"I was arrested and imprisoned because of the contents of the book.

"Fortunately, the new warden at that time was Orian Pikes, who is now Optimus Prime.

"He was upright, brave, and kind. I've read my books, and I don't fully agree with my philosophy, but I recognize me as a person.

"He helped me stop the four killers sent by the council to kill me.

"He was so brave at that time!" Optimus

Prime killed all the assassins who came to assassinate him, and then dragged a corpse into the council.

He denounced the despicable actions of the top brass of the Imperial Diet and asked three questions.

These three questions are the questions posed in Megatron's book.

Whose interests do you represent exercising power

?Who are you accountable to

?How can we get rid of you?Not

surprisingly, after asking three questions, Optimus Prime was forked out.

But this also made Megatron and Optimus Prime indissoluble bond.

Later, Megatron was released from prison and pulled up a team.

Optimus Prime also made a name for himself and formed his own team.

In the midst of endless wars, the empire completely collapsed, and Cybertron became a tribal form again.

At this time, the source of fire was lost for no reason, the energy source was missing, and Cybertron fell into endless darkness.

Tribes fight over energy, the war continues, and Cybertron enters the Wasteland Age.

At this time, a key figure appeared.

He is the Enemy of the Heavens

, who claims to be a descendant of the Supreme Enemy, and in the chaos of the war, he has taken Optimus Prime and Megatron into apprenticeship with his powerful force, and has also found the lost Tinder Source Rubik's Cube.

Later, Jack, the chief scientist of the Autobots, developed the technology to bring Cybertron closer to charge the Tinder Source.

With such a favorable time, place and people, the natural enemy should ascend the throne and become the emperor.

It's a pity that the lion is old and no longer ambitious.

He wants to transfer the power to Optimus Prime, because Optimus Prime is also a descendant of the Supreme.

Optimus Prime refused!

"At that time, after knowing that I was not the first choice of my mentor's predators, anger and jealousy surfaced in my heart. Later

, the Enemy established an empire and divided the power into two, with Optimus Prime and Megatron co-governing and decentralizing the administration.

Optimus Prime is in charge of internal affairs, and Megatron is in charge of military affairs.

The predators retreated, and the follow-up results were obvious.

Megatron, who was holding the barrel of a gun, had the absolute initiative and began to exclude dissidents, and Optimus Prime was gradually elevated.

Things continue to develop, and sooner or later Megatron will take the reins.

Until one day, during a battle, Megatron was seriously injured.

The Fallen Vajratron, who had secretly returned to Cybertron, attacked Megatron and brainwashed him.

From then on, Megatron became a servant student of Megatron.

The internal contradictions of the new empire increased dramatically, and eventually split into two factions, the Autobots and the Decepticons.

The civil war was about to break out, and the two former comrades-in-arms and brothers turned against each other.

This war was fought for a long time, and Cybertron was devastated.

In order to end the civil war as soon as possible, the Enemy betrays his student Optimus Prime and cooperates with Megatron.

As the Predator prepares to leave Cybertron with the Power Pillar, his ship is destroyed by an unwitting Red Spider.

The ship's course shifted and landed on the moon in the solar system, leaving the predators dormant.

Because of the natural enemy, the Autobot front was completely defeated.

Optimus Prime had to send the Tinder Source out of Cybertron to prevent Megatron from getting the Tinder.

The source of the spark drifted to Earth, and Megatron came to Earth in search of the source of the spark.

Later, the Decepticons, Autobots, and Fallen King Kong Earthquake came to Earth one after another.

Next is the plot of the first Transformers movie.

"Evil Qing, thank you for sending me an undying heart.

"When I broke through to 100,000 horses, the control of Fallen King Kong was broken. "

It just so happened that I needed information from the Stellar Reaper, so I went to kill him for revenge.

Evil Qing smiled, he didn't expect Megatron to say thank you, just like a weasel greeting a chicken.

Have you regained your heart?Changed back to Cybertron Zhou Shuren?

"Evil Qing, although I thank you, it doesn't stop me from wanting to kill you.

"However, we were still allies before we killed the evil Aoki. "

Evil Aoki and Optimus Prime are the biggest obstacles to my path to becoming the Emperor of the Universe!" Megatron

stood up and hugged the galaxy as if everything was under his control.

"As for you, Evil Ao, sometimes I look down on you, you are like a puppy abandoned by Evil Aoki, pitiful, impotent and furious. Evil

Qing's face suddenly became extremely ugly, as if the scar had been revealed.

But soon the evil green returned to normal and began to talk and cannon.

"Sharp teeth will only make you worse in the next match. "

I'll pull out your exhaust pipe and stuff it in your mouth!" Megatron

smiled disdainfully and turned to leave.

"If you can do it, you can try it!" At

this moment, Megatron only felt comfortable.

These thoughts have been buried in my heart for countless years, and it is a pleasure to say them now.

He knew that Evil Green could understand his own thoughts and concepts, and that Evil Green had some kind of amazing wisdom just like himself.

It's just that he cares too much about the evil Aoki's thoughts, just like his previous self, and cares too much about the views of the natural enemy.

Whether it's a natural enemy or an evil Aoki, they all like that upright, kind and brave student.

People like Optimus Prime and Shanqing are the teacher's favorite, and ambitious students like you and me are always disliked by the teacher.

You and I are the same kind of people, even if you and I are the same kind of people, I still like you very much, evil youth!

The Decepticons' cultivation is steadily improving.

And in another distant part of the universe, the Autobots' spaceship is flying at high speed.

In the navigation control room

, Shanqing and Optimus Prime looked at the star map, and Shanqing pointed to a galaxy.

"The next target is it!" Optimus

Prime was indeed very confused.

"I've been to this galaxy, this star has no life, but this star is not suitable for harvesting.

"It's too big for the Star Reaper to harvest. "

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