Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 331: : Duel between father and son


Karp's eyes widened slightly, seeming to be very surprised by the appearance of the dragon.

"A troublesome old man is here..." Long's was also helpless.

He originally didn't want to meet his navy father, but according to intelligence, the stay time of the ship of fate seems to be limited. Finally, he met the ship of fate, so he couldn't miss it.

That kind of magical jar may be the opportunity of the revolutionary army.

"Lieutenant General Cap." Smog also found the man and even forgot to smoke. "That man, is it..."

"Well, that's right." Kapu's face was a little proud. "That's the most fierce crime in the world. The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, didn't expect to see it here."

The voice fell, and the dozen or so navies around were all in an uproar.

It turned out to be the leader of the revolutionary army!

That's a terrible character no less than the four emperors of the Navy, and an unusual mystery, how could it appear in this East China Sea.

"Did he come specifically to find the ship of destiny?" Smog narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. "No matter whether the ship of fate is true or not, this dangerous criminal cannot be approached. This ship, Lieutenant General Cap."

"Hahaha, that's right." Karp raised his hand violently. "Lift the cannonball!"

Only the navy had persevered under the growing fear of the ship of destiny, but after hearing Cap's order, it was still difficult to lift a box of shells out.

Just when Smog and Da Siqi didn't know what he was going to do, Carp raised his hand and threw the shells out of the way.

It was obviously a shell thrown out by hand, but it made a loud noise, which looked faster than a shell fired by a cannon.


A huge splash of water exploded on the sea.

Because of the close distance, the rushing shock even made the warship sway, and everyone was poured into the water by the splashing waves.


Duski held his long knife, an incredible look.

Is this the strength of the Admiral?

Throwing shells with the palm of your hand is more powerful than the artillery fire!

"Is it solved?" asked the Navy.

"If it can be solved so easily, it won't be the'dangerous criminal in the world'." Smog was not so optimistic.

He understands the power of betting monsters on top of the world.

The fact is that as he said, when the water splashed by the shells subsided, the ordinary ship was still stable, and even a circle of diffuse waves failed to shake it.

"Hahaha, it's useless." Karp seemed more and more excited and bent down again. "Then look at this trick, fist bone meteor group!"

The name is domineering.

But in fact, that is to throw out all the shells continuously.

But Cap's action scared the rest of the navy.

"Wait, Lieutenant General Cap, at this distance, our ship will turn over!"

"No, I can't!"

"Run! The ship is about to turn!"

Some navies were already reaching their limits, and Kapu's act of dropping artillery shells at their feet became the last straw to crush them, shouting and jumping off the warships one by one.

Originally a dozen Rao Navy, only a few were left at once.

Duskey and Kirby both shivered, but after all they didn't jump off the ship together.

Silence sees these performances in their eyes.

Sure enough, in the world of One Piece, endowment is important, but perseverance is essential for success.

After all, it is a **** world.

And at this time.

The shells thrown out by Kapu were about to hit the dragon.

A violent gust came out of the air, and all the shells were directly blown back by the violent wind, colliding with the shells that Kapu continued to drop in the air.


The continuous explosion was deafening.

"It's really yours, dragon." Kapu didn't continue to drop the bomb, but just stood there.

To deal with his son, the means of throwing bombs is just to say hello.

"I'm not here to fight." Long looked at Karp and shouted, "Daddy."


All the remaining navies, including Da Siqi and others, were stunned, wondering if they had problems with their ears, and Smog even dropped the cigar in his mouth and fell to the ground.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army is called Lieutenant General Lt

"It's not up to you to fight or not to fight." Karp put his arms around his chest. "You are the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and I am the Navy. Even if you are my son, I will not be merciless, Dragon!"

"Same thing, I'll give it back to you, even if you are my dad, it's impossible to stop me." Long waved his hand, and a firm smile like Kapu appeared on his face.

It is this smile that gives the rest of the people the idea that they may really be father and son.

"How did you talk to your dad! Dragon!" Kapp jumped up from the ship suddenly, and his raised fist was even wrapped in armed domineering, even if it has not been swung down, it can make people feel the terrible power contained in it. .

Tekken Cap, rely on, but these fists.

Even One Piece Roger was beaten many times by Kapu's iron fist.

Long knew clearly the strength of his father.

But his purpose was not to fight.

The weird and fierce gust of wind appeared again, and the turbulent seawater was rolled up, like a huge wave like a disaster, covering all the sight.

The next moment.

Karp's fist, with a terrifying fist style, was abruptly and completely smashed the huge wave.

The scattered aftermath of the shock made it seem to overturn the entire warship.

Everyone can only grab whatever they can.

Daskey's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

"This is the strength of the lieutenant general..."

Although she knew she was weak, she would be so weak that it was still a blow she didn't anticipate.

"Lieutenant General Cap has long been qualified to be promoted to the Grand Prize." Smog gasped, and compared to Cap's strength, he was even more shocked by the ship of fate on the other side~www.wuxiaspot. com~ In such a terrible battle, the huge battleship was completely motionless.

Moreover, that terrible sense of oppression has not diminished at all.


Smog's eyes suddenly fixed and saw a figure.

Quickly shouted, "Lieutenant General Cap, the dragon ran towards the ship of fate!"

"What?" Karp turned his head.

The dragon had abandoned his wooden boat and was rushing towards the ship of fate directly under the wind.

He didn't originally come to fight with his dad.

It is his goal to board the ship of fate.

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