Vicious Green tossed his sword between Megatron's legs.

"Isn't it strange, it's just a long sword piercing the shoulder, but it's hard to pull it out."

"Not only that, but the sword wounds on your body are extremely difficult to repair, even if you lose the energy of the fire, it will be difficult to repair."

The evil youth was condescending, his expression was dumbfounded, and his tone was full of mockery.

Megatron tried to repair the damaged mech by consuming the Tinder energy, but found it useless.

Something blocked the fire energy.

Megatron couldn't understand what kind of power this was.

"Evil Qing, you just said that the Hell Sword Mod..."

Vicious Green pointed at Megatron.

"Hell Sword Module, there are only three people in this universe who have mastered it, one is me, and the other is my younger brother Shanqing."

"Being slashed by the sword of hell makes it extremely difficult for the body to heal itself."

"If you want to recover, you need to..."

Before the Evil Green finished speaking, the Decepticons gathered and slaughtered the Evil Green.

The red spider frowned, withdrew from the battle circle, and began to release the black gun.

Evil Green sneered, and jumped dozens of meters, breaking away from the encirclement of several Decepticons.

"Let me show you dirt buns... What the... Called...""

Hell Sword!"

The Hell Sword mod activates, and the transformation elements converge in the hands of Evil Green and turn into a long knife.

The Evil Green flickered, slashing out several times, and finally sheathed it in front of Megatron.

Barricades, Hercules, Stuns, Bone Crushers, 、...

In an instant, it was cut and shattered, leaving only the intact head and upper torso.

After the Decepticons screamed, there was a dark crawl.

Megatron was also shocked, a completely different way of fighting.

Swift speed, sharp knife skills, sharp blades.

In an instant, he smashed all his elite subordinates.

Is this the Hellblade?

It's so beautiful!

After the shock, there is calmness, what does the evil green want?

He is not an enemy, but definitely not a friend.

He's here to cooperate!

What does he want to exchange for restoring his skills.

"Evil Qing, what do I need to do to get your help?"

Evil Qing was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud.


"I like to talk to smart people!"

Immediately, Evil Green turned his hand, and a mechanical heart appeared and a small knife.

"The Dragon Tiger Undead mod can make you strong and powerful, and the Hell Sword mod can make you brave and unmatched!"

"I can give you both!"

"And you need to help me kill two people, one is my good brother Zen Ao, and the other is my teacher Evil Aoki."

Evil Green roared angrily: "Megatron! In the face of these two people, there is a high probability that your final fate is death!

"And by receiving these two mods, you're a thorn in their side!"

"They're going to kill you!"

"Now, do you dare to accept all this?"

Megatron struggled to his feet, and he looked at Evil Green in a low voice.

"Any power has a price, come on, I accept your terms!"

Evil Green: "Alright, Megatron! Then accept my power! Vicious

Blue slammed his fists into Megatron's chest, implanting the mechanical heart and the Sword of Hell into it.

A large number of mechanical tentacles spawned from the mechanical heart and the sword of hell, and began to grow wildly within Megatron's body.

The tentacles stitched up the wound and began to fuse, writing the information into Megatron's genetic information.

Cybertrons are silicon-based beings and have their own set of genetic codes.

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