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Chapter 470 You Are Not Needed In The First Place

Chapter 470 You are not needed in the first place

Qixuan originally thought that no one would support Brother Cheng.

After all, the Canglong clan didn't have many hardcore allies before.

Just like the previous Cang Ji, although he was strong, he still had little say in the Ministry of Land.

He thought Brother Cheng would be isolated from the first day.

As a result, reality slapped him in the face.

Even with such an absurd decision to attack Immortal World, Golden Dragon, War Monkey, Tooth Rat, Dark Phoenix, and Goat all stood on his side with a clear banner.

Needless to say, the three-eyed tiger is almost wearing the same pair of pants.

How did he get these 'powerful allies'?

Not only Qiyan, but also other Quasi Emperors can't figure it out.

"How can you do this?"

"Ao Yang, can't you see the consequences of attacking Immortal World?"

"Yaci, are you sure the Great Emperor will approve of this move?"

Peacock Eight Tails and other Quasi Emperors couldn't sit still.

The Tooth Mouse King grinned, revealing two front teeth.

"I've broken with the Earmouse Great Emperor, why do I care what he does?"

This made Qixuan a big blow.

Rat Clan originally counted him as his ally.

This is not a good time.

According to the rules of the Earth Ministry, any proposal made by the Lord of the Earth Ministry, as long as more than five Quasi Emperors agree, it means that there is action.

They may not support it, but they must not obstruct it either.

In this case, the army of demon palace guards can no longer disobey orders.

And once more than two-thirds of the Quasi Emperor agree, then the entire Monster World, any monster race below the Great Emperor must obey the order and must not refuse to be recruited.

So far, six Quasi Emperors have agreed with Cheng Ge's proposal.

"Even if you agree, we Qilin will not fight!"

They can only rejoice now that fortunately, there are no more than 21 Quasi Emperors agreeing.

Otherwise, even if they object, they must unconditionally follow along with them.

At that time, if you don’t support it, you have to support it.

Peacock Quasi Emperor also immediately said: "That's right, if you want to beat yourself up, we Peacocks will never get involved!"

"Our fox clan is the same, we will not participate in this battle!"

"The deer tribe refuses to fight!"

"The Bear Clan refuses to fight!"

"The Lion Clan refuses to fight!"

In a blink of an eye, except for the six who supported Brother Cheng, the remaining 25 Quasi Emperors of various races all refused to play.

It's like betraying relatives.

And the three commanders of the Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace also showed resistance and displeasure.

"Lord of the Land Division, I hope you think twice!"

"It doesn't matter if we are forced to fight, but the imperial army of the Hundred Thousand Demon Hall will probably be wiped out!"

"Your decision today is completely perverse and will bring great disaster to the entire Monster World!"

The six Quasi Emperors agree that they must now obey the orders of the Lord of the Earth.

This makes them extremely dissatisfied.

The word "forced" was intentionally heavy.

Looking at their resentful expressions, and their eyes looking like a fool, Brother Cheng curled his lips secretly.

"See what scares you."

"Since you don't dare to fight, then stay in the Wan Yao Palace to decorate your appearance."

"I didn't need you either."

Head Jiang is going to battle, do you need help?

He made this proposal, just to announce it.

This land lord is still very useful. No matter what he does in the future, no one can jump out and point fingers to obstruct the pretend.


Don't use the Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace to fight?

The three commanders almost wondered if they heard it wrong.

Qixuan was the first to jump out.

"That's what you said!"

Quasi Emperors such as Peacock and Eight Tails were also overjoyed.

"The words spoken by the lord of the land are golden words, and they must not be changed!"

"Haha, the Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace does not need to participate in this battle!"

In their eyes, the biggest card in Brother Cheng's hand is the mighty force of the Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace.

Without this power, he is nothing.

Go to the front without a large army?

Are you courting death?

"Yes, yes!"

Brother Cheng nodded with a smile, as if he was completely unaware of the danger.

"Just stay at home and watch the show," he said.

And these words quickly reached the ears of the two Qilin Great Emperors.

"Just stay at home and watch the show?"

Mo Lin and Yu Lin, who had returned to Xuanlin Mountain, were looking forward to the tragic death of Brother Cheng all the time.

But when they heard that Brother Cheng was going to 'die', the two Great Emperors were at a loss.

Because they don't quite believe that anyone could be that stupid.

"Where did he get the confidence?"

"His strength is indeed far beyond the ordinary Quasi Emperor late stage, but the front line of Xianyao Mountain is not a single-handed competition."

"That's right, the background of Immortal World is not something we can compete with!"

"Once the scale of the war escalates, the Immortal Emperor will end in person. What will stop him?"

"This is an act of courting death, we can make him ride a tiger!"

Soon, the whole Monster World spread the news that the Earth Division's main attack on Immortal World.

Not only did the Qilin people not oppose it, but they secretly contributed to it and helped to create momentum.

‘The Canglong Great Emperor is sure of victory! '

'The lord of the earth regards the Immortal World as worthless, and there is no need for all tribes to send troops, and they don't even need to bring the forbidden army of the demon hall. '

‘The newly appointed Lord of the Earth Division went out to fight in person, and he won’t return! '

Under this kind of momentum, Brother Cheng seemed to have no choice but to go to the front line.

And hearing these rumors, the whole Monster World was stunned.


Attacking the Immortal World?

Immortal World and Monster World are not of the same magnitude at all!

And there is no need to send troops from various tribes, and you don't bring the Forbidden Army of the Demon Palace, so why fight?

Run to deliver it?

After the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, Monster World should have returned to peace.

Some demon emperors plan to Close Door Training for hundreds of millions of years.

Hearing the news, they all had to make an exception and stay outside.

After all, this thing is too outrageous.

Maybe it won't be long before the new land lord dies in battle, so he has to be re-elected.

Under the bad voice of Monster World, Cheng Ge took the three-eyed tiger and set off back to Canglong Valley.

As soon as he came back here, he received a very warm welcome.

"The Great Emperor is back!"

Cang Ji, who came back earlier, led all the Canglong pterosaurs and black dragons in the valley, neatly arranged on both sides.

Every dragon is beaming.

After seeing him, the audience burst into applause.

"It's the land lord who has returned!"

"Hahaha, welcome to the Lord of the Land Division!"

"My clan's Great Emperor is different. He even won the first place in the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference..."

"Unfortunately, we were not able to witness the heroic appearance of the Great Emperor at the time."

Forget about Cang Ji, but the high-level officials such as Cang Qiong Yi Kong Mo Yang are really unbelievable, and they still think it is too incredible.

They have a deep understanding of the difficulty of the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference.

When the Great Emperor said they would play in person, their biggest expectation was to win two or three rounds.

It is a miracle to enter the top 32.

As a result, all the land masters have now been captured.

Can you not be surprised and proud?

Stepping into Canglong Valley, a grand celebration has already been prepared inside.

Brother Cheng actually saw a group of sparrow monsters.

After inquiring, they found out that just after the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference ended, the White Crane Great Emperor issued an ultimatum to the Que Clan, expelling them from Biyu Mountain.

The Sparrow Clan, who had nowhere to go, had no choice but to follow Cang Ji to Canglong Valley in a 'silly face'.

This made Brother Cheng overjoyed.

He still attaches great importance to this cheerleading team.

(end of this chapter)

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