Vicious Green and the Decepticons mingle, and Zenqing, who is controlled by Michaela, heads to the place where the Autobots meet.

When Seoncheong arrived, they were already waiting here.

Shanqing quickly transforms into a ten-meter-tall Transformer.

Jazz, dressed in silver gray, shouted.

"It's so tall, it's on par with the leader, it's really enviable."

Optimus Prime stepped forward: "Welcome, my friend. "

I am Optimus Prime, the leader of the Cybertambo faction."

"They are the guns, the jazz, the iron sheets, and the medical vehicles."

The Hornets weren't there, and he protected Sam Vitvich to safety.

Shanqing nodded, and he slapped his chest.

"I'm Shanqing, a member of the Mad Sect."

Crazy faction?

Hearing the word, the Autobots looked at each other.

When did Cybertron have such a faction?

There is also an extra leader-level combat power, Shanqing.

It seems that seeing everyone's doubts, Shanqing explained.

"I wasn't born in Cybertron, I was born in M78."

"There, there are silicon-based beings like you."

"It's just that, unlike you, who are still in chaos and infighting, we have completed the unification."

"Under the leadership of the great emperor Evil Aoki, we have established a great party, a mad party, and created a great empire."

Shanqing's tone was full of pride, which made the car people believe a little.

Ironskin: "Since you M78 are already at peace, why don't you enjoy peace and come to this remote earth."

Hearing this, Shanqing inexplicably became lost, and even the light in his eyes was about to dissipate, and the fire was a little sluggish.

Seeing Shanqing's depressed state, Iron Sheet was startled.

"Hey, friend, did I say the wrong thing?"

"Ambulance, come and see if our friend is out of order."

"It's coming, it's coming!"

The ambulance squeezed over and released a detection wave at Shanqing.

"No, I'm fine!"

Shanqing quickly adjusted his mood, the light in his eyes returned to vigor, and the fire burned.

looked like he was inexplicably regaining his fighting spirit.

"Why I came to this planet for the time being, you're going to be in trouble."

Optimus Prime became serious, he didn't doubt the words of his new friend.

"What kind of trouble?"

"You will face a terrible enemy next, and you had better get out of Earth as soon as possible, or he will definitely target you."


"Evil Green!"

Say the evil green, and the evil green will come.

Three warplanes flew in, and with Optimus Prime's eyes, they were able to distinguish the identities of the two Cybertrons.

Megatron, Red Spider, and one that has never been seen before.

The one he hadn't seen before was the evil green, his body was hideous and terrifying, and he was very powerful.

The three fighters quickly deformed and landed, splashing dust on the ground.

Although Megatron changed his appearance, Optimus Prime still locked on to him at a glance.

With such a powerful structure, Megatron was upgraded once.

This is in trouble!

All of the Autobots drew their weapons and prepared to attack, but the three Megatrons didn't seem to be intent on attacking.

Evil Qing took a step forward: "My good junior brother, we finally meet again!" "

It makes me want to kill you!"

Shanqing was also happy, and stepped forward to hug Evil Qing.

"Yes, senior brother, long time no see!"

Just when the two were only one step apart, the two threw a furious punch.

"Dragon Tiger Fist!"

"Shura Fist!"

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