Butterfly Shinobu shook her head.

She thought of Aoki's cooking, which didn't look like what a man-eating demon would do.

Butterfly Shinobi: "I see, my lord, I really need to calm down.

Yaoya nodded, he was actually a little worried that he wouldn't be able to convince Butterfly Shinobi.

Whether it is "ghosts overcoming the sunshine", or "the emergence of a genius like Ji Guoyuanichi among human beings", it is a low-probability thing.

What's the point of comparing two low-probability things together.

If you know a little bit about probability, you won't use two low-probability things as evidence.

Fortunately, the butterfly can't bear it....

Yaoya Shikiki picks up the information booklet, which contains information about ghosts.

After reading it, Yaoya Shikiki was silent.

Ghost King, needless to say.

The first quarter is so powerful.

On the first string, the elder brother of the first national edge, the successor to the country Iwatsu.

The article "Brother of the First Brother of the Successor to the Country" alone made him unable to ignore him.

Jiguo Iwatsu also killed one of the ghost killer team leaders at the time.

Master the powerful breath of the moon, one of the derivative breaths of the breath of the sun.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the breath of the moon has been polished stronger and stronger.

Every Breathing Method's originator is extremely powerful, let alone a top human powerhouse who has transformed into a ghost.

Yaoya Shiki: "Come on, gather all the pillars to return to the Ghost Slayer headquarters and start the pillar meeting." "

We must find a way to improve

the strength of the Ghost Slayer Team!" "Compared to the Ghost Force, the strength of the Ghost Slayer Team is not enough!" "

The current Ghost Slayer Team has not yet appeared with a spotted swordsman, and the overall strength is not good.

Marking, a special ability.

Red and black lines appear on the swordsman's body.

Burns life, increases body temperature, greatly increases strength, and can transform the Nichiren knife into a hedao.

The sword can cause great damage to ghosts.

Except for the one-day birth markings of the country's edge, it does not consume life in exchange for strength.

The other brindle swordsmen all consumed their life force in exchange for strength, and all of them did not live to be 25 years old.

Moreover, the markings are contagious.

When the first person to open the markings appears, the strong people who have been in contact with him have the possibility of opening the markings.

It may only take a split second of emotional outburst for the infected person to open the markings.

It sounds similar to the [Magnetic Field Pollution] of [Magnetic Field Martial Arts].

Aoki was once polluted by [Magnetic Field Pollution] and polluted his [Life Magnetic Field].

This made Aoki gradually transform from a little white-faced sissy to a powerful and powerful Hong Kong man.

Of course, Aoki doesn't hate it.

At this moment, Aoki is deducing knife techniques.

Forget the breath of thunder, forget the five thunder rectification.

All knowledge is selectively selected, arranged and combined, and revised and improved.

Aoki developed the first type of swordsmanship.

The first type of knife technique, [Five Thunders, One Knife Slash].

There are two variations of this move.

The first is [Sprint Slash], which is similar to a thunderbolt.

The second change is [Thunder Knife Aura], which releases a thunder-attribute sword aura ranged attack.

The two variations can be used separately or in combination.

Aoki likes two types of skills.

One is a simple and simple skill with explosive lethality.

One is the skill of adding special effects, and the special effects are added vigorously.

No matter how lethal it is, just push it hard and add special effects.

The first is the pursuit of ultimate practicality, and the second is the pursuit of ultimate gorgeousness.

And [Five Thunders: One Blade] is a skill that has both characteristics, which is both practical and gorgeous.

In the open space is a steel monument ten meters high, two meters wide and one meter thick.

Aoki stood in the distance, breathing and breathing, and the Five Thunder Dharma was quietly running.

Aoki's body was surrounded by golden thunder.

Since the completion of the cultivation of the Five Thunder Righteous Method, Aoki has been able to use the golden Thunder Method like the Old Heavenly Master.

Thunder traveled inside Aoki's body, stimulating Aoki's body, strengthening Aoki's strength, speed, and nerve responses.

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