Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 283: : I solved it in one breath

In the battle of ninjas, intelligence is an extremely important food, and it can even easily determine the outcome of the battle.

This is especially true in the battle between can openers.

Power comes from an unknown world, and unknown leads to unknown possibilities.

At this moment, the ninja elites in the Xiao organization are also aware of this.

"If you don't know your weaknesses, there is no end to this entanglement!" The horns began to be irritable. "Fly Duan, let's solve that guy!"

"Eh, I also want to sacrifice this big guy to Lord Evil God." Fei Duan seemed a little reluctant.

"If you want to sacrifice, it's more appropriate to sacrifice the big snake ball guy." The horns avoided a tentacle and asked in a loud voice, "Are there any people going together?"

"I object, the strength of Da She Wan itself definitely exceeds this monster." Uchiha Itachi said.

"Who cares!" The horns said irritably.

The long lifespan and the idea of ​​money supremacy make Jiaodu's temper become more and more irritable. Otherwise, he will not be able to make money by working only after working for such a long time.

Now, his patience is about to reach its limit.

A group of people hit it now, not even seeing the face of Da She Wan, and Jiao even began to be disappointed with Xiao Organization.

Uchiha Itachi no longer speaks.

He persuaded.

I'm too lazy to go to death, anyway, he is undercover.

The horns shouted again, but no one responded.

Everyone was hesitating.

"Isn't this completely lacking awareness of cooperation?" Silence couldn't help saying.

"Meow meow!"

Fei Ju nodded her head, but by looking at her blank eyes, she knew that she did not know what the silence meant.

But Da She Wan also saw it.

These people are not even familiar with each other's strengths, and there is basically no teamwork when fighting.

"Some people should be separated, come and deal with me." Da She Wan murmured softly.

He didn't expect this monster to solve all the people, but as long as they could be dispersed, he would have the opportunity to recycle the reincarnation eye and write the reincarnation eye.

The reality is indeed moving closer to this plan.

After using the puppet to cut off two tentacles and watching it grow out soon, the scorpion could not help it.

"Jiaodu, I will go with you."

"Senior is going?" Dedara looked at the scorpion. "Then I..."

"You stay here." Scorpion interrupted Dedara's words. "You can stop this monster in the air with explosive clay."

"Well, there should be enough of us three over there." Jiao Du said, and also looked at Uchiha Itachi coldly.

Timid people have no way to gain the respect of these people.

Uchiha Itachi didn't see it.

Originally, in the Xiao organization, it was in the form of a team of two. He was only familiar with the dried persimmon, and he was not familiar with the rest.

However, Nagato recalled the state of the big snake pill that he had just seen, and that kind of means, and there was a faint feeling.

"hold on."

He looked at the monster in front of him, and he finally seemed to have made up his mind, and stopped the horns waiting to leave.

"Let's go together."


The horns stopped and looked at the leader.

"But it's just a monster." The long door was framed by four Payne. "You all let it go, I solved it in one breath."

"Solve it in one breath..." The dried persimmon seemed to think of something. "Boss, you saw it just now. This guy can recover even if it is flattened. Your trick is useless."

He thought that the long gate was to use Chao Shenluo Tianzheng.

Although that trick is indeed powerful.

But the monster can recover even if its head is squashed.

"I'm not the only one." Nagato gasped, trying to mobilize Chakra of his body.

"Don't you think..." Xiao Nan clutched his palm tightly and took two steps forward, "You don't need to do this."

She guessed what Nagato wanted to do, but no one knew better than Xiaonan, Nagato's body was constantly declining.

Reincarnation eyes, outside Tao Golem, these forces put too much load on his body.

"Slightly quieter." Nagato did not look at Xiao Nan, but said in a low voice, "I need to concentrate, Xiao Nan, you protect me."

Xiao Nan was silent for a moment, and stood silently in front of him.

Watching this scene in silence.

He understands that this is the way this woman gets along with her companions, even if she knows that Nagato's choice is not correct, and knows that this way, Nagato will not have a good result, but after realizing that she cannot persuade her companion, she chooses It is unconditional support, giving everything for the will of Nagato.

In this case......

Silence tapped the table twice.

With the continuous development of the Chamber of Commerce, Naruto World will definitely need a long-stayed agent.

He originally prepared Xiao Nan.

Without his own ambitions, he also values ​​his companions and his ability is excellent.

But after frowning and thinking for a while, the silence was still not ready to do anything specifically.

If he really manipulated Xiao Nan's fate, one day it would be a hidden danger.

let it go.

Compared with buying roles from the system, I can certainly lower the trading points by four-fifths, but now the silence is rich, and naturally I didn’t care so much at first. It’s a big deal to buy a suitable role from the system as an agent.

So I grabbed a handful of potato chips and went on silently.

Namen's words undoubtedly showed that he was going to use big tricks.

The rest of the people gave way.

Their eyes are full of curiosity. In fact, not many people have seen Nagato's real shot, just because of reincarnation eyes, he subconsciously thinks he is strong.

And the performance just now, let them be a little disappointed to tell the truth.

"A little further." Nagato said.

"It's farther away?" Dedara looked at the distance of nearly 100 meters, and was suddenly excited. "Although I don't know what moves, I feel so powerful."

Everyone stayed away Even if it was Da She Wan, there was a slight expression of caution.

Although he has confidence in his current strength.

But that is, after all, the reincarnation eye related to the Six Dao Immortals.

Controlling the monster, waving his tentacles, and lashing towards the long door together, Xiaonan raised his hand, and countless runes formed a shield, blocking it in front of the long door.

The banging of the bang hits continuously.

Xiao Nan bit his lip, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, but still with his own strength, he blocked the monster's crazy attack.

Nagato folded his hands together, and his neck had blue muscles.


Accompanied by a cry of exhaustion, a black ball gradually emerged from the middle of his palm, and as soon as he raised his hand, the inconspicuous ball continued to rise as if there was no weight, and it was difficult to notice.

Wonderful book house

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