Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 317: : The ship of fate appears

"Actually... just a blow." Someone swallowed.

"The Crick was killed with a single blow."

"This is... the strength of the world's largest swordsman!"

For most people in the East China Sea, especially these pirates, Creek is already an unimaginably powerful existence.

The battle just now proves this.

However, such a powerful existence, even with its own strongest gas bomb, could not resist the eagle-eye blow.

This is really too exciting.

They knew that some people in the great route were strong, but they could not imagine how someone could be so strong.

Some people are ready to run.

In the face of such monsters, even if they are all together, it will not help at all.

However, some people did not lose courage.

Sauron raised a long knife in his hand and faced Eagle Eye.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the world's first, but I still have to challenge you!"

Hawkeye glanced at him lightly, and hadn't said anything, Nami couldn't stand it.

"Hey, are you crazy?" Nami whispered madly. "He killed the creek with just a sword. How can such a person win. "

"Nami!" Luffy suddenly grabbed Nami's arm, "Don't stop him."

"Luffy! How can you even..." Nami couldn't understand it.

"Yes, he is very strong, better than me, better than anyone I've seen so far." Luffy also gritted his teeth, looking desperately patient, "but this is Sauron's The goal is his dream, and none of us can stop it!"

"..." Nami opened her mouth, but had no idea what to say.

"Thank you, Luffy."

Sauron slowly pulled out his other two long swords.

From the sword just now, he knew he was not an opponent.

Differs greatly.

However, he felt that if he didn't do anything, if he gave up in this way, he would never have the courage to raise his sword in front of this man in his life.

Facing Sauron who still poses a challenge.

Hawkeye seemed slightly moved.

"The gap between you and me is really too big, but because of this courage." He also raised his sword, "I will beat you seriously."

"Thank you so much!" Sauron held his long knife, and regardless of whether it was still on the sea, he wanted to rush over.

However, at this moment, the eagle eye turned his head violently.

Next, he turned around and stared at somewhere.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Sauron bit his long knife, and seemed to be angry. "During the battle, he turned his back to me. If he had a sword in his back, it would be a shame for the swordsman!"

However, Hawkeye did not speak.

His sharp eyes became extremely sharp in vain, staring at somewhere in front of him.

"Eagle eyes!" Suo Longqi's body was shaking.

"Suo, Sauron..." Nami rounded her eyes, pointing in a direction not far away, "Then, there is..."

"Huh?" Sauron frowned, looking in the direction Nami pointed. "There's nothing there."

"Let's see, I'll see." Luffy stretched out his neck, "Is there anything there?"

"Can't you see? That's that! That!" Nami shook her hand excitedly, her mouth wide open, her face shocked but she didn't know how to describe it.

Because the things in front are really shocking.

There is simply no language to describe it.

However, Luffy, Sauron, and even Sanji couldn't see anything at all.

Just at this time.

A captain Pirate shouted excitedly:

"That's the ship of fate! As long as you find it, you can gain strength!"

"Can't be wrong, is that a ship made of steel?"

"What happened to that light?"

"Did you see that main gun? Just a glance at my scalp numb!"

These excited pirates are the captains of the group of small pirates around, and are the contractors who opened the wandering cans, and the rest of the pirates, including those who are not far from the sea restaurant, are all widened. Eyes, but can't see anything.

The so-called ship of fate, although never heard of.

But just after the battle, the shouts of these people were heard by everyone.

It is said to be a ship that can gain power as soon as it is found.

Even the eagle eye.

The first sentence after this powerful man appeared was also asking about the ship of fate.

Everyone's eyes were wide, and they wanted to see what the legendary ship looked like.

The silence on the ship, standing at the forefront of the deck, wearing a black military uniform and a black robe behind him, looked like a real captain, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Atmosphere, image.

Already made up.

Just after the tank fight, the appearance of Eagle Eye, and even the display of Eagle Eye's strength, in Shen Mo's view, was only for the debut of the ship of fate.

"Bismarck, cancel invisibility."

"Yes." Bismarck said.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, the warships that only contractors and members could see, appeared in the eyes of everyone in the mysterious light.

Hundreds of meters of black and red huge battleship, like a metal shell, countless flowing light, dense fort.

There is also the most central and extremely terrible giant cannon.

"This, what is this!"

Someone beside Redfoot Jeep had fallen backwards and fell to the ground.

Even the red-footed Jeep himself shivered slightly.

He spent a year in the great route.

I have never seen a warship like this.

So huge, but there is no sail at all, not even the mast, and the material is metal? What's going on with that constant light and terrible feeling?

Silent eyes, looking at everyone in front.

Still quite satisfied with their response.

The magically modified version of Bismarck appeared for the first time in front of people in this world. The shape alone is enough to shock everyone.

However, the most important thing is his foreshadowing of the "boat of destiny".

After the responding pirates are very excited.

"This is the ship of fate!"

"Go up! There are powerful secrets on it!"


"Power! You can have power when you go up!"

These pirates started sailing one by one, rushing towards silence with great excitement.

Some people even jumped out of the sea, swimming desperately, trying to catch up with the others.

With those jars and the example of Nami, coupled with the magic and magnificence of the ship in front of everyone, everyone is convinced that the ship of destiny can gain strength, everyone is scrambling to fear that they will fall behind.

The corner of silence rises.

But no one is qualified to come.

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