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Chapter 469: A New Official Takes Office

Chapter 469: A new official takes office

The Ten Thousand Monsters Conference came to an end, and the group of monsters gradually dispersed.

The news that Brother Cheng became the Lord of the Land Division was quickly announced to the public, spreading throughout the entire Monster World at an extremely fast speed.

Whether it is the Celestial Immortals or the Quasi Emperor, they all know that he has become the new Lord of the Earth.

For a time, the name of Cangcheng was praised by the whole Monster World.

And the demon emperors went back to their respective territories one after another, plotting plots.

This is also the normal state of the Monster World tens of billions of years ago.

Usually, the big and small affairs of Wan Yao Palace are managed by the Quasi Emperors.

In the vast and magnificent palace, there are 32 demon platforms.

Among them, the tallest and largest one in the center is naturally the Canglong Great Emperor Gao Ju, the incarnation of Brother Cheng.

Looking down at the other Quasi Emperors on the demon platform, this guy feels like the emperor is going to court, and there is a line up immediately.

The only regret is that it is a bit deserted.


He cleared his throat, and the 31 Quasi Emperors below all showed concern.

Even the Qilin camp is no exception.

After all, there are three fires for a new official to take office.

"What, why is there no maid in this Wan Yao Palace?"


Several Quasi Emperors almost fell down.

Are you mistaken, you have already reached the level of Quasi Emperor, who cares about that bit of enjoyment?

That's something only the lowly Beasts, Demonic Beasts, would consider.

"That's right, brother, I also think it's necessary!"

The three-eyed tiger, who finally won the third place in this competition, was the closest to Brother Cheng, and when he heard the court lady's proposal, he immediately became excited.

This is right in his arms!

"The majestic Wan Yao Palace doesn't even have a maid, it's too shabby, what's the face?"

"I propose to select stunning witches from all races of the Monster World to enter the palace..."

"Hmph, nonsense!"

The Quasi Emperor late stage Qiyan, who was added after the Qilin tribe, was full of contempt.

"What a lofty place the Wan Yao Palace is, how can it be defiled by those humble Yingyingyanyans?"

The Quasi Emperors of the Qilin camp, such as Peacock, Eight-tailed, Bear, White Crane, and Elk, immediately followed suit.

"Is this what the Lord of the Land Department pursues?"

"With such a pattern, why command the Earth Ministry?"

"What a disappointment..."

Brother Cheng just watched this group of idiots perform.

He suggested that the maid was actually just fishing casually to see what the Qilin camp had.

After all, the witch is not in line with his human aesthetics.

And this group of Quasi Emperors from the Qilin camp really all took the bait and came out to oppose him.

After writing down all these Quasi Emperors, he started to announce the second thing.

"I have decided to launch an attack in three days!"


Not to mention the Qilin camp, even Aoyang Yaci and other Quasi Emperors were stunned.

The eight-tailed Quasi Emperor stood up, his body full of strong monster Qi gathered together but not scattered.

"Dare to ask the lord of the land department, who are you going to attack?"

"Immortal World, of course."

Brother Cheng took it for granted: "They threatened me Canglong Valley before, but if they don't call back, then I won't be a coward?"


Attacking the Immortal World?

Qiyan, Peacock and Eight-tailed Quasi Emperor almost jumped up.

This is crazy, right?

After the Great War between Fairy and Monster, there has been no war between Monster World and Immortal World, it was just a small friction on the border.

Although there are Quasi Emperors sitting in town all year round, they will not make a move for hundreds of millions of years.

And Brother Cheng's attack was in the name of the Wan Yao Palace, and if you think about it, you can see how big the scale will be, it's almost an all-out war.

"I disagree!"

Qixuan was the first to stand up.

"My Monster World now adheres to the principle of non-aggression with the Immortal World. This is the unanimous decision of the Great Emperors of the Tianbu!"

Peacock Quasi Emperor cast a sideways glance at Brother Cheng: "Even if you are the Lord of the Earth Division, you have no right to issue orders that violate the Heaven Division!"

Quasi Emperors such as the giant bear, white crane and elk stood up again to oppose it.

Even the Quasi Emperors like Jinpeng Canglang Qingshi shook their heads.

In their view, this is really ridiculous.

The strength of Monster World is far inferior to that of Immortal World. If Immortal World did not have the natural enemy of Devil World, Monster World would have been wiped out by them long ago.

In this case, don't think about how to protect yourself, but take the initiative to attack the opponent?

Tired of life?

"Forgive me for not being able to accept this order!"

In addition to the 32 demon platforms, three more Quasi Emperors loudly objected.

These three Quasi Emperors are all middle stages, one snake, one carved and one horse.

It is the three commanders who are directly under the resident force of the Wan Yao Palace, the "Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace".

In addition to the three commanders of the Quasi Emperor middle stage, there are also 300 demon kings and 100,000 demon venerables.

Except that there is no demon emperor, the whole can wrestle with some top immortal sects and demon sects.

And this powerful forbidden army has always only obeyed the order of the earth demon from the master of the land tribe, and even the demon emperor can't command them.

"Attacking Immortal World will affect the stability of Monster World."

"I hope the Lord of the Earth Division thinks twice!"

Seeing that they were all opposing, Qiyan was very happy.

Before he entered the Ministry of Earth, he had already received orders from two Qilin Great Emperors.

That is to try every means to overtake Cangcheng, making him lose his prestige little by little and become unconvincing.

The task seemed extremely simple to him.

Among the 32 Quasi Emperors, 18 belong to the Qilin camp, and everyone is against him wholeheartedly.

On his first day in office, he made two ridiculous proposals one after another, which further lowered the 'impression points' of other Quasi Emperors.

Even the neutral Quasi Emperors of the Wolf Clan, Lion Clan, and Peng Clan started to oppose him.

But now, even the 'Monster of the Demon Palace' refused to carry out his orders.

This must be too smooth, right?

Kill yourself?

You must know that the imperial guards of the Demon Palace were originally considered as the personal armament of every land lord, and they were the hardest card in Cangcheng's hands!

He can't even hold this card?

It's just that the mud can't support the wall.

On the first day, he was opposed one after another, which can be said to have lost his prestige and left his morality.

Without doing anything by himself, he has become a loner, and no one will listen to him.

"Lord of the land department, your proposal is too ridiculous."

"Nobody would approve of that."

He said in a slightly mocking and admonishing tone: "I hope you will think more about whether it is feasible before you speak in the future, and don't talk nonsense..."

Before he finished speaking, the Monkey King suddenly interrupted him.

"Okay, okay, attack Immortal World!"

This monkey has always been aggressive, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Hahaha, I have long wanted to blow up those immortals."

The knuckles of Lin Ning, who represented the Dark Phoenix Clan, were turning white while holding the hilt of the sword. Obviously, he thought of the tragic experience of Feixianmen being hunted down and persecuted by the two worlds of immortals and demons.

"I also agree with the attack. If you, Canglong Great Emperor, want to go out, I would like to be the vanguard!"

Jin Dragon King Aoyang and Tooth Mouse King Goat King looked at each other.

The three of them also intended to seek stability, and felt that the offense was too outrageous.

But since this is what Head Jiang meant...

Then why hesitate?

There are so many absurd decisions that his old man has made before, which one was not miraculously successful?

"I have no opinion."

"Me too!"

"No matter who the chief of the district is attacking, I, the old goat, will definitely follow."

The stance of these guys made Qi Yan look unbelievable. How could anyone agree with such absurd proposal?

"Are you crazy?"

"Attacking the Immortal World will make the entire Monster World beyond redemption!"

(end of this chapter)

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