Chapter 1674

Seeing Xu, Yu Chang, Yu Xing and others didn't feel it.

Because they haven't experienced the ancient times, they don't know the fierce conflict between the Desolate and the Soul race.

But other than them, the other Huangzu people immediately showed strong hatred and hostility!

boom! boom!

The two desolate Taoist saints who came with the concubine were all shining with gold.

One held a stone stick, the other held a stone axe, and the murderous look covered the golden light soaring straight into the sky!

"How dare the bastards of the soul race come to us?"

"Don't even think about leaving once you're here!"

They didn't know Soul Ancestor, they didn't know that this was the boss of Soul Clan.

Just judging from the golden light spot, this should be a soul saint of the soul clan.

But Yingmang is different.

Years ago, he had dealt with Xu countless times.

Every time is accompanied by fierce fighting.

In his eyes, this is a cancer that gathers a series of negative BUFFs such as insidiousness, cunning, cruelty, despicableness, and viciousness.

Because of Xu's existence, countless members of the Desolate tribe died back then.

"You cast yourself into a trap today!"

"Hiding in the soul sea can linger on for a while."

He clenched his fists tightly, and the purple glow flowed, exuding a chilling sense of oppression.

"How dare you sneak in without knowing your life!"

"I just came to see how many years of life you have left."

Nothing shows weakness, and there is deep hatred in the deep voice.

In his eyes, Yingmang has also assembled a series of negative buffs such as arrogance, domineering, cruelty, and cruelty.

Back then, he did not seldom kill the soul clansmen under his command.

He smiled coldly, "When will it be your turn to challenge me, as if you have become my old enemy."

"During the heyday of the uncle, the opponent was not you, and he didn't take you seriously."

"What did you say?"

The desolate people present were furious.

"What are you, how dare you talk to our patriarch like this?"

"A mere soul saint is nothing without the sea of ​​souls, so let me solve it!"

Seeing that a big battle was about to break out, Jiang Cheng stood up.

"OK OK."

"Xu is my man, if you want to do something to him, you should at least ask my opinion."

As soon as he said this, not to mention the barren people and various chambers of commerce, even Xu himself was caught off guard.

Standing opposite was the patriarch of the Desolate Clan and other Desolate Saints.

And here is the stronghold of the Desolate Clan. When necessary, the remaining members of the Desolate Clan will be mobilized.

With such a lineup, even if he leads all the soul clans inside the soul sea, Xu has no certainty of winning.

Whoever gets involved in this terrifying vortex will die.

Based on his understanding of this brother, it should be as far away as possible at this time, and it is normal to draw a clear line with himself.

"What did you say!"

Yingmang paused every word, and Jiang Cheng was enveloped in murderous aura instantly.

The people from the other chambers of commerce were almost dumbfounded, especially Daoist Jiechen who was standing near Brother Cheng was trembling and out of his wits, for fear of being affected.

Jiang Cheng slowly pulled out the Ji Que sword.

"I said, beating a dog depends on the owner."

Although Soul Ancestor had no good intentions along the way, he had reached a contract with himself after all.

In his view, this is his own 'property'.

No one else has the right to touch it!

The slight touch of Xu's emotion just now disappeared in an instant.

What the hell, what does beating a dog depend on the owner?

He felt that he had never been so ignorant in his life.

"Then you go to die!"

Yingman raised his fist and wanted to smash it down.

"do not!"

Concubine Chang and Yuan Li hurried forward to dissuade them.

"The patriarch must not fight Brother Jiang!"

They were not worried about Jiang Cheng, but Ying Mang.

After all, I have seen the scene of the Immortal Emperor in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the head of Jiang.

Now that this brother is already a Daoist, the patriarch's strength may not be enough!

They are also members of the Desolate clan, and they don't want to lose this patriarch yet.

It's a pity that Yingmang couldn't understand their'hard work'.

"You two, are you going to stand on the enemy's side and fight against the Huang race?"

He looked down at the concubine, and his eyes gradually became unkind.

The other two Taoist sages, as well as the other experts of the Desolate race who came from all around at this time, quickly stood in front of the concubine.

"Hurry up and back down!"

"The soul race is our sworn enemy, how can we speak for them?"

"There is no good thing in the soul clan!"

"This person is helping the soul clan, so he is also our enemy!"

The concubine gritted her teeth, and said loudly: "Jiang Cheng saved thousands of people from our tribe many times in the past, and we are considered to be supported by him!"

"The patriarch wants to go to war with him. If we stand by and stand by, that is betraying the clan. Helping the patriarch is ungrateful!"

"In this case, let's kill ourselves in advance!"

After finishing speaking, he, Yuan Li, Yu Xing and others activated their internal energy at the same time, and they were about to explode themselves on the spot.

Brother Cheng was dumbfounded, and he quickly put away the Ji Que Sword.

"Brother, don't do this!"

Do you need to be so formal?


Yingmang also lowered his fists.

"What are you guys doing here?"

A group of desolate people were in a hurry, and quickly pushed down the concubine and the others.

"Young lady, it's good that you don't forget your kindness, but we can't forget our hatred either!"

Yingmang didn't get angry with the concubine, but praised him instead.

Because the Desolate race has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances.

But at this time, Jiang Cheng's situation made them face a difficult situation.

He is kind to the barren man, but also sided with the barren man's enemy, what should we do?

"You and Xu are not of the same clan, and you have saved people from my clan."

Yingmang's violent killing intent eased a lot.

"As long as you stand aside now, you will regain our friendship, and you will be our barren people's best brother from now on!"

All chambers of commerce are envious and jealous.

This is the patriarch of the Desolate clan showing his favor in person, who has this face?

Daoist gods didn't treat them like this.

However, Jiang Cheng shook his head.

"He belongs to me, and others have no right to dispose of it."

Soul Ancestor feels that he has no face. Feelings are just a thing?

"Brother Jiang!"

Concubine and concubine Xing and others are in a hurry.

The chambers of commerce are all overjoyed.

"Is it?"

Yingmang's fists loosened slowly, and his heavy breath was as unpredictable as a tornado.

"Your kindness to the sister-in-law and them has enabled you to be safe and sound this time."

"But from now on, we, the Desolate Race, will no longer welcome you!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, understanding what he meant.

Then he turned around and strode outside with Xu.

Miao Yu and Jiang Han also hurriedly followed, they understood that the exclusive trading opportunity that fell from the sky just now was lost.

"Brother Jiang!"

The concubine and the others also chased them out.

"Us, hey, this matter... I didn't expect that I didn't help you, and it became like this..."

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Jiang Cheng patted his shoulder and smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I understand your difficulties."

The concubine nodded emphatically.

When parting, he whispered vaguely again: "Thank you for letting him go this time."

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded.

He happened to hear the emptiness of this sentence, but he was stunned.

what's the situation?

Who did he let go?

Facing Yingmang, this kid is the one who was lucky enough to let go, right?

(end of this chapter)

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