However, it was too late!

Aoki had already touched the middle-aged man's head.

The vines that were on display writhed a few times and froze in place, turning into bits of starlight and dissipating.

Feeling the resistance under the palm of his hand, Aoki put his hands together.

The Blue Hand controls the soul, and those who have not refined the soul cannot resist.

But stand-ins are the external manifestation of the spirit, and many stand-ins have a certain sense of autonomy, more or less.

Those who have a lot of autonomy can even chat and complain with the stand-in messenger.

Those with little sense of autonomy are very dull and can only be controlled by stand-in messengers.

This vine stand-in has a certain sense of autonomy, but is very ignorant.

It could sense Aoki's actions, so it struggled frantically against Aoki's control.

Aoki used all his strength to forcibly break through its defenses, and he couldn't let it continue to resist.

The power of the stand-in operation is all supplied by the stand-in messenger.

The more power it resists, the more the stand-in consumes.

Trap the stand-ins in one place and construct a temporary prison with both hands and blue hands.

The next thing is to fill the emptiness in his body...

Aoki looked at Daknis's father, then at the maid and knight next to him.

Let's save the maid and the knight first, these few only have one breath left.

Daknis's father, though also emaciated, is much better off than they are.

Instilling a little Aoki spirit in each of them, Aoki returns, coming to Daddy Daknys.

"Restore the body first, but unfortunately I don't know how to reorganize the cells, otherwise it would be good to reorganize his body directly. "

I can only use cumbersome means..."Aoki

pressed his palm on the middle-aged man, instilling Aoki brand life essence.

"The missing essence is easy to replenish, but the cellular material can only be replenished by him when he wakes up and eats and drinks by himself. "

Next is soul power..."Aoki

took out ten soul coins from the system space, and turned them into pure soul energy under the action of the blue hand.

The soul energy turned into a liquid sphere and was suspended in Aoki's left hand.

Aoki's right hand led the soul energy atomization, turning into soul mist and infiltrating the middle-aged man's brain.

This man's soul has become weak, and the soul energy cannot be transmitted too quickly to prevent him from being killed.

After the vines dissipated, Darkness rushed to her father's room.


!" Aoki didn't look up, "Quiet!" Darkness

immediately quieted down, and she realized that Aoki was doing something very important.

"Daknis, go find Akua, her recovery of her magic is faster than her physical damage.

"I've temporarily replenished the vitality of the maids and knights, but if you want to recover quickly, you still need to find Akuya.

"Your father has me here, rest assured!"

Daknis breathed a sigh of relief, "I see, I'll go look for Akua now." "

It is really not an easy thing to deliver pure soul energy to a person with a weak soul.

It took two hours for the ten soul coins to be fully fed to Daknis's father.

"What a poor man!"

"I can't even support and control my own stand-in..."

Aoki muttered to himself, sure enough, a man should be strong.

Even if you die, you should die in battle, and you must die heroically.

This way of dying is just too ugly....

"Ahem... Cough... Even if you save us and save the lord, I won't allow you to insult the lord..."

"Damn the Red Devil voyeur Madara Uchiha!" "

Even if you change your face... Even if you turn to ashes, I will recognize you!"

A familiar voice came, and Aoki frowned at the knight who spoke.

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