Aoki raised his hand to condense an elemental fireball, control the power, prevent excessive damage, and directly kill Daknis's father.

The fireball shot at a vine, only to find that the vine did not avoid it, but instead met it.

The fireball was wrapped in vines, the fire elemental energy was absorbed, and the fiery red energy spread.

The green vine instantly turned fiery red

! It changed its form! The

fiery rose swallowed the fiery red sparks, and dispersed.

Aoki suddenly felt bad, and the temperature began to rise, and it would not be long before the place spontaneously combusted due to the high temperature, which turned into a fire.

"Water Generation, Elemental Gathering!" a

wide column of water shot out at the vines, but the vines still didn't dodge or dodge, rushing towards the water column.

The vine drank from the pillar, and the blue brilliance appeared on the vine, and the vine turned aqua blue.

The originally fiery red rose has been transformed into a blue enchantress.

The surrounding water elemental instantly became richer, and the temperature began to drop.

Aoki breathed a sigh of relief, this vine had the ability to devour and absorb elements, and transform into form.

You can't test it with elemental magic!

Aoki continued to test, discovering that the number of vines was limited.

If Aoki attacks on the side, they will surround Aoki.

Elsewhere, the vines will become thinner.

Aoki retracted the Void King, and the desire of these vines to attack became sluggish.

Retracted back to the castle!Aoki retreated

to Daknis's side.

Darkness: "How's it going?

?" Aoki: "I have a plan!".

Darknes: "What do you need me to do?"

Aoki: "Do what you do best

!" "Be a meat shield and attract firepower!"

"Attract the attention of these vines."

"I took the opportunity to get close to your father, and I have three plans to save your father. "

The first plan is that I will provide your father with life energy and spiritual energy, and try to let him complete the development of the stand-in. "

The second plan, seal the double.

"The third option is to remove the stand-in.

"I'll try the first option first, and if that fails, try the second option.

"The difficulty of the seal is greater than the removal of the seal, and if the seal fails, I will forcibly remove it.

Daknis: "Aoki, I'll leave it to you next

!" "Let's go! Hot Girl Knight Form!" The

yellow-and-white Babese Knight appeared behind Daknis, and a stand-in brandished his sword and rushed towards the vines.

The vine sensed the Spice Girl Knight and immediately rushed towards Daknis.

Whether it's Daknis or Spice Girl Knight, they are all weak women with a double A.

Even if the precision is E, it can still be easily hit and repelled in the face of dense vines.

The vines quickly gathered and flocked to Daknis, and the vines elsewhere began to thin out.

Daknis was a rare non-committent and worked very hard to attract firepower.

Aoki leaped forward, smashing the window into Daknis's father's room.

As soon as he entered the room, Aoki saw several maids and knights tied up by vines, and their bodies were thin.

Obviously, it was absorbed by the vines, and if it was not treated, it would be sucked dry and die.

If you want to save them, you must first solve the problem of Daknis's father.

Otherwise, it will only startle the grass and the snake, let the vines return, and let yourself lose all your efforts.

The middle-aged man lying on the bed had a haggard face, a thin body, and vines wrapped around him.

These vines sink into the ground and wrap around the entire mansion.

A blue light appeared in Aoki's right hand and pressed it against the middle-aged man's head.

As if sensing danger, the surrounding vines began to writhe frantically and retract.

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