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Chapter 1330 Satisfying Your Request

Chapter 1330 Satisfying Your Request

Everyone was shocked.

Is the spell making ability really gone?

Can this kind of thing really happen?

And according to the meaning of Lingque Daoist, all his sense of rune is still there, but it just doesn't work as soon as he gets started.

This is too bizarre, completely beyond everyone's imagination.

"I do not believe!"

Daoist Qingzhi's expression changed drastically.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

He mobilized all his combat power, and the ropes all over his body instantly collapsed into ashes.

"How simple is it to make a mere magic talisman?"

He also waved out a pile of talisman-making materials and talisman tools.

"For us to make low-level talismans, even if we close our eyes and isolate our perception, it is easy and freehand!"

"Return the talisman?"

"Who do you look down on?"

"If you want to do it, make it a fairy talisman!"

But seeing that he really closed his eyes, his hands were like afterimages, and the materials quickly floated in mid-air.

Then, as if he had been given life, he threw it into the talisman formation below.

A jade pen fluttered and sprinkled rays of light, making the scene even more beautiful.

Many sixth and seventh rank talisman makers couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Immortal Talismans are very low-end to them, but Taoist Qingzhi, the eighth-rank Great Master, made them himself, and they already have a special kind of Taoist rhyme.

No matter the seal technique or the rhythm in it, there is a special mysterious artistic conception.

It feels like a pleasing and natural beauty...

In just a few seconds, a third rank fairy talisman was quickly formed under the noses of everyone.

No, it should be said that it grew out of thin air.

The end is amazing!

While making talismans, Daoist Qingzhi still had time to curse there.

"The talisman-making Talent of this seat is innate, and all the rune ideas, know-hows and skills are personally realized, who can take it away?"

"Return it?"

"I'm making amulets right now under your nose, why don't you take one back and try?"

Brother Cheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"Since you make such a strong request, then try it."

He took out a token again, made full use of special effects, and uttered spells with unknown meanings.

Anyway, how to pretend to be a ghost.

"Daoist Qingzhi is obsessed with obsession, trying to start a war, and disrespecting the incarnation of the Tao of Refining Heart..."

"This divine lord has sent divine punishment to take back this person's ability to make talismans!"

Then, the token on Daoist Qingzhi's head turned into a halo of light and scattered, as if giving him circles of negative buffs.

The old man immediately became unable to make talismans.

The hands that originally drew afterimages suddenly became extremely clumsy.

The silky talisman making process suddenly got stuck.

The third rank fairy talisman that 'grew' out quickly made a soft pop, and then exploded on the spot, turning into a little bit of starburst.

This time the talisman failed.

"You! What did you do?"

Daoist Qingzhi also switched to a state of shock and anger.

The sudden loss of the ability to make talismans made him at a loss, and even his head was a little short-circuited.


Brother Cheng spread his hands to everyone with an innocent face.

"You all heard it just now, he asked me to take it back."

"I've never heard of such a strange request in my life, and I feel sorry for him if I don't satisfy him."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it was Daoist Qingzhi himself who shouted loudly just now.

Who would have thought that the slap in the face would come so quickly.


"This is impossible!"

Daoist Qingzhi was about to go crazy, he fiddled with the materials and magic circle in front of him like crazy.

"My talisman-making technique cannot be lost out of thin air..."

Brother Cheng sighed.

"Looking at what you said just now so firmly and confidently, I thought you could do it."

He's still a little disappointed.

"I didn't know you were not that powerful."

"I do not believe!"

Daoist Qingzhi mobilized his own combat power, and directly swayed forward.

"My strength is still there!"

"It means that I have not been taken away from the Talisman!"

It's good if you don't make a move, but when you make a move, everyone sees the clue.

Daoist Qingzhi originally had more than 7,000 combat power, but the power of the few attacks just now is less than 3,000 combat power.

It just so happens that part of the combat power of the rune is missing.

So he is really not an eighth-rank emperor talisman master now.

In the crowd, Lian Xiao Supreme suddenly reacted.

"I know, that's it, I was outside before and suddenly lost my combat power!"

"It turned out that he did it!"

Hearing this, many people finally understood the whole story of the incident.

After making a fuss for a long time, the Lingqing Talisman Tower was caused by God Lord Jiang?

Ziyou Palace Head Teacher Li Yang Daozun looked at Brother Cheng with a resentful face, and almost provoked a war between the two factions, are you trying to trick us to death?

However, at this moment, he only dared to slander in his heart.

I dare not say it face to face.

He even decided to investigate the ins and outs of the gate after the fact to see what happened to those disciples who guarded the gate.

Regardless of him, or Cheng Shan, Yun Ying, Ye Ting and others beside him, there is deep fear hidden in the old eyes.

Jiang Cheng's ability to take back the talisman-making skills of the two Taoist priests at will means that he can also take back their pill refining and weapon refining skills.

Put yourself in their shoes, if their housekeeping skills were taken back, their mentality would definitely explode on the spot, which would be worse than death.

At first, they were overwhelmed by Jiang Cheng's super strength.

Later, they were tempted by the envoy position that could be canonized.

But now, seeing Jiang Cheng who can take back everything they own at will, they finally have a state of awe when facing the gods.

It's like looking several levels higher than them, and can control their mysterious existence at will.

Unable to give birth to the slightest rebellious mentality.

Brother Cheng quietly clicked on the system, and clicked on the prestige value record.

Sure enough, the emotions of the vast majority of people present this time have changed from the previous worship to the degree of submission.

The resulting immortality points have also soared by nearly ten times.

This wave has reached as much as 85.5 billion.

"It's a good deal!"

He couldn't help but want to admire himself.

It's easy to kill the people in Lingqing Futa.

But that has no other effect except to scare everyone present.

But now, after spending billions of cents points to deprive him of it to make his divine master image more 'omnipotent', the benefits he brings are massive.

"It turns out that pretending to be a ghost is also so tricky."

Just as he secretly summed up his insights on the reputation system, the people in the Lingqing Talisman Pagoda were already desperate and crazy.

Make a talisman and you can leave.

It didn't work out.

This caused the mentality of the others to collapse a bit.

The parties concerned, Daoist Qingzhi and Daoist Lingque, were even more devastated.

Especially the latter, who slumped on the ground with a dead face, as if his whole body had been turned into a clay sculpture, lifeless.

Without the talisman-making technique, his soul was taken out.

"What do you think of me as a bluffing liar now?" Brother Cheng asked back unceremoniously.

(end of this chapter)

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