The wife of the strong, the thermal weapon of the strong, and the collector of the strong.

My favorite thing to do is to be a woman for the strong.

In the Fengyun world, many powerful people with names and surnames have owned this woman.

King Nie, broken army, no god.

There is also a TV series version of Xiongba, but the original comic book does not have Xiongba.

And the world Aoki is in is more similar to the world of the manga version.

Aoki was thinking about what to do with Yan Ying, and finally used the magnetic field to send a message to Nie Feng, who was far away in the Central Plains.

Your old lady is in Dongying!

Nie Feng, who was originally dreaming of you and me in the second dream, suddenly shook his body.

"Wind, why don't you move, I'm really tired!" In

the next period of time, Aoki found the major Dongying sects, slaughtered their sects, and cut off their inheritance.

From the emperor to the kendo school, all of them were cleaned up by Aoki.

As long as they are armed with swords, there are young men who have cultivated themselves, and they are all targets for purging.

After January, Aoki found a volcanic hot spring to bathe.

The Central Plains is constantly fighting, it doesn't matter.

There is infighting all the time.

However, every twenty or thirty years on the island of Dongying, a top powerhouse will appear, and then go to the land of China to stir up the wind and rain.

This cleaning method of the Aoki Broken Inheritance can reduce the invasion of foreign enemies for at least 50 years for the Central Plains.

Unless, there are strong people from the Central Plains who go to Dongying to cultivate the strong.

This has happened more than once.

For example, the two sons who laughed three times.

Xiao Sanxiao got the essence or blood of the Divine Turtle or something, so that he could live forever.

Xiao Sanxiao, this old turtle has lived for thousands of years, and he has wanted to solve the catastrophe all his life.

As a result, the Thousand Autumn Tribulation was promoted by Xiao Sanxiao himself.

The essence of the so-called catastrophe is that the island of Dongying will continue to breed powerful warriors who want to seize the land of China, and the catastrophe caused by land rights will continue to bring suffering to the people of the land of China.

In order to solve the catastrophe, he abandoned his family and children.

His two sons also inherited the talent of Xiao Sanxiao and the power of Xuanwu.

It's all old and immortal things.

The smiling abandonment of his son made his two sons resentful.

When they knew that Xiao Sanxiao abandoned their family and children in order to stop the Thousand Autumn Tribulation, they wanted to promote the Thousand Autumn Tribulation in order to take revenge on Xiao Sanxiao.

Look at this family.

Father's kindness and filial piety promote the catastrophe of a thousand years.

This is actually the mandate of heaven, and the destiny of the world cannot be violated.

Even if Xiao Sanxiao's two sons are killed by Aoki, the destiny of this world will arrange for others to promote the Thousand Autumn Tribulation.

But Aoki, who has the strength of 900,000 horses, already has the power to insult and strengthen this planet.

I don't know if this power can insult Qiangjian's ethereal destiny.

Aoki wanted to know very much, and he really wanted to try it.

Insult the destiny of heaven and reverse the catastrophe.

"Old fellow, can you please get out of the way mellowly?"

"I don't like being watched by men when I'm soaking in the hot springs... Still a bad old man..."Aoki

soaked in the hot springs and drank a glass of sake.

What he said just now was to the old man in front of him.

The old man was less than 1.5 meters, his beard was white, and his body was round.

This old man is smiling, a guy who wants to solve the problem of delaying the Thousand Autumns Tribulation, but it is the guy who promotes the Thousand Autumns Tribulation.

Xiao San looked at the man in front of him, and his thoughts flipped in his heart.

A few years ago, on a whim, I calculated a hexagram.

But they got nothing, because the heavens were chaotic.

Xiao Sanxiao racked his brains and spent several days to figure out four words.

The Thousand Autumn Tribulation also became quite strange, and after a while, the hexagram showed that the evil Aoki was the Thousand Autumn Tribulation.

After a while, the hexagram showed that Righteous Qingcheng was the game-breaker of the Great Tribulation.

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