Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 305: : Nami's Grand Prize Skill

After confirming that opening the jar can make it stronger, Nami's enthusiasm showed even more than a silent estimate.

The girl who looked stingy and greedy for money in the original, now has no hesitation to use up the money stolen from the pirates for years.

This was originally her hope to save the village.

Of course, now too.

I just hope to change a way.

In this unmanned tavern, the boss behind the wine cabinet seemed to be completely unaware of what was wrong, and wiped the glass there.

And Nami also started her own can opening experience.

There is no tension, only excitement.

Every time she became stronger, she was very happy. Even if she opened something that didn't work, it was only a little frustrating, but it didn't affect her mood at all. After all, it was only a few.

Silence probably understands.

In this world, although the top strong are not weak at all, ordinary people are not very strong.

The span of levels is enormous.

Under such circumstances, Nami's strength in every point of promotion is particularly obvious.

After all, she is still in Novice Village.

I just don't know if I can win a big prize.


Nami suddenly exclaimed, holding an object that seemed to be a red gem on her palm.

"Artificial gemstones, with a one-time flame bomb magic." Silent congratulations, "It's a big prize. If it's powerful, it can probably bomb this tavern."

This is the grand prize in the secondary jar.

"This tavern?" Nami looked around and opened her mouth slightly, looking quite surprised. "Isn't that similar to a shell?"

"If it hurts people, it's more powerful than that, after all, it's flames." Silence said.

This is a one-time prop with a value of tens of thousands of trading points. If it is used well, there may be hope for serious damage to the dragon alone.

" this the grand prize?" Nami looked at the beautiful gem in her hand and seemed to finally understand the meaning of the grand prize.

There is such a thing on the sea, maybe one more life.

Nami's eyes grew hotter.

Silent smiled slightly, but he had long expected that this would be the result.

The grand prize is one of the important charms of the jar.

Although it seems that the situation in this world does not need to rely on the jackpot to increase the krypton gold impulse, the desire to become stronger alone is enough, but the jackpot still makes people more fanatical.

"There are more than one hundred second-class jars, and one more prize should be opened!" Nami said excitedly.

Most of the treasures she has saved are gold and silver.

Only a small amount is coins, all together, almost worth 7 million transaction points, enough to buy more than two hundred second-level jars.

Calculated by normal probability, it should be a big prize.

However, silently glanced at the jar she opened at this time.

Appeared, the second prize!

Nami didn't realize that this was the grand prize, until after she absorbed the light group, the information suddenly poured into her mind.

Skills: Flame Lightning.

Introduction: shout out; lightning, spraying lightning-shaped flames from your hands, for quick attack magic, consume magic or physical strength.

"Skills?" Nami raised her hand and shouted directly, ";lightning!"

In an instant, a lightning-like flame was ejected from her palm, and with a bang, it smashed a table, leaving a visible trace of burning.

"Okay, so strong." Nami murmured at her palm.

If you have this ability, the little babies in the daytime, no, even their captain, the terrible Bucky, maybe she has the power to fight.

This is the jar!

Nami squeezed her fist fiercely, her smile couldn't stop, "Great! I don't have to hide from Tibet!"

With power like this, many things can be saved.

"Now you, even in the face of the evil dragon, you should have the power to fight." Silence shook his head and smiled, "It seems that destiny graces you, this is your member badge, put it away."

"Uncle, are you leaving?" Nami took the badge and seemed to see that the silence was about to leave.

"You have the status of a member, you can buy jars from me at any time." Silently hug Fei Ju stood up, and finally gave her a glance, "So, go to realize your own wish."

The voice fell, and the silent figure disappeared like a phantom.

Nami was the only one left.

This optimistic girl with short orange hair did not feel like a dream after the ordinary person opened the can, but pinched the badge in her hand and shouted excitedly.


This thing she didn't have now, but now she has been in her hands.

If you can have power earlier...

The silent figure suspended in the air and looked at the girl.

Look in the other direction.

Luffy, the protagonist, and Sauron, the swordsman, have all come to this town.

However, the silence did not intend to sell them jars now.

Too poor.

For another reason, silence does not want to be found one by one like Naruto World.

There are too many people with buying potential in this world.

Those who are famous only have few surnames. He needs a new plan. What's more, the natural competition in this world exists. If you take advantage of it, it's a game that can make a lot of money.

The silent figure disappeared in its place, and when it appeared again, it was already on the sea.

"First of all, I need prestige, and I need to make people who are eager to become stronger in the world one by one take the initiative to find them, and then I will select the people who are qualified to become members." "The reputation of fighting is useless. In the world of Pirates, only strength and treasure will make people crazy."

After opening the system interface, he began to customize what he wanted.

-Transaction contract!

System transactions can be established only if both parties to the transaction agree.

You can ignore the distance, this is the role of the member badge.

And now, what Silence wants to make is a simple version of the badge.

Just write his own needs, a yellow brand-new paper appeared in his is full of the style of this world contract paper, surrounded by black singular lines on the edges, and the top is all-knowing and omnipotent Chamber of Commerce logo.

Silent thoughts moved.

Below the logo, writing began to appear:

[This is the sacred transaction contract of the All-Knowing Almighty Chamber of Commerce. Under the guidance of fate, I will give you the opportunity to realize your dreams.

The contract is as follows:

Voluntary payment of the treasure corresponding to the transaction;

Obtained ten cans that touched the destiny of merchant ships and the first-class destiny;

If you want more power, look for the destiny merchant ship in the sea;

Everyone's dream will be realized there.

Trader: Silent.


Wonderful book house

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