Aoki holds the handle of the knife and draws a knife and slashes it.

A tiny golden arc of lightning flew out, slicing the steel monument horizontally.

Aoki completed a slash!

Without waiting for the steel cube to react, Aoki continued to swing his sword and slash, and the momentum of the knife was astonishing.

Aoki slowly retracted his knife, and the blade was all sheathed, making a crisp metal crashing sound.

At this time, the ten-meter-high steel monument slowly broke into two.

I obviously swung so many knives, why did I only hit one of them...

[Thunder Slash] is too difficult to use.

It requires the user to compress a large amount of thunder into an arc, and then form an arc-shaped knife qi, and then unleash the knife qi.

The difficulty of this control is a bit high, the harder the compression, the more thunder is injected, and the greater the cutting power.

This arc alone is very laborious, and the first knife is used, and the second knife needs to be buffered for a while.

So... The next few knives are simply pretending to fail....

Whether it's swordsmanship or swordsmanship.


is not pure, and he knows that he is not pure.

Or the magnetic field martial arts is more fragrant, and it would be good to pour attention to Zhi and blast it out with a punch.

"Aoki-san! Long time no see!" A

voice came from behind Aoki, and Aoki knew who this guy was without looking

! Tanjiro, who had a nose more than a dog!

Aoki turned his head and saw Tanjiro smiling like a flower.

"Tanjiro, long time no see.

"Butterfly Shinobi, you're here too, what's the matter?"

"I don't think you came to me unless you had something important."

Butterfly Shinobu looked solemn: "I'm here to verify one thing today..."

Tanjiro scratched his head and bowed to Aoki in embarrassment.

"Private Marseille, Aoki-san

!" "There will be some rudeness next, please bear with me!"

With that, Tanjiro approached Aoki and sniffed vigorously with his nose.

Tanjiro turned his head to look at Butterfly Shinobi: "Although there is no smell, but Aoki-san is not a ghost, I can be absolutely sure of this!" "

It's a little strange, obviously there were two women before..."

Tanjiro was just finished speaking when Aoki's strong arm wrapped around his neck.

"Aoki-san... "

The cold blade was against Tanjiro's neck.

"Boy, if you don't explain it clearly today, I'll help you bleed!"

Tanjiro was scared out of the original painting, and cold sweat broke out on his whole face.

"Aoki-san!I admit that I was rude

!" "Privately, Marseille

!" "Please don't be impulsive!" "

Miss Butterfly Shinobi suspects you're a ghost, but I don't believe it."

"But Miss Butterfly Shinobu just saved me, so she has to ask me to check again. "

I can't refuse at all

!" "Miss Butterfly Shinobi, help!" "Miss Butterfly Shinobi, you can say something!"

Butterfly Shinobi's

expression relaxed, although he believed in the judgment of the lord, but he still felt uneasy if he didn't verify it.

Butterfly Shinobu bowed deeply to Aoki.

"Private Marseille, Aoki-san

!" "I'm sorry I misunderstood you!"

"Aoki: "Your apology is not sincere at all, and a sincere apology needs to be exposed." Butterfly

Shinobi: "Aoki-san is still the same scum as ever!" "

Why doesn't Aoki-san have an extra smell on his body, did he use any

special method?" "Aoki-san: "You really don't forget your original intention, you doubt my human identity so much?"

"I do have a special method to eliminate the smell on my body."

"Don't ask me how to do it, I just don't know if I ask

!" Butterfly Shinobu bowed again: "Private you Marseille!"

Still no sincerity....

Butterfly Shinobi: "Can you let go of Tanjiro-san first..."Aoki

looked at Tanjiro: "Tanjiro, how about staying for dinner?" Tanjiro: "Aoki-san,

don't bother... Excuse me!" Feeling

the blade approaching his throat, Tanjiro was very attentive.

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