Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 304: : Nami's Jar Series

Pirate World and Naruto World are different.

This can be vaguely guessed before Shen Meng came over.

In this vast territory, filled with all kinds of magical worlds, there are countless treasures.

Eat it to have the fruits of magical power, the colorful mist of time warp, the empty island among the clouds

There are words in the great route.

It is necessary to discard any previous experience and common sense, because wherever possible, everything is possible.

This may increase the difficulty of his fooling.

Although it is said that silence has a rough plan, but before that, it is still necessary to look at the people of this world and make the next decision on the reaction to the jar.

Nami opened the first jar nervously now.

Inside, there is a light group.

"What's so amazing." She widened her eyes at once.

"Touch it and you will know." Silence said.

Nami touched carefully, and the moment the light group merged into her body, information poured into her mind.

About magic.

The silence prepared for Nami is the jar of the mage series.

She does not have extraordinary physical strength or excellent melee skills, but she possesses much more knowledge than the average person. She is good at using all kinds of knowledge to fight flexibly.

At this moment, Nami's eyes were already shining.

"Magic? Is there such a power? Just like the legendary magician?"

Although it is just a simple message, you can still learn some magical magic from it.

"It's normal to haven't heard of it," said silently. "Because, the contents of the jar were not originally the power of this world."

"It's not this world" Nami turned her head suddenly, her eyes widened in silence, "It's not the power of this world, what do you mean?"

"Did I not say?" Silent raised an eyebrow, "I am a traveling businessman from another world."

"No, no, you never said it."

Nami shook her head again and again, but her mood seemed more excited.

From experiencing the magic of the first jar in person, she realized that she had encountered a great opportunity this time.

"Go on." Silence just looked at her with a smile.

Nami opened the second jar again, which was still a light group.

This time she didn't have to say anything in silence, she absorbed it directly.

Then it felt hot all over.

It seems that there is a rush of heat all over the province, and those who are numb and numb can clearly feel the strength increase.

The third and fourth

Most of the Master series is a light group, in addition to some knowledge recorded in the form of books, and some items that seem very magical.

After the ten jars were opened, Nami looked at her body inconceivably.

It really became stronger.

She could feel that just ten jars were opened, her strength was obviously much stronger, and if the information in her mind was true, there should be more magical power behind.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

"So, decide."

Raising his hand in silence, some of the food on the seat that had not been eaten disappeared.

Nami raised her head and swallowed. She seemed to realize what she was going to decide.

"How much treasure are you going to use to buy jars?" Silently hugged your own cat, the smile seemed a bit mysterious, "I must remind you that if you want to defeat the evil dragon, unless you have a great prize, you All the current treasures are not necessarily enough."

"Big prize?" Nami asked back.

"Yes, Grand Prize." Nodded silently. "You should have noticed that every jar's items, functions, and values ​​are random. There may be powerful treasures in it, or it may just be some sparse and ordinary things. This is what I mean by luck."

What Nami opened just now are all sparse and ordinary things, no prizes.

However, she felt her heart in silence and felt that it didn't matter if she didn't have a big prize.

"The powerful treasures are just these, they are very powerful." Nami looked at the empty jars, and the excitement in her eyes could not be concealed. "I heard from my mother before that there are some people in this sea that make people A treasure that has become very powerful, I occasionally have some little hope in these years."

"It seems that you have made a decision." Silent laughed.

He didn't ask Nami again how many jars she decided to buy.

She thought she would hesitate.

But as soon as she saw the opportunity, deep down in her heart, the hatred of the dragon pirate group that killed her loved one rose directly.

100 million Bailey, used to buy the village as an agreement, or used to strengthen the power of revenge?

There is simply one choice.

"If it is such a jar, all my money can be taken." Nami's fist clenched tightly, "100 million is not enough, I will make more money!"

What agreement is just a helpless move without strength.

And with the power, it is easier to make money. Nami, who has been a thief among pirates for years, is very clear about the laws of the sea.

If you have strength, you can have everything.

Raising his hand in silence, information about the jar appeared directly in Nami's mind.

The series of jars, the grade of the jars, how much to buy to be a member

"Why, why don't you use such a simple method earlier?" Nami's eyes were as if glowing. With her cleverness, she would quickly understand what this meant.

The road that can quickly become stronger!

The silence is clear.

This world of pirates is different from the world of Naruto.

In the order here, the strong have a clear ability to make money, whether it is as a pirate to plunder the village, or as a bounty hunter to catch the pirate, you can even eat black and find treasure.

As Nami thought at the moment.

If you have strength, you have everything. The so-called sea was originally a place where each other was fighting and plundering each other. From the moment of going to sea, all people have to face are fighting, becoming stronger, and dying!

"I don't need my deliberate guidance at Just need people to see the hope of becoming stronger, and countless people will be crazy." Silence thought in his heart, he turned his head through the bar window Looking at the sky.

Because this world is a game that tends to be complete.

Competition is everywhere.

"Now, Uncle." Nami suddenly leaned over with a hard smile, "I bought so much at once, are there any discounts?"

Silently stretched out a bent finger.

Nami immediately covered her forehead and took two steps back.

Heartbroken face.

There is no discount at all.

She took a deep breath and shouted firmly:

"All my treasures, all my money, the department has spent it, buy a jar!"


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