Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 298: : I'm probably hopeless

And at this moment.

From the moment the ghost shark raised the badge, it seemed to have inexplicable power, wrapping everyone.

The chain that bound Uchiha's soil broke directly.

In this small space, the sound of broken mirrors kept coming.

After that, everything started to stretch.

The ground, pillars, and ceiling, accompanied by the tingling sound of gears, are constantly interleaved and rotated, and in a way that violates the laws of physics, it becomes a place like an arena.

All non-members are brought to the edge of this space by irresistible forces.

"This is the stage of fate?" Dedara murmured, his eyes wide.

The rest of the people are almost the same

Apart from Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark, everyone else saw it for the first time.

Uchiha took the soil and looked at everything in front of him incrediblely, squeezing his fist.

He finally knew.

Faced with such a miracle of wanton distortion of space, his so-called space-time ninjutsu is really nothing. The idea of ​​Nagato is even more ridiculous. From the moment the businessman came, they have lost the world. Qualifications.

Xiao Nan also saw the stage of fate for the first time.

But compared to it.

Her current sight is more on the dried persimmon in front of her.

His eyes were unusually cold.

"You know what it means."

Xiao Nan's voice was like a piece of ice for ten thousand years, and blank sheets of paper flew out of her body one after another, and the brand mark of Fu Lu continued to emerge.

The stage of destiny was originally to protect non-members.

Whether or not people are allowed to watch the battle is determined by the person who opens the stage of fate.

It is equivalent to say.

The dried persimmon shark now has the ability to let go of Uchiha who is not a member.

"I have betrayed my companions for most of my life." The dried persimmon still has a smile on his face. "However, I hate this kind of thing very much. If a person can't even figure out his position, Even a person as a companion can betray at will, where is the significance of this person's existence?"


Xiao Nan looked at this man silently, a little surprised.

Although she was brought by the soil, she also did some investigations.

As he said.

His previous tasks were all dirty tasks that started with his companions, and even the shark muscle machetes in his hand were robbed after killing his boss.

But such a person is now willing to die for the person he regards as a companion?

Xiao Nan didn't expect it.

In the Akatsuki organization that is treacherous, there are also people who think about this for their companions.

She has some emotions.

"Mr. Ban, escape as soon as possible, I may not be able to fight for much time." Dry Persimmon Shark turned his head and said.

Subsequently, he lifted the identity of the audience with soil.

And just when the soil moves.


The mask on his face began to crumble in circles.

It was caused by the aftermath of the crack.

And the appearance under the mask

A half-scarred and strange face.

"You are not Uchiha spot at all!"

Jiao Du shouted for the first time, and it seemed to hate his teeth.

At this time, he could not take care of so much soil, turned to look at the dried persimmon, and escaped to the edge of the edge, disappearing in a seemingly broken mirror.

"Damn it! Don't run!" The flying segment, still in the pierced state, threw his scythe out fiercely, but stopped strangely when it touched the edge.

Their identity at the moment is "audience".

"It seems that the person you regarded as a companion not only abandoned you, but even told you your true identity." Xiao Nan said indifferently looking at the dried persimmon in front of him.

But inwardly, he was a little hesitant.

She is very clear to that person's ability.

Within a short time of escaping, he will escape with space-time ninjutsu. From this time, he has let the other party run away, even if the dried persimmon is killed.

The smile of dried persimmon is bitter.

But he still smiled and said, "I probably guessed it would, but it didn't matter. This world was full of betrayal and lies. I only chose to stop betraying my companions only to satisfy my heart. At least not betrayal first. That one."

This is his real idea.

"Even if the other party may be deceiving you, would you like to protect it with your life? You can't see that you are such a stupid person." Xiao Nan said lightly.

"Perhaps I am really a hopeless person." The dried persimmon raised his skeletal muscle, and his smile suddenly became bold. "Come on, even if it is not an opponent, but I will fight to the end."

At this time, the dried persimmon shark looks like that kind of "fog monster".

However, Xiao Nan did not rush to shoot.

Her eyes moved from the body of the dried persimmon to all the rest of the members.

Floating in the air, countless runes surround the surrounding Xiaonan, just like a real god.

She suddenly said, "I called you today, originally to retire you."

Everyone was taken aback.

The attitude of the mask man just now is very clear, and I want them to continue to serve the organization.

But this one wants to retire them?

Think they no longer need their power?

"The organization Akatsuki was founded by my companion, Yahiko. His philosophy is that all comers are companions. Then Yahiko died to save me. Nagato took over the organization and no longer regarded members as companions, but only Tools." Xiao Nan suddenly talked about the history of Xiao organization, and then increased his tone. "Now, the leader of Xiao organization is me, and I am different from them."

Everyone listened carefully.

They are very clear.

The terrible strength that Xiao Nan has shown will make Xiao Organization much stronger than in the past.

"I will not treat the members as tools, but as companions, but only if-you are also the same." Xiao Nan said slowly, his expression very serious, "I originally thought that you are just a group who will not care The companion, but the ghostfish made me see the possibility, so, those who are willing to uphold the concept of companion stay, if they can't, leave Xiao organization."

After saying something like Everyone looked at each other.

They did not expect Xiao Nan to say such a thing.

Nagato sees them as tools, and they are all clear.

They also joined in with their own interests.

but now

"I want to ask." Uchiha Itachi suddenly said, "Your purpose is to collect tail beasts and then build the strongest weapon?"

As an undercover, he is more concerned about this female leader who seems to be extremely strong, with no purpose, will it threaten Konoha.

"Whether it is Yahiko, Nagato, or me, the purpose has always been one, that is--

Xiao Nan is like a queen reviewing the army, glancing at everyone, and then said in an unquestionable tone

"--World Peace!"


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