The godless palace was full of blood, and no one survived.

Even the dog was slaughtered by Aoki and eaten hot pot.

Having eaten and drunk to his heart's content, Aoki heads to his next destination.

There are still two places where Aoki hasn't gone yet, one is the dungeon, and the other is the fist mound.

In the dungeon, there was a chubby young man

who looked stupid and was gnawing on a withered human leg.

Boxing idiot, the stupid son of the boxing god.

The ice spread under Aoki's feet, and the fist idiot was frozen in an instant, and with a click, the frozen fist addict instantly turned into ice chips.

Aoki's figure disappeared and appeared in front of the fist mound of the Godless Palace.

This is where the god of boxing is held.

A huge palm emerges from the ground and grabs a hideous muscular old man.

One of the masters of Dongying, the god of boxing

, was just suppressed by the absolute godless design.

The hideous old man yelled.

"My son, my son, is anyone hurting my son!" The

moment the fist idiot died, the fist god sensed it, but he was locked by several chains, and he couldn't move freely at all.

Aoki raised his long knife and slammed it into the ground, and cracks appeared in the ground, and the cracks continued to spread to the fist mound.

The chains shattered, and the boulders cracked.

The fist god roared angrily, broke free from the restraints, and leaped down.

"Boy, even if you save me, I'm going to kill you!"

"Your flesh smells so good, I haven't eaten in more than ten years. The

boxing god grabbed Aoki with his big hand, but Aoki pulled it away with his scabbard.

The two exchanged several moves, and Aoki was a little impatient.

The body flipped, and finally landed on the fist of the boxing god.

"I don't have to use a trick again, but I don't have a chance to use it.

Looking at Aoki who stepped on his fist, the IQ of the boxing god gradually went online, and his face became excited.

"It's a master! Okay! Let's have a good fight!" The

exuberant battle intent instantly changed the mind of the boxing god.

originally cared about the safety of his son, but now he wants to fight a strong enemy.

The fist god's arm shook and shook Aoki away.

Pulling the distance, the boxing god played his own trick.

A huge fist shadow enveloped the fist god and flew towards Aoki.

Aoki didn't dodge or dodge, and let the huge fist shadow hit him.

After a long time, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the boxing god looked solemn.

He knew that his punch didn't hurt his opponent.

"You're as soft as a caterpillar!" Aoki

opened his mouth and made the three corpses of the fist god jump violently, and immediately used his second move.

The fist god frantically punched Aoki in the chest, and no matter what tricks he used, he couldn't break through Aoki's defenses.

The boxing god suddenly lost his strength, and the last punch didn't even have a single percent of his strength.

The boxing god looked horrified and stepped back step by step.

"I can see all your punches, it's interesting.

Aoki's tone was flat and expressionless, but he inexplicably angered the fist god.

"Baga Ya Road!" "

Fist Death Descendants!!!"

The boxing god stepped forward, tried his best, and slammed a punch into Aoki's crotch.

There was a clattering sound

! It was the cracking of the bones of the fist god!

Aoki's face darkened.

Although his fifth limb is harder than a skull, he will not let others attack at will.

Aoki subconsciously built a defensive Qi shield to block this punch.

"Die on the street, give me death!"

Aoki, whose face was black, drew his knife and slashed, slashing out hundreds of knives in a second, Aoki turned around and slowly retracted his knife into the sheath.

The blade slammed against the scabbard with a crisp sound.

The fist god exploded into a blood mist, which was blown away by the breeze and scattered into the mountains and forests.

The good mood of the day was ruined by this old immortal!

There is still one last person left in the Godless Palace.

A woman, Yan Ying.

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