Aoki didn't leave Butterfly Shinobi for dinner, but Butterfly Shinobu stayed.

"Did you use any special abilities to transform into a child?"

said Butterfly Shinobi, as if there were 18,000 questions.

Aoki: "Don't ask, you just don't know!" Aoki

put the last dish on the table and sat down to eat.

Tanjiro saw that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately came up to ease the atmosphere.

"Thank you for your hospitality, I'm going!" Seeing

Tanjiro like this, Butterfly Shinobu stopped asking.

At the end of dinner, Aoki poured a cup of tea for the two.

Aoki quietly looked at Butterfly Shinobi, and only felt that Butterfly Shinobu was really not cute.

But Aoki is an empathetic person... Bah... An empathetic man.

Last night, Butterfly Shinobu was obviously frightened by Aoki's "big change child mill".

Aoki suddenly felt that he was a little bad!

After all, it was a bit too much to joke about someone else's killing of his sister.


"That... Last night, I changed into a child and scared you a little too much

!" "Private you Marseille!" Butterfly

Shinobu was a little surprised, this bad man would apologize, it's really amazing.

Butterfly Shinobi: "Didn't you say that it is only sincere to show the murderous part when you apologize?"

Aoki's eyes widened, this girl still learns to make use of it.


tugged at the vest he had left, revealing the best ingredients.

Aoki patted the strong pectoralis major muscle, and the slap made a ping pong sound.

"Just look! You're welcome

!" "Phew!" Butterfly turned her head, this man was too shrimp-headed.

Tanjiro's eyes widened, so envious!

Sure enough, excessive fitness attracts men.

Tanjiro: "Aoki-san, let's put on your clothes!" Aoki

pulled out a new vest from behind him and put it on his body.

Tanjiro glanced behind Aoki and found nothing.

"Aoki-san, where did you get the clothes.

Aoki waved his hand: "Don't worry about these details, let's get down to business." "

Please also ask Miss Butterfly Shinobu to avoid it!" Butterfly Shinobu

frowned, thinking that Aoki should not hurt Tanjiro, and finally decided to avoid suspicion.

But Butterfly Shinobu leaves, and Aoki looks at Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro, I need the [Fire God Kagura] in your hand, and in exchange, I will teach you the [Ripple Breathing Method]. Aoki

thought about this decision for a long time!

Aoki thought about it, and there was only one skill suitable for teaching Tanjiro Kamado.

You have to make an insurance policy when you teach it, and you

must avoid Tanjiro teaching it to other people.

There are several reasons for deciding to teach.

First, the [Ripple Breathing Method] prolongs life, causing great damage to dark creatures, but it is mediocre to ordinary people.

Even if it is taught, it will not be very harmful.

Second, the world has opened the tech tree for thermal weapons.

The status of supernatural power will gradually decline, and eventually it will become a secret and pass on.

Restricted by the world, the strong people in this world, no matter how strong they are, can hardly resist the blow of heavy firepower.

Third, Tanjiro is the kind of pure, kind, and brave person who is extremely rare.

If it weren't for Tanjiro being a short and weak chicken, Aoki would have thought he was a replica of Big Joe.

If it weren't for the intervention of the Oni King, it would have disrupted Tanjiro's fate.

Tanjiro is still the happy charcoal seller!

There is no problem in simply teaching Tanjiro himself the [Ripple Breathing Method].

Even Tanjiro has always passed on the [Ripple Breathing Method] as a writer, and there is no problem with passing it on.

Tanjiro is a pure, optimistic, kind, upright, and respectful person for life.

Such a person is extremely rare everywhere.

If Aoki transforms Tanjiro into a magnetic field madman, then Tanjiro must be a madman who loves the world like the [Bright Moon Saint King].

Extreme integrity, extreme fraternity!

When someone asks Tanjiro to learn the [Ripple Breathing Method], he will definitely teach it.

Tanjiro is the male protagonist of this kind of "Asassi"!

However, this is not a good thing for Aoki.

Due to the issue of position, Aoki originally did not intend to teach any secret techniques to the people of this land.

Because everything is going to be an enemy act!Until

, Aoki came up with a solution.

[Law of Prohibition].

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