to start a war with me?!"

Faced with the encirclement and suppression by such terrifying armed forces, Sisir laughed heartily.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been chased by anyone, really..."

"I miss you!"

Sisir held his sword in front of him, the blade of the first-generation Kitetsu.

His excited and cruel eyes were reflected.


All the troops stopped, and only the smoke and dust billowed in the sky.

The tank phalanx was half a kilometer away from Sisir, while the Self-Defense Forces and the Stars and Stripes troops were a full kilometer away.

Having seen the power of Sisir, They will not engage in close combat with Sisir.

They just need long-range artillery fire coverage!

There are only fighter groups, hovering above a hundred meters in the sky.

And they are very scattered to avoid Sisr's slashes.

"People in front, listen, as long as you surrender immediately, we...."

An oversized loudspeaker was erected from the tank, trying to persuade Sisl to surrender.

But before he could finish his words, he was engulfed by a dark light.


Several tanks around were blown away and bursting with flames.

"Luo Li, come and kill me if you can!"

"If you don’t kill me, I will kill you!!"


Sisir's figure disappeared instantly

"where?! where is he?!"

"Thermal imaging radar, find him quickly!"

No one can see Sisir's speed clearly. Even the satellites in the sky can't capture Sisir's picture at all.

"it's here!"

Sisir's voice sounded from high in the sky.

In the horrified eyes of the fighter pilots, several fighter jets were split in half with one knife and fell down!

"quick! attack!!"

"shooting! Quick..shoot!!"

"Full coverage of artillery fire!"

"Ignore the fighters around him, it is their honor to sacrifice for the Great Sakura Country!"

"Don't let him escape again, fire blockade!"

"boom! Bang bang...."

"Da da da、、、、、"


"Boom boom!!!"

The moment Sisir took action, all the fighter jets launched fierce firepower coverage at the same time!

They did not care about the existence of the surrounding comrade-in-arms.

The tank troops on the ground also fired into the sky.

In less than three seconds, Sisir The position where Sisl was was covered by airtight firepower.

Explosions continued to roar, and the flames shot straight into the sky.

Where Sisl appeared, the sky within a kilometer radius was engulfed by artillery fire.


"Now... he is dead!"

"Not to mention a flesh and blood body, even a big mountain will be blasted to smithereens under such firepower!"

"Victory belongs to our Great Sakura Country!"

Through the satellite footage, the senior officials of Sakura Country in front of the screen breathed a sigh of relief and cheered excitedly.


A burst of heroic laughter brought an abrupt end to the proud expressions on their faces!

My body was even a little stiff and I looked at the screen......


"This is right!"

"A life-and-death fight is a man's romance!"

Sisir's voice burst out of the flames of the explosion, and the blade in his hand turned into an afterimage.

Countless blazing blades roared out.


"boom! Boom boom!!"

A hundred fighter jets were cut in half and exploded.


"impossible! How could such a thing happen?!"

Looking at Thisisle who appeared intact, the senior officials of the Sakura Kingdom screamed in fear.

Even Prime Minister Sasaki, with his eyes wide open and bloodshot at the moment, looked at Thisisle in the flames in horror.

He even I felt a coldness in my hands and feet, my hair stood on end, and an ominous feeling lingered in my heart.

A deep uneasiness enveloped the heads of all the senior officials of Sakura Country.

"Keep on pleasing me!"

Sisile laughed and clenched his fists, punching them hard on both sides.



Wherever the fist landed, the atmosphere cracked like a spider web

"Again...this trick again!"

"what happens?!"

The top leaders of various countries held their breath and watched what happened next.


"Boom boom!!"

The invisible shock wave suddenly erupted, and wherever it passed, the flames were instantly extinguished. The fighter jets were shattered into pieces and exploded in the sky.

Thousands of fighter jets, in an instant, exploded into pieces like fireworks.


Everyone who saw this scene looked at the god-like man in the sky with fear.

"One man is the enemy of the country!"

The Great Elder of Xia State said these four words with difficulty.

Before everyone could react, the massacre of Sisir was not over yet!

He fell from the sky and fell into the Self-Defense Forces and the Starstripe Troops.


At this moment, the soldiers' psychological defense collapsed!

"Da da da、、、、"

He screamed in fear and kept shooting at Sisir.

It seems that he wants to use this to eliminate the fear and fear in his heart



Sisir didn't use the fruit power anymore, and just chopped it off with a savage knife.

Every time he slashed, dozens of people could be hacked to death, and none of them was a complete body.


"ah! I want to go back..."

"He..he is not human!!"

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with broken limbs and arms, and rivers of blood!

Sisir slashed from the front to the back of the army, and there were bright red corpses all along the way.

The horrific scene was like Shura Hell!


In the desperate eyes of a Star-Spangled Soldier, the sharp blade directly cut him in two from the top of his head!

Internal organs and blood were spilled, and it was extremely bloody!

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