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Chapter 1552 Sealing The Bloodline

Chapter 1552 Sealing the Bloodline

Although the sword that whizzed down failed to break through the Heavenly Dao treasure, it still had a severe impact on the protection range of the Blood Sea Seal.

The blood emperor who was in it was also shocked again.

He had to admit that fortunately, Jiangcheng Realm was not enough, and there was not enough support from the immortal power and soul to give perfect kendo.

Otherwise, the result is really hard to say.

As Heavenly Emperor, his Taoist God is different from other Taoist Gods.

After all, he has the protection of Heavenly Dao.

But in front of the perfect kendo, all beings are equal.

Jiang Cheng's sword finally hit the bottom.

It was a new territory expanded by Heavenly Dao not long ago, and it was still full of chaos and turbulence.

When the sword was cut down, a bottomless hole was punched out of the Yuan Immortal World plate below.

The hole is not too big, only tens of thousands of miles.

However, looking from above, one could actually see the chaotic turbulence at the opposite end.

The blood emperor almost screamed.

The incomparably strong Yuan Immortal World was pierced through by this sword?

how can that be?

You know, with the mighty Heavenly Dao and Sanqianyuan sitting in the fort, the landforms of Yuan Immortal World are hard to destroy.

These Heavenly Emperors can deal more powerful damage, but they will be quickly repaired by Heavenly Dao.

However, this time it is not easy to say.

The destruction of the perfect kendo is difficult to reverse.

What's more, this place belongs to the fringe area of ​​Immortal World, and the power of Heavenly Dao is not strong at all.

Jiang Cheng's sword was tantamount to leaving a long trauma to Yuan Immortal World.

When the sword was over, his blood was sealed and he was already weak, so he simply passed out.

Just like the scene after beheading King Shi and King Lu back then.

The world of Perfect Kendo persisted for a long time, with him as the center, forming an inaccessible and terrifying zone.

The blood emperor wanted to take this opportunity to kill him completely.

If it is said that before this, he just had the mentality of avenging Linghou, and didn't take Jiang Cheng too seriously. Now, like King Shi and others, he dared not keep Jiang Cheng any longer.

This person's real Realm hasn't even reached Taoist.

Because he does not belong to own power.

But instead he hurt a Heavenly Emperor who had his own way.

How incredible is this?

But soon, he found that he couldn't do it.

Jiang Cheng, who was at the center of Perfect Sword Dao, seemed to be protected by it, completely isolating the invasion from the outside.

As the Heavenly Emperor, the Blood Emperor, regardless of his celestial powers or secret techniques, was unable to break through the barrier of the sword.

The only blood seal that can penetrate the blockade of the sword has already been used.

He could only watch Jiang Cheng sink a little bit.

Sink through the hole just punched out.

sank to the other end of infinity.

Over there, the chaotic turbulence is still raging, like an abyss that swallows everything.

Until a certain moment, the kendo world surrounding Jiang Cheng suddenly went dark.

As if it collapsed suddenly.

Jiang Cheng, who was in the center, still hadn't woken up.

So, he also disappeared into the black spot that collapsed.

The blood emperor's gaze became firm at the end.

Before that black spot was about to be wiped out, he also rushed in.

After a while, several figures appeared here.

It was Emperor Xiu, Emperor Yuan and Emperor Kong.

Looking at the punctured hole, several people showed surprise in unison.

"We're a step late."

"It's too late to save."

Emperor Yuan and Emperor Kong let out a long sigh, they have been guarding against Emperor Xiu's mess all this time.

But he couldn't stop the Blood Emperor.

In their opinion, Jiang Cheng should be dead.

"It's such a pity."

Emperor Yuan kept shaking his head.

"It's rare for such a character, why bother, why..."

Emperor Xiu was in high spirits.

"Has the blood emperor studied a new supernatural power, so that he has such power?"

He didn't know that the hole was caused by the perfect kendo.

Not to mention that Jiang Cheng blasted it out.

"Under a single strike here, that kid will definitely never have another chance against Samsara."

"Where is the Blood Emperor?"

They searched all over the Yuan Immortal World, but they couldn't find the Blood Emperor.

Not only that, but they could no longer feel the breath of the sea of ​​blood.

"Could it be that he and Jiang Cheng died together?" Emperor Kong exclaimed.

"how is this possible!"

Emperor Xiu curled his lips: "You also praise that kid too much, does he deserve it?"

"Could it be... a third party intervened?"

They couldn't figure out why.

And the battle between Jiang Cheng and the Blood Emperor also had a profound impact on Tiangong.

In the following days, a series of shocking news spread, causing countless immortals to exclaim.

The head coach of the Tianle Army, Yin Huang Jiang Cheng, was accidentally killed when he was killing the turbid demons on the front line.

Just fell away!

Countless immortals in Huaxian Mansion grieve for him, because he has brought peace to Huaxian Mansion for tens of billions of years to come.

Tian Dansi's high rank emperor alchemist fainted on the spot.

Qiu Yuxuan, who was practicing far away from Emperor Lin, sat withered for three days and forgot to practice for the first time.

On the other side of Zi Xiaodian, a grand commemorative ceremony was held for Jiang Cheng.

Soon after, Tiangong finished its preparations and officially declared war on the evil Immortal World.

Twenty heavenly armies, including the Tianle Army, were recruited, and digital powers such as Emperor Lin, Emperor Soul, and Emperor Xin appeared together, and the occasion was unprecedented.

And on the day of the expedition, the most powerful War Great Emperor in Tiangong announced the Closed Door Training...

Jiang Cheng has no way of knowing everything that happened in Yuan Immortal World.

When he woke up again, he found himself floating in the air.

There are long white clouds below.

It's a pity he can't see very far.

The sword of Perfect Kendo emptied the immortal power and soul power in his body.

I can wake up now only because the soul has automatically recovered a little bit.

What made him most helpless was that the blood was still sealed.

This made him lose the physical strength that a fairy should have.

At present, I feel that Own's strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

"It's not that easy to seal brother's blood."

He silently clicked on the system mall, and then clicked on the long-lost bloodline classification.

In the past, he only filled up the bloodlines of the Nine-patterned Canglong and the Moon Clan, and did not buy other bloodlines.

Since it's been sealed this time, it's a big deal to buy a new bloodline to activate it.

After searching casually, he ordered the bloodline set meal of the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon, and activated it with a splash.

Immediately, his whole body was filled with explosive power again.

If Ao Yang was here, he would probably cry on the spot.

Brother, I have been humming for so many years and I am only of the blood of the eight-clawed golden dragon. You come up with nine claws every minute, how can you make the dragon feel uncomfortable?

Jiang Cheng, who had regained his powerful strength, was in high spirits.

Then he planned to casually absorb some Xianlibu around him.

The result surprised him.

In this new place, there is no Xianli at all.

He looked up and down, which opened his eyes even more.

The white clouds here are floating at the feet, and the mountains and rivers are actually overhead.

(end of this chapter)

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