A huge spaceship travels through the vastness of the universe.

Inside the spaceship, the Decepticons sat in a row.

Evil Green and Megatron sat opposite each other.

Although the two of them fought before, as a qualified villain, they should put their ideals and interests first.

Evil Aoki wants to kill all Cybertrons who have mastered the Immortal Heart, and Evil Green is a rebellious madman.

Then the two have a basis for cooperation.

Now the ship is carrying all the Decepticons to the next system.

But at this moment, the evil green's face was full of unhappiness, because they were so stunned.

"Megatron, this ship doesn't have a space jump engine

?" "No!" "So we're just going to fly to the next galaxy?"

"That's right!"

"How long will it take?"


Two or three years. "



!Evil Green was speechless!

"Is there a manufacturing factory on the ship?" Megatron

pointed in the direction before continuing to hibernate.

Evil Qing went to the manufacturing room, and it took three days to make a space shuttle.

The space shuttle was loaded into the spaceship, and at the command of the evil green, the spaceship pilots activated the space shuttle.

The three-year journey was shortened to three days.

The spacecraft arrived in a new galaxy, a star four or five times larger than the stars of the solar system.

With no life in the system, the Decepticons began to set up the Stellar Reaper.

Megatron had previously given the Perseverance Reaper information to the Evil Youth.

The purpose is simple, he wants the evil green to help him make the leader module.

Evil Green has shown great scientific research ability, which most Decepticons do not possess.

Most of the Decepticons who come to Earth are warriors, and the Decepticons with strong scientific research capabilities are in other places.

There was no way, Megatron had no choice but to ask Evil Green for help.

And the reward is all the information of the Stellar Reaper.

With Evil Green's abilities, it takes a little time to create your own Star Reaper.

The Stellar Reaper is set up, the new Leader module is placed in it, and the Stellar Reaper is turned on.

A column of blue energy burst from the top of the Star Reaper towards the Sun.

When the blue column of energy is poured into the sun, the blue column of energy rotates.

The fiery red solar energy is rolled up and sucked towards the star reaper, and the blue energy column gradually turns fiery red.

Blocks of energy were created and piled up beneath the Star Reaper.

The Decepticons braved the heat to carry the energy blocks out and transport them to the ship.

Megatron instigated the dragon and tiger to not give up, absorbing the spilled solar energy.

The power is growing little by little, making the Decepticons enjoy themselves.

Evil Qing is carefully observing the whole process of solar energy being absorbed.

The Stellar Reaper's solar energy absorption conversion rate is quite low, less than one percent.

Isn't this a waste!

Suddenly I think Cybertron Technology is just like that.

The Stellar Reaper is not very good, and Evil Green plans to upgrade it.

Boost your conversion rate a little bit, from less than one percent to 80 percent.

It's better to run a galaxy like this than it is to run 80 now.

As the star's energy gradually depletes and the gravitational pull is insufficient, the five planets of the galaxy begin to depart their orbits and fly away towards the rest of the universe.

Five Shura tree species appeared in Evil Green's hand and catapulted towards the five planets.

It can't be wasted, replenish the reserves of the Shura tree fruit.

The Decepticons have collected their power blocks, mounted their ships, and prepared to set off on their next planet.

Watch as this group of stupid Decepticons absorb energy, like smokers.

Energy blocks can help silicon-based life replenish fire, maintain the body, and prevent decay.

As long as there are enough energy blocks, they can live forever.

Now they have an immortal mind, able to absorb the energy of most forms in the universe and transform it into fire energy.

Absorbing energy blocks now can only accelerate the growth of the Immortal Heart and increase its strength.

In order to increase the energy absorption rate, Evil Green created a large energy supply chamber to seal the energy in a confined space, allowing the Decepticons to absorb it casually.

Then there was a peculiar phenomenon, a group of Decepticons "taking a sauna" in a confined space.

Can you imagine the scene of a group of mechanical hunk platoons sitting in a sauna?

It's too beautiful to watch!

Because of Evil Qing's ability, Evil Qing can easily get into the position of the chief scientist of the Decepticons.

Mobilize all the computing power of the ship's computer, and rebuild the second generation of Star Reaper.

The new Stellar Reaper is a tetrahedral, pyramid-shaped black metal.

Six tetrahedra, build a web, envelop the stars, and then suck them up furiously to create energy cubes.

The energy utilization rate is as high as 90%,

and the next step is to prepare for the war, and the Evil Green Organization has expanded the ship with manpower and added a module.

The simulated practice room can suppress the rotation of the magnetic field, improve gravity, and greatly reduce the destructive power of the magnetic field warrior, but the energy consumed is a bit too much.

But the energy block is enough, so you don't have to worry about consumption at all.

In the training room, Evil Green and Megatron punched and kicked together.

Their destructive power was suppressed to twenty or thirty thousand horses, and they could not cause any damage to the training ground at all.

"Long live Megatron

!" "Boss kill

him!" "Come on, Boss! If you can't defeat the Evil Green Researcher, no one will be able to defeat him again

!" "Let the Evil Green Research Officer know that we warriors are no worse than the Researcher

!" "Rip his exhaust pipe

!" "Break his mask

!" "Tear his jaw

!" "Bet your bet!"

The Evil Green Scientific Officer wins 1 to 1, and the Megatron Boss wins 1 to 10!" "I crush the Evil Green Scientific Officer, 10 energy cubes!" "I also crush the Evil Green Scientific Officer, 5 energy cubes

!" "I press the Boss, 1 energy cube!"


Decepticons lack entertainment, so they get into the gamble.

Huang and poison are useless to them at all, only gambling and fighting can make their fire beat violently.

Megatron and Evil Green fight, defeated in a hundred battles, and the more they fight, the more courageous they become.

Because Evil Green controls it very well, every time Megatron "closely" defeats Evil Green.

When the routine battle between the two ended, it was the other Decepticons who came into play.

These Cybertrons do not suffer from physical exhaustion, and can continue to fight as long as they have a sufficient supply of energy.

Of course, the spirit will still be tired, and at that time, they will choose to sleep or have some fun.

The more time she spent together, the more she understood how silicon-based lifeforms lived.

On the Starry Sky Observation Deck, Megatron and Vicious Green look out the window at the starlight.

"Evil Qing, what is the meaning of life?" Evil Qing

thought for a long time before he came up with an answer.

"What you want to do, and then do it, this should be the meaning of the existence of a living being.

Megatron's expression was calm, the tinder was calm, and the brutality of the past was gone.

"yes, I think so too. "

I want to save Cybertron and revive Cybertron.

"At first, Cybertron functionalism was rampant, and I wanted to be a doctor, but the system decided that my body could only be a miner. "

Functionalism, which divides Cybertrons into class classes based on their vehicle form and rarity.

At this time, for most Cybertrons, it is a society without choices and dreams.

"In the words of the earthlings, I was an intellectual, a young man of literature and art at that time" "I

was working in the mine while writing "The Road to Peace". "

The Road to Peace, a book that was widely circulated at the bottom of Cybertron society and had a huge influence.

A lot of the content in the book mocks and ridicules the top of Cybertron, and Megatron has attracted the dissatisfaction of the top brass of Cybertron.

He found an excuse to arrest Megatron, and by the way, arranged for someone to prepare to destroy Megatron.

It can be said that Megatron at this time is Cybertron Zhou Shuren.

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