Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 284: : Fear my strength

"Okay, Xiaonan." Nagato gasped.

The other five Payne carried him directly and jumped away with Xiao Nan quickly.

In midair, Nagato folded his hands together again.

Chakra's crazy surge activates the spell.

"Earth bursting star!"

Almost at the same time as shouting the name of the move, the black ball in the sky shines, shining the earth under the night like daylight.

There was blood slowly flowing out of the nasal cavity of the long door.

Obviously, such a move is extremely burdensome for him.

Everyone looked at it quietly and didn't seem to understand what it was.

But they soon learned.

The first stone floated slowly, and then the earth gradually cracked. Stones, soil, trees, everything on the ground flew toward the sky as if it was being dragged, faster and faster, and then squeezed in Together, keep compressing.

The long door opened his hands.

The whole earth in front of him rises vertically like a rising wall of soil.

The scene is extremely spectacular.

"What move is this."

Da She Wan has never seen such a move, but he quickly reacted and controlled the monster to start running.

Even the tentacles support his body and want to escape this area.

"Drink!" Nagato sipped again, and even the mouth and ears began to bleed blood. He bit his teeth, and the traction of the exploding star rose sharply. More and more rocks hit the whole under the traction. Flying monster.

The constantly rushing mud and rocks wrapped the monster completely, and rushed to the sky together, hitting the gradually formed giant sphere under the loud noise.

The monster's wailing was gradually covered by the overwhelming earth.

Layers of mud keep pouring up.

Under the moonlight, this world is like two moons.

"This is really amazing..."

Dedara stared blankly at the huge floating sphere, his expression a bit dull, his eyes full of shock.

But the rest of the people are similar.

For them, no, for the entire ninja world, ninjutsu of this scale is beyond imagination.

Especially Jiaodu.

The horns carefully looked at the long door with blood on his face not far away. For him who was born in the era of the first generation of Naruto, he could better understand that this power, this scale, is close to the one known as "endure" The man of "the **** of the realm" is at the same level.

Not a level with the current Ninja Ninja.

Reincarnation eyes, really powerful.

The horns flashed and ran towards the long door.

Xiao Nan became alert.

After using the trick of exploding Tianxing, Nagato's strength can be said to be greatly reduced.

However, Nagato waved at her, reached out and wiped the blood on her face, and straightened her chest. The thin, skull-like eyes were full of reverence and looked at everyone with pride.

Horns can't help but slow down.

He did have a little bit of thought to seize the opportunity to reincarnate the eyes, but he didn't dare to bet that Nagato still had combat power. How many people in the Xiao organization here obeyed this leader.

In the end, it just stopped at a distance of four or five meters from the long gate and asked:

"Can the leader still fight?"

"Of course." The voice of Nagato really sounded confident.

Although he is in a terrible situation, in general, he can still use a few more magical signs.

that's enough.

"So, please let the leader decide." Jiao Jiao gave his own attitude.

The rest of the people also approached.

Staring at this prince-like leader, with a bit of respect in his eyes.

In any case, the opponent has shown enough strength to serve as the leader.

Nagato saw their attitude.

Although these people can be ordered at ordinary times, it wasn't until this moment that Nagato felt that he was the leader of the organization.

He raised his thin arms and pointed to the tower not far away.

"Go, let that traitor be punished due!"

All members of the Xiao organization looked at it. Under the silver-white moonlight, the figure of the red robe in the black background rushed towards the tower.

"Does the earth explode?"

Da She Wan looked at the still-suspended rock and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was a little distressed to himself.

In order to create this monster, he basically used all the materials in the first and second level jars, and even used a lot of the materials in the third level lich jars.

Now it has completely cut off the induction.

Obviously, this technique is a large-scale seal ninjutsu.

For him, it can be described as a heavy loss.

However, Da She Wan's eyes turned to those who rushed towards him, especially the Hongfa man among them, and the smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly widened:

These people have entered the magic network of the Master Tower.

"My loss, you can make up for it with reincarnation eyes."

When the words fell, Da She Wan stood up, held the staff, stretched out his hands, and began to chant the spell.

A voice like a devil whispering sounded across the sky.

Everyone in Xiao organization couldn't help raising his head.

Under the moonlight, near the mage tower, one dark magic circle after another continued to unfold.

what is that?

Everyone slowed down involuntarily.

"Fear my strength!" Da She Wan shouted in a loud voice.

A sudden sense of crisis flooded everyone's heart.

The next moment.

In those independent dark magic arrays, dark gray energy clusters shot at them quickly.


This is not a skill, but an easy-to-learn but very useful necromantic magic.

The characteristic is that the attack speed is fast, and the number is large, the consumption is low, and the attack can be extremely accurate.

"Tu Dun·Liu Liubi!"

"Shui Dun·Water Front!"

"Wind escape..."

All members of Payne used their own ninjutsu to avoid or defend against such intensive attacks from a silent perspective. Blow.

The power of each one may not be However, its density is far from imaginable by the ninjas of this world.

After just a few tens of seconds, the people of Xiao Organization had to strengthen their defenses, and it was somewhat reluctant to resist.

"Hey, what's this attack." Fei Duan hid behind Jiaodu. "Are we facing a coalition of ninjas?"

"I don't know, but he certainly can't hold on for long." Jiao Du's face was ugly.

"Senior, I don't know how to play defensive ninjutsu." Dedara was frustrated, hiding behind the puppet of the scorpion.

The rest of the people were silent, but Nagato's face was equally unsightly.

I thought that monster was the opponent's biggest card.

However, it is now a means that is simply not understood.

So far, the other party is even useless in ninja!

Wonderful book house

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