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Chapter 330: : Father and Son meet again

On the sea not far from Rogge town, in the sight of Kapu, a huge warship never seen before approached slowly.

Quirky streamers, dense cannons, looming hulls, and that inexplicable feeling like a jar.

You can’t go wrong, it’s the ship of fate!

"Actually appeared?"

Cap's smile didn't change. It was still the funny dress, but his temperament changed quietly.

Smog also saw the huge battleship.

He jumped directly onto Kapu's boat and looked at the distance with two cigars in his mouth.

"Is that the case? Sure enough, it's the same as rumored."

In addition to the two of them, there are some navies who are also contractors, and they also saw the huge warship.

Just looking at it this way, I felt an unspeakable pressure.

Pirates are more free, but their navy, if the boss orders an attack, then they can't back down anyway.

"Ha ha ha." Kapu suddenly laughed a few times and touched his own head. "I thought the task was going to fail. I didn't expect it to appear, so let's go check it out."

He was not afraid in his eyes, but was faintly excited.

That is at this time.

The huge warship stopped, and the looming feeling began to dissipate, not only the contractors, but also the general navy, and everyone on the coast, could see its existence.

Even a well-trained navy can't help making some noise at this time.

"That... is the ship of fate!"

"As long as you pass the trial, you can realize the desired ship."

"Look, the one above!"

"I don't know if I hope to board."

Although some were worried that the boss would order the offensive, the thought of the rumors about the ship of fate, even the navy, had some expectations and desires.

Including Da Siqi.

She longed to be a powerful female swordsman, and hoped and looked forward to the opportunity to break the restrictions of the female swordsman there.

"Good!" Kapu suddenly raised his voice. "The opportunity is rare. Let's try it together."

"Lieutenant General Karp?" The surrounding navy looked at Karp in amazement.

"The order I received was just to get on the boat." Kapu waved his hand chicly, and said with domineering, "Look at who can board, the successful people, all positions will be upgraded, and I will go and personally. Warring States."

The moment the words fell, all the navies were excited.

Upgrade one level!

The upgrade of the navy, it is really here to fight hard.

"It's a lieutenant lieutenant," Smog whispered, but turned his head and looked at the navy behind him. "You all heard Lieutenant Cap, what are you waiting for?"

Although there is some chaos, but based on the information already available for this ship of fate.

This seems to be the most correct command.

So all the navies, either worried, or expecting, or excited, began to slowly approach the ship of fate not far away.

But just entered the scope of the first round of trials.

Some rao expressions changed.

"Sir, Chief Smog." Dusky held his sword tightly and stood beside Smog, asking with some difficulty, "Did you feel anything?"

"Hmm." Smog took a deep cigar. "This is the breath of death."

He is an elite from the naval training base.

It is not an exaggeration to be a person who has survived a death-threatening trial.

Therefore, he is familiar with this feeling at the moment.

It feels very close to the past when ordered to perform high-probability death tasks.

"The last time the ship of destiny appeared, none of the tried pirates died." Smog suddenly raised his voice. "Just facing the feeling of death, nothing to worry about."

This language still played a role.

Some scared navies seemed to calm down.

Silent stood at the front of the deck, watching the group of navies with great interest.

I have to. The Navy is worthy of the strongest combat power in the world's seas. The navy in front of it, both in terms of quality and ability, far surpasses those of the previous pirates, perhaps related to their subordinates of Cap.


The trials he set up were specially prepared for screening elites.

There is no difference between the elite, the strong and the weak.

As the ships approached, more and more navies were exposed. The so-called trial, but you know that you will not be injured, you can close your eyes and break in, it will constantly arouse the fear of life instinct .

Even destroy reason.

In the eyes of these navies, the ship of destiny in front of you is like the realm of gods, or the castle of the devil, and the status in the heart is constantly rising. It seems that such a close is a terrible behavior that cannot be forgiven.

Even Smog's expression became dignified at this time.

This sense of oppression does not distinguish strength.

No matter how you look at this sudden ship of fate, when approaching it, there will be a feeling that its existence far exceeds expectations.

Smog couldn't help but glance at Cap.

It was found that the lieutenant general's expression did not change, and it was still a certain perseverance.

Only the interest in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

"Me, I can't do it!"

A navy seemed to have completely collapsed, turned around and jumped directly into the sea, swimming out like an escape.

This seems to be a signal.

More and more navy hysterical escapes were defeated by their fearful instincts.

Das Kither shivered, but insisted hard.

"This girl is good."

Kapu looked at Daskey and praised it, turned his head, and found some unexpectedly, that the child who claimed to be a friend of Luffy, called Kirby, not only insisted on himself, but still hugged his collapsed Companion, don't let him run away.

He wanted to move this trial to the Navy a little bit.

As they gradually approached the ship of fate.

More and more navies jumped out of the sea.

To the back, it was almost a mortal feeling, especially the silence looked at them like a devil.

This adds some forgiveness

However, silence is also somewhat unexpected.

Because as soon as we arrived at the trial of inquisitiveness, there were more than a dozen people among these navies who insisted.

Very Silent suddenly turned his head and looked at the other direction.

There, an ordinary ship was approaching fast, and the speed was very fast. Even when entering the trial area, the speed was not reduced. While standing on the ship, there was only one man wearing a military green raincoat and a hood.

——Monkey D. Dragon!

Is it finally here?

Silence is aware that the leader of the revolutionary army is also nearby, and this stops the ship of fate.


Cap also found the ship, turned his head, and looked at the man on the ship.

In this case, the father and son met again.

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