Optimus Prime is a descendant of the Twelve Supremes, and Aoki also cracked the genetic sequence of silicon-based life in order to create two silicon-based life bodies, Good Green and Evil Blue.

The Dragon Tiger Undead mod and the Hell Sword mod were also transformed through Aoki's magnetic field martial arts.

In order to develop the Hell Sword mod, Aoki first practiced the Dharma Sutra backwards and realized the Hell Sword.

Both modules are powers suitable for silicon-based life, and the power that can be engraved in the silicon-based life genes.

When the information from the Hell Sword module and the Dragon Tiger Undead module was written into Megatron's genetic sequence, Megatron was able to master both abilities thoroughly.

The Dragon Tiger Body Undead Body Mod, giving the user a strong and powerful body, super self-healing ability...

The Hell Sword mod is an extreme melee killing weapon that can deal real damage and make it extremely difficult for other people's bodies to heal themselves.

Megatron's body began to twist and deform, his size began to shrink, and his density began to increase.

Evil Green takes out a large amount of transformation elements and throws them at Megatron, burying Megatron for Megatron to transform his body.

The brutal and domineering power is nurtured in it, and Cybertron's strongest and most domineering power is about to be born.

Evil Qing waved his hand again, and several dragons and tigers were thrown at the other Decepticons who were smashed.

When the heart falls on their chest, it burrows into their chest and begins to mend and transform their bodies.

When it was all over, Megatron stepped out of the shapeshifting element that buried himself.

At this moment, his appearance has changed greatly, and his originally bloated body has become simple and smooth, just like a perfect man.

Megatron's body was deformed, and a pair of majestic armor covered his body.

He looked at the sun and urged the dragon and tiger not to give up.

The light distorts, and the sunlight turns into a stream of energy that pours into the immortal heart, quickly transforming into fire energy.

"I didn't expect this mechanical heart to be able to transform sunlight into tinder energy."

"That way, I don't need a spark anymore."

"This little mechanical heart has such great potential!"

After Megatron finished sighing, he looked at Evil Green.

"Evil Qing, do you regret your decision now?"

Vicious Green smiled disdainfully, and he beckoned to Megatron, just as all the Decepticons had awakened and repaired.

All Decepticons have changed their appearance, and their bloated bodies are no longer there.

In its place is a muscular, sleek, compact humanoid mechanical body.

In this metamorphosis, the Decepticons have retained some of their personal colors, allowing people to tell who it is.

"All of you Decepticons go together, let me see what level you are after the transformation."

Hearing the provocation of the evil youth, the Decepticons, who had just grown in confidence, surrounded them.

Megatron was about to repel the Decepticons when he was punched by the Evil Youth.

Megatron's body flew upside down, and then he was grabbed by the leg and smashed into the other Decepticons.

Megatron crashes into several Decepticons and falls to the ground.

He spat out the mud and pounded the earth angrily, and he roared in annoyance.

"Decepticons! Sortie!

Evil Green laughed wildly and slammed his fist at these Decepticons, fighting in unison with these Decepticons.

These Decepticons don't use new shells yet, and they feel like old-fashioned gun shooters.

Before they could deform the gun, half of their bodies were shattered by the heavy fist of the evil green, tearing off their arms and thighs.

Recovering while fighting, they were shocked by the Evil Youth's combat power, and they were also surprised that the new power could allow them to recover their bodies so quickly.

"Enough, get out of here, you shit!"

"Ha !!!"

Megatron stopped at his back, and a furious electric current exploded, forming a shockwave that sent all the Decepticons flying.

He finally found a way to use his new shell.

He found martial arts on the Chinese Internet and used computers to collect and deduce a set of hand-to-hand combat techniques suitable for his own use.

"Heaven-shattering fist!"

Megatron slammed his fist into the Evil Youth, who laughed wildly and raised his hand to block the punch.

"Okay! Okay! "

The true power of the dragon and tiger's immortal heart has been developed so quickly, it is [electric current push]!"

Yes, the core of the Dragon Tiger Undead mod is the mechanical Dragon Tiger Undead Heart.

It is capable of giving silicon-based life [magnetic field rotation] power.

The primary stage of magnetic field rotation is the electric current push.

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