Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 297: : The stage of fate starts

Is it different?

Uchiha finally found out where his bad feelings came from.

"Did you meet that man too?" said with a low voice, if someone took off his mask, he would find that his expression was not as relaxed as before, but extremely cautious.

The fight last night was simple.

But Da She Wan still left a deep impression on him.

This is particularly true of Kakashi.

If Xiaonan meets

"That's right." Xiao Nan had no intention of denying, "I have been by the side of the lord for a few days, and I get strength from him."

"A few days?" Uchiha whispered in a low voice, he keenly found the key point.

Even a few days.

If you are opening jars these days, how much you have to buy! ?

and many more--

Yixiao organized the wealth accumulated over the years

Even for Uchiha Itachi, his palms were sweating a little at the moment, and the look in Xiao Nan's eyes was completely different.

"It turns out that way, it turns out that way."

Uchiha stared at Xiaonan with soil, he already understood.

However, after all, he was a person who had never opened a jar, and did not realize how many jars the other party had opened like Uchiha Itachi.

Even if I met that mysterious man.

The strength gained should also be weak or strong.

With the ability to blur, maybe

"I'll just say it."

As Xiaonan raised his hand, hundreds of runes emerged from his body, and a ray of light continued to emerge from the runes.

And her next words also reached everyone's ears.

"--I should be stronger than Da She Wan now."

not good!

Uchiha's warning with the heart of the soil has been mentioned the highest.

He gritted his teeth, and finally dared not continue to gamble.

The figure receded backwards at the same time, and at the same time, vortices began to appear near his eyes, devouring his body step by step.

Although very unwilling, but the soil is ready to evacuate.

"Is it time and space ninjutsu?"

Xiao Nan's face grew colder.

Her current strength is indeed strong.

There are also a lot of formations and enchantments for the fusi of space ninjutsu.

But the problem is.

She came back all night, and was too late to prepare on the road.

With a pinch in his fingers, a rune of paper hit the soil towards Uchiha.

——Split Air Symbol!

This is one of her awards, which belongs to the inheritance of knowledge. It is currently the most lethal talisman she possesses. Even the space can be torn, but it is also very difficult to make. She spent a lot of materials on the road and was only successful Two pieces were made.

But it was specially prepared for this person!

Get out right now.

The rune paper was twisted and turned into a dark light, and the passing was a heart-rending crack.

What was torn apart was not air but space.

Even the light is broken, the world seems to be divided into two, just looking at it, everyone has a feeling of pain in the eyes, like sight, perception, breath, everything is together under this light Torn.

With soil, the eyes are wide.

He was extremely convinced that his ability to blur could not escape this trick, if he asked why, because he had felt an unprecedented breath of death.

At the last moment, he stopped the Ninjutsu decisively and rolled forward one by one. The dark crack ran across the top of his head.


With soil still screamed.

The small shocks that came when the space was torn apart, directly shattered his shoulders, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

Blur ability is useless.

"What the **** is this?" Dedara swallowed.

Everything in front of him is too exciting for his newcomer Xiao Xiao.

First, the flying segments and horns that were claimed to be undead were easily pierced through the body.

Then, the man who claimed to be Uchiha spot last time screamed under the attack of the big sister's head.

Xiao Nan ignored the rest.

As soon as he raised his hand, another rune appeared in his hand.

"This time it won't let you escape."

Xiao Nan said coldly, just that one, has let her know the attacking characteristics of this crack.

After activation, it will emit a ray of light that can be torn apart in space.

The difficulty is to restrict each other's actions.

The rune trap between the fingers was not used in a hurry, and dozens of rune traps flew out, and each one rushed out of the chain with a light blue light, and rushed towards the Uchiha belt.

Take the soil and shoot to the ground with one hand.

Numerous branches rushed up and surrounded him.

However, those chains penetrated the barrier without hindrance.


With soil to endure the pain in his shoulder, he could not help but exclaim.

"This kind of Xuanyin lock symbol, like your virtual ability, can't be stopped." Xiao Nan's big eyes narrowed a little, and looked beautiful and dangerous. "Even if you are a real Uchiha spot, this world is no longer. It belongs to you, the world now belongs to us!"

Bringing soil to use the ability to blur.

But at the moment of being penetrated by this chain, I felt that my body could not move.

Because, his blur is only a part of the body.

The soul is still a whole.

The so-called Xuanyin chain was originally used to restrict the soul. The middle is like being caught by the grim reaper's seal of death, unable to move.

"Is this the power of the members?" With the eyes of Tutu, there was deep unwillingness.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are, but-you can die."

Along with Xiao Nan's icy voice, the last crack in her fingers shone.

One thousand five hundred tertiary jars.

Even though Xiao Nan is not fully prepared and has not digested and inherited it well, it is not a mere earth that can rely on the ability to falsify.


The silence that was watching was looking thoughtfully at a man. It seemed that it was not so easy to finish with the soil.

That's right, the person he looked at was dried persimmon.

"Mr. Itachi." The dried persimmon raised his big knife with a faint smile on his face, "I'm sorry, I may not be able to continue to be your But hope you can still use me Treat as a companion."

"Ghostfish!" Uchiha Itachi turned his head violently, as if guessing what the dried persimmon shark would do.

"Mr. Ban trusts me and sees me as a companion working towards the same goal, so-I can no longer watch my companion die in front of my eyes." The dried persimmon shark raised his badge with his other hand. , Aiming at Xiao Nan.

——The stage of fate, start!

Since the day he opened the jar, he has vowed that he will never betray any companion.

Now, there are only four of him regarded as companions.

Uchiha Itachi, Shark Muskete, the ghost in his right hand, and-trusting him and telling his Moon Eye to his Mr. Ban.

Sigh in silence.

In the original book, the dried persimmon shark is to protect the secret of Uchiha's soil, and he broke free from control and committed suicide directly.


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