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Chapter 1351 Hero Or Bear

Chapter 1351 Hero or Bear

This time, not to mention the Ice Palace, the Stone Clan and the group of monsters, even Gong Qing was caught off guard.

She knew that Jiang Cheng would definitely be able to deal with these monster races.

But he really didn't expect that Zizong Taoist actually knew Jiang Cheng.

She finds it incredible, let alone other people.

Everyone in the Stone Clan who originally thought that Jiang Cheng would surely die was dumbfounded.

Especially Taoist Tansha, who had just been lifted up by them, was extremely depressed.

He suspected that Taoist Zizong was playing tricks on him on purpose.

You, a majestic Daoist, knelt down to a Supreme?

When I am stupid?

However, immediately after, among the group of demons behind Daoist Zizong, there were also more than 30 Bear Clan Supremes and more than 2,000 Bear Clan Celestial Venerables lying down.

"Jiang Yaozhu, we followed you back then!"

"It was a misunderstanding this time."

"Look, let's just forget it..."

"Yes, yes, how dare we be enemies with you, we have been thinking about you all these years!"

They were all from the Bear Clan of Monster World back then, they were powerful, and they had been following Xiong Wei Great Emperor wholeheartedly, they were his core team.

It is also because of their existence that Xiong Wei Great Emperor always brings a loyal group with him everywhere, so he can eat so happily in Yun Mi Dao.

If only Daoist Zizong knelt down and begged for mercy, everyone would only think he was crazy.

But all these bear monsters are like this, so it is not an exception.

The other monsters present collectively fried the pot.

They couldn't understand this scene at all.

If it weren't for the majesty of Zizong Daoist, all the monster races in Moyuan Valley would have gone mad on the spot.

Meanwhile, the girls of the Ice Palace on the opposite side had already collectively petrified.

You must know that Daoist Zizong is far stronger than Daoist Qingxiong in terms of his own morality and overall strength.

In the entire Yun Mi Dao, he can be ranked first.

Such a terrifying strong man, together with thousands of bear masters, actually knelt down to the handsome Supreme who they thought was not qualified to be the Supreme Palace Master?

how can that be?

It's ridiculous, right?

In the end what happened?

There are question marks in everyone's head.

Brother Cheng doesn't care what they think.

He just feels extremely disappointed now.

What about the scene where you agreed to show off your might and shock the audience with your strength?

"Get up and fight! What are you doing kneeling?"

Daoist Zizong apologized with a smile: "You are still joking as always, we are loyal to the demon lord, how could we start a war?"

"That's fine, you bears will step aside, and I will destroy the rest."

Zi Zong Dao Zun hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, they are all innocent good monsters."

The other monster races in Moyuan Valley are all his subordinates that he managed to subdue with great difficulty. If one is missing, he will lose a little power. How can he be willing to let Jiang Cheng come to clear it with a sword?

The other Supremes of the Bear Clan also begged for mercy.

"Yes, yes, they are all good monsters."

"I have always cared for flowers, plants and small animals, and have made great contributions to the surrounding environment."

"Everyone is merciful. Sweeping the floor may hurt the lives of ants!"

"We Moyuan Valley Monster Clan have always been kind to people and have done countless good things, but we don't like leaving names."

The girls in the Ice Palace looked dull.

We would have almost believed it if we hadn't heard you clamoring for killing so many times just now.

Daoist Tansha wanted to complain even more strongly.

What the hell, when we met you before, where did your ferocious efforts to destroy us at any time go?

Now run this group and become a Buddha immediately?

Just because of that kid?

He was a little confused, isn't this kid Gong Qing's old acquaintance, why did he become Zi Zong's superior again?

What is his background?

So this time I kicked the iron plate and offended someone who couldn't be offended?

Immediately afterwards, strong jealousy and resentment flooded into his heart.


Why can a Supreme make you so respectful, but I am not respected as a Daoist?

Just a Supreme, what are you afraid of?

He can't accept this kind of thing at all.

If Xiong Wei really listened to Jiang Cheng in the end, what would he do?

"Zi Zong Dao Zun, I have always respected you as a hero, but I didn't expect you to be just a bear!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

The bears are crazy, so are you?

As for these two hundred stone clansmen, how dare you point to the Zizong Daoist's nose and call him a bear?

Don't you know that the most taboo thing for the bear clan is to be called a bear?

Daoist Zizong who was busy begging for mercy slowly turned his huge head.

"What did you say?"

Although he showed his fierceness, he didn't make a move immediately, and Daoist Tan Sha secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

He did it on purpose.

Deliberately using such harsh words to provoke Zizong Daoist, so that he can kill Jiang Cheng.

"I can tell that you Bear Clan knew him before, maybe you were not as strong as him before, right?"

He collected himself and continued to talk.

"But that's all about the year of the monkey, Chen Zhima rotten millet?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it's at least the ancient times before the Yuan Immortal World merged, right?"

"He's just a Supreme right now, so that's what he is."

"The strength is far inferior to yours, and the number is even inferior to yours. Why are you still so respectful to him?"

"Don't you think that you have lost your status as a Daoist?"

What he said touched the hearts of the tens of thousands of monster races present.

They also felt that the reactions of Taoist Zizong and other bear masters were a little too exaggerated.

Even if he was this person's subordinate in the past, he is now one moment at another, so why be so humble?

It's a drop in price!

Even the daughters of the Ice Palace, who are currently standing on the opposite side of the Stone Clan, couldn't help secretly nodding their approval.

They also don't understand this kind of thing.

Not only Taoist Zizong, but also Taoist Gong Qing, when he saw Jiang Junshuai, he was also respectful and respectful, which was simply too outrageous.


The purple brown bear straightened up slowly, with an uncertain expression and a noncommittal attitude.

Tan Sha Dao Zun was determined.

He felt that he should have succeeded in persuading Zi Zong Dao Zun.

"That's right, I'm just not worth it for you. The dignified Daoist, it shouldn't be like this!"


The purple brown bear grinned bloodily, revealing Senhan's fangs.

"I can tell, you want to make me an enemy of Demon Lord Jiang."

"You really have sinister intentions for stepping on the horse, holding back your energy and trying to kill me!"

He squeezed his crackling fists, feeling annoyed.

If Jiang Cheng was just an ordinary superior before, then of course he wouldn't dump him now.

But the problem is he is not!

If a person repeatedly kills enemies with two, three, four, or even five or six large Realms in front of you, it is hard not to regard this as his basic operation.

Jiang Cheng's current 'only' Supreme Realm, in the eyes of the purple brown bear, this is almost equivalent to the combat power of the Heavenly Emperor.

can not be lower.

Do you want him to attack the Heavenly Emperor?

"I have good intentions, for your sake..."

Daoist Tansha was still beeping there.

"Thanks to your family!"

Daoist Zi Zong patted it down with a palm.

(end of this chapter)

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