Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 318: : Trial of the Ship of Destiny

In the silent plan, finding and opening the jar in the sea is an important part.

To this end, it is necessary to control the number of members who can buy cans directly from the member badge.

Like the world of Naruto, it must be the elite among the elites.

At this moment, in the face of the many pirates who were going to rush forward, the mysterious existence at the forefront of his face seemed to expand his smile.

next moment.

The pirate rushing to the front is like entering a realm of a ferocious beast, and suddenly there is a feeling of restlessness and goose bumps.

They looked subconsciously in front of them and then behind them.

Found nothing.

Probably an illusion.

The pirates who rushed in first did not slow down. They were still sprinting with full force.

However, they realized that the feeling just now was not an illusion.

The closer to the ship of fate, the more indescribable feeling of dullness, not from the outside, but from the heart, as if there is something terrible to see things constantly pressing in the heart, even breathing begins Become heavy.

"What's going on?" one pirate could not help shouting.

"I feel so uncomfortable."

The front pirates will inevitably slow down.

Start breathing heavily.

Some pirates raised their heads, looked at the giant ship that was getting closer, and looked at the grim figure, and gradually a sense of fear appeared.

There is no reason.

It's like a predator facing a natural enemy, like a tiny human being facing a huge monster.

Even if the opponent is motionless, there is a kind of instinctive fear.

Some people are already sweating on their foreheads.

Limbs began to soften.

There was an urgent feeling of wanting to escape, some unwilling, looking up at the smiling man, and even a variety of terrible speculations began to emerge in his heart and began to question.

"Hey, can you really gain strength on board?" someone shouted with his head raised.

"Why do I feel so scary."

"There will be no conspiracy."

"Everyone looks at this ship. With so many cannons on it, it doesn't look like a friendly ship."

People usually find reasons for their fear and weakness to escape from peace of mind. This is a test of nature and silence, not a physical test, but a test of the heart.

Only those who stand firm, rule out fear, and even chase fear are eligible to come up.

Only a very small part of these people in front of them gritted their teeth and continued to get closer.

However, the pressure and fear that keep pressing on my heart keeps them from stopping every minute.

As a result, the crowd, which was still **** at first, suddenly became hesitant, some people stayed in place, and some people moved very slowly.

The crowd who was watching also found something wrong.

"Why did those people stop?"

"do not know."

"Look, someone has already run away."

"What happened?"

In the eyes of the latecomers, both the boat rider and the swimmer all slowed down in unison, and some people even started shouting desperately to withdraw, as if there was something terrible there.

Even those who struggled to run away seemed to endure great fear.

"That ship..." Luffy's rare expression looked at the ship of fate not far away, and then he smiled excitedly, "It looks so interesting! Nami, you really Have you been to that boat?"

For Luffy, the excitement of the unknown adventure is almost inscribed in the bone.

If you don’t take risks when you see interesting places, you can’t be forgiven.

"No, I haven't been there." Nami shook her head, looking at the silence that brought her a turning point in destiny. "I just saw the man on the land, but he seemed to say that I was a lucky person. "

"So, where did your weird power come from?" Sauron turned his head to look at Nami.

Although it only took a few days to get along, it was considered to have fought together. Nami’s strange power was never seen before.

"That's right." Nami could only admit it at this time, and immediately squeezed her fist. "However, I paid a great price!"

That's a lot of money!

This guy's jar doesn't even have a small discount.

She has not been as poor as she has been in recent years.

And at this time.

Always smiling at everyone's silence, suddenly speaking.

The sound did not come from afar, but appeared strangely in everyone's ears.

"This is the ship of destiny, and only those who dare to challenge it can access it, and here you can get the opportunity to change everything, whether it is power, resurrection of the dead, or climbing to the top, all your wishes can be realized."

The silent tone is not exciting, but rather quite calm, like telling a normal thing.

However, everyone has a feeling of involuntary trust, as if facing the devil's enchantment.

Realize all your wishes?

Many people are panting, and even those ordinary people who eat at the restaurant on the sea have some people who can't help running to their boat. They are driven by desire and want to go to this boat of fate.

"Okay." Luffy suddenly punched his fist suddenly, his face full of excitement. "Let's go."

Nami covered her forehead silently, but did not object.

For her who had seen silence, it was not a terrible place.

As for Sauron...

The palm of the hand that had originally held the knife had burst into blue muscles.

"Hello, Nami." He asked in a hoarse voice, "Is that true when it comes to resurrecting the dead?"

Nami saw Sauron for the first time, but nodded. "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, it should be true. That person is quite powerful. I don't think there is anything he can't do."

Not to mention silence.

In some of the mage inheritances she obtained, there was a clear mention of the magic of resurrection.

"Then go! I must board the ship!" Sauron returned his sword to the scabbard looked at Eagle Eye and said, "Our test is not over yet, I still have to beat you."

Hawkeye glanced at him and sat back in his boat again, leaving only a word.

"The weak, if you fail like those people, you are not eligible to compete with me."

In the discourse, Hawkeye's confidence is clear.

His little boat without sails suddenly speeded up.

Approaching fast towards the ship of fate.

"Everyone!" Luffy also waved excitedly, "Go ahead at full speed!"

Sauron didn't say anything, like he was venting something, stroking the oar hard.

Under the great force belonging to the swordsmen, their boat also began to chase the back of the eagle eye.

Wonderful book house

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