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Chapter 1514 Surprisingly Ambushed

Chapter 1514 Surprisingly ambushed

From Huan Chang's point of view, Jiang Cheng was on the surface of going on an expedition this time, but in fact he might be holding back some kind of conspiracy.

And the ultimate goal must be to deal with himself.

This 'career' who likes to make up his mind can't sit still.


"Let's see what he wants to do!"

"As long as it doesn't escape my sight, we will have time to deal with any plots and tricks he has."

He ordered a confidant lieutenant general, two staff members and three commanders on the spot.

A total of seven people quietly left Huaxian Mansion and followed them out.

On the other side, after hearing the news of Jiang Cheng's expedition, Ling Hou felt a little unbelievable.

"It's so easy to count?"

That's right, this time it was he who was playing tricks in the dark again.

After the destruction of one hundred thousand evil immortals last time, Linghou thought that the evil immortals would definitely send Taoist saints to take revenge.

However, after waiting and waiting, there was no movement at all from Xiexian's side.

He also thinks too much.

Evil Immortal is just a group concept.

It is not a unified organization like Tiangong, let alone a family united by blood ties.

When fighting against Tiangong, countless evil immortals will indeed join forces and choose to join forces for the time being.

But on weekdays, stabbing each other is the norm.

To avenge other dead evil immortals?

They don't have the consciousness of sharing the same hatred.

Just like a land where Taoism is absolutely impossible, when Jiang Cheng conquered Yunmi Taoism, there was no hostility from other surrounding Taoism.

What's more, these evil immortals outside Huaxian Mansion are not the same as those evil immortals in Immortal World.

Ling Hou waited for a few days but couldn't wait, so he chose to challenge the fire.

His Face is not big enough to catch up with the Evil Immortal Daosheng.

He could only write an extremely provocative letter in the name of the head coach of the Tianle Army, and had it delivered to the opposite side.

Expecting to provoke like this, the other party will be enraged, and then come to kill Jiang Cheng.

He also didn't know about Xie Xian's reply to Jiang Cheng's invitation letter.

"They should be fighting each other, right?"

"It's just, why did Jiang Cheng take the initiative to kill him, and brought that trash army with him?"

He was a little confused.

Either way, it turned out to be perfect for him.

"This time he's dead!"

"If you really want to kill him, Emperor Xiu will reward me."

When he was praying secretly here, Jiang Cheng had already led his army out of the city for 500 million miles.

When he came here, he finally felt a trace of turbidity.

The turbid demons here have been wiped out hundreds of millions of years ago, but the last residual breath is not so easy to completely remove.

"Why is it a bit like the breath of chaotic turbulence?"

He frowned slightly, but didn't think much about it.

The team of 6,000 people was still in high spirits. They knew that Jiang Cheng was going to fight, but they never dreamed that there would be a Daoist on the opposite side this time.

Just as if he was going to deal with some Dao Zun or something.

For them, it was like a spring outing.

They didn't even know that Meng Chun and Chi Ling were in the mood of going to the execution ground at this moment.

"Boss Jiang, should we slow down a bit?"

The two of them felt more and more uneasy as they watched the brother move in a straight line without any loss of speed.

"Yeah, this place is already close to the area where the evil spirits are often active."

Yin Ping sensed his surroundings vigilantly, and also felt that this was too reckless.

Anyway, send a scout team to scout the way ahead!

How can you go straight with a large group of people like you?

"It will be troublesome if the enemy has an ambush."

Brother Cheng patted his chest loudly, "Don't worry, with me around, that kind of thing doesn't exist."

In the distance behind, Huan Chang and others, who were relying on special secret treasures to hide their breath, followed in the distance.

When following here, several people felt that their cognition had been refreshed a bit.

"He doesn't seem to know how to lead troops on a march at all?"

Although there are great differences between high-level immortals and the lower realms, there are some things in common.

The route of the march, the arrangement of the formation, and the combination of arms are all particular.

As for sending scouts to explore the way ahead, that is the most basic.

"It's just nonsense."

"Leading a team like him is simply running blindfolded."

"A coach like him doesn't feel at ease following him."

"If we go on like this, the Eighth Army will be taken into the pit soon."

Huan Chang shook his head.

"No, it's not that simple."

"How could a person who can kill a hundred thousand evil spirits not even notice this?"

"He is so abnormal, there must be a deep meaning."

Everyone was stunned, and then nodded in unison.

"Yes, he must have done it on purpose."

"It is possible that he has arranged other people on the periphery, but we can't see it."

"This person is just showing weakness to the enemy now."

As they were talking, Jiang Cheng and everyone in the Eighth Army suddenly stopped in front of them.

Because, they suddenly fell into an ambush.

But seeing the empty void in front of him, continuous clear crystals suddenly appeared.

Layers upon layers, you can't see the edge at a glance.

The thorns are beautiful under the light of the sky, but they also reveal a deadly killing intent, like a huge cage.

"Heavenly Yin Profound Crystal Formation, an eighth-order Dao Formation!"

Huan Chang outside couldn't help exclaiming.

"They're trapped!"

"My God, how could this be?"

"Did he fall into someone else's ambush?"

Compared to Ling Hou who was determined to put Cheng Ge to death, Huan Chang still regarded himself as the boss of the Tian Le Army.

He didn't think about destroying Jiang Cheng and the Eighth Army.

However, at this time, even if they shot, it would be of no avail.

Because in the trapped formation, there came two powerful coercions that were not weaker than him at all - Dao Sheng!

Besides, there is also a strong Killing intent escaping from the crystal formation.

There are definitely many other enemies inside, and they are not weak.

"Shouldn't he be able to predict it in advance, should he have arrangements in advance?"

Huan Chang was a little dumbfounded.

In his mind, Jiang Cheng was unfathomable. How could such a person fall into someone else's ambush?

This is too outrageous.

The counselor next to him frowned.

"Could it be that he really doesn't understand anything, is it because we overestimated him?"

"So he's not pretending to be stupid, but really stupid?"

"No way?"

"How did such a person survive to this day?"

While there was a lot of discussion on their side, the Eighth Legion trapped in the crystal array had long been in chaos.

Suddenly caught in an ambush, this is obviously an extremely dangerous thing.

Many people instinctively attacked the crystal array.

However, after their attack was launched, not only was the formation unscathed, but a wave of counterattacks came instead.

The result was a sudden salvo of hundreds of prisms shooting from all corners.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't blocked it with a wave of his hand, there would have been hundreds of casualties.

At this time, those evil immortals in the formation also appeared.

The two leaders are indeed Daoist saints.

Behind them, the number of evil immortals was not much more than last time, but there were hundreds of Dao Zun.

In the vast formation, more than 100,000 evil immortals held Dao Items, full of murderous aura.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ping's heart was completely chilled.

"Kunyou Daosheng!"

"Yanqi Daosheng!"

(end of this chapter)

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