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Chapter 332: : Trial of Cap and Dragon

The speed of the dragon is very fast, and the location where he was originally is very close to the ship of fate.

When Kapu reacted.

The dragon has rushed into the final realm—question trial.

It was only at the moment when he rushed in that his figure suddenly paused in a completely contrary to inertial attitude.

Suddenly suspended there.

Karp didn't care so much, raised his fist, and rushed towards it.

"Ignore me, Dragon!"

As you can see, Karp was really angry.

With a huge power in his fist, he is even stronger than the one he just did.


Karp's body snapped in mid-air.

He bit his teeth, his muscles bulged, the green tendons on his neck burst out one by one, and his fists were completely covered by armed colors.

But still.

"What the **** is this..."

Smog seemed to think of something, turned his head and looked over the ship of fate.

Silently standing there with his hands around his chest, he said, "Play outside, whatever you want. However, it is forbidden to attack those who are in the trial, understand?"

I didn't see any movements from him. Kapu's figure was directly thrown back onto the ship.

The moment the shackles were unfastened, he spit out blood.

"Lieutenant General Cap!" shouted a navy trembling voice.

"It's okay." Kapu raised his hand and wiped his mouth. "I hurt myself. That one is really amazing..."

He had just tried his best, and even mobilized his blood, even the internal organs suffered some injuries, but he still could not move.

The invisible power confined to him could not be shaken by any means at all.

The Smog next to him was shocked in the depths of his eyes.

Lieutenant General Kapu vomited blood.

He didn't even know what the opponent's move was, so he was prevented from resisting, was thrown back, and was injured under his own struggle.

It is precisely because he knows the strength of Kapu that he understands how terrible this is.

This is the naval hero who forced Roger One Piece to a desperation several times!

Take a closer look.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, is at this moment also suspended to undergo trials there, and it seems that even consciousness is unclear.

What exactly is this ship of fate...

Karp was also looking at the smiling man on the ship of fate, and then at his son.

Stand up and say with full energy, "Okay, let's go to the trial, and move on!"


Only a few trembling responses came beside him.

Except for Kapu and Smog, the rest of them basically reached the limit.

In their perception, the ship of fate has become the most terrible place in the world, which is more terrible than the Pirates Boarding the Four Emperors. The sense of dying fear is uncontrollable, everything None of my self-consolation plays any role.

Only the real heroes who have no fear of death and can even control life instincts can pass the first level.

In the end, start with Kapu standing at the front.

One person after another floated up.

Accept the assessment of the soul.

Silently looked at these people with interest.

In addition to the people he knows well, there are five navy dragon suits that do not even have names in the original work, which is somewhat beyond his expectations.

But if you think about it, it seems normal.

The so-called plot is actually just the tip of the iceberg of this world. It may be able to determine the direction of the world, but it does not mean everything. Among the dragon suits that have not appeared in the plot, there are also many elites.

These elites have to rely on his planning to establish rules that can make them stand out.

Silence put his eyes on the dragon again.

Illusion's trial of him was very rough, and he was just asking a question.

——Even if the revolution succeeds, will it be possible to build an ideal world?

This is not a test added by silence, but the shaking of the dragon's own heart. He can see the Tianlong people who are interested in the pursuit of chasing, can see the people's longing for freedom and beauty, and naturally can also see what he called the concept brings The total negative phenomenon.

Greater sacrifice and turmoil.

In some kingdoms that overthrew the regime, new ones were quickly born.

The trial of inquisitiveness is to continuously expand the shaking and worry in his heart.

See if he has the courage to continue the revolution.

And on the other side.

The situation facing Karp is actually similar.

The problems of the navy, the evil of the dragons, their loved ones, and various contradictions are in front of him, asking whether he can still uphold the justice of the navy.

Remember in silence.

In the original book, after the war, and Yisun Ais was killed by the red dog in front of himself, Kapu once wanted to resign as lieutenant general.

Just stayed behind, retreated to the second line and became a naval coach.

This shows that his insistence on navy status is not unshakable.

Who will come out of the trial first of the father and son...

Sitting silently in his seat, she sipped milk tea and waited patiently.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Boat, sailing slowly again.

Those eliminated navies returned to their own ships and looked at each other gradually as they disappeared.

Eventually, it suddenly reacted and quickly connected to the naval headquarters.

News about Kapu and Long were quickly passed back.

This time.

The Warring States began to be anxious.

It would be fine if it was just Cap, but even the dragon was there, and according to the report, even Cap, in front of the ship of fate, had no power to parry.

After a moment of silence, he finally made a decision.

"Yellow Ape." The Warring States looked at the Yellow Ape who had trimmed his nails in front of him. "You have also heard that the Dragon of the Revolutionary Army has already boarded the ship of fate. You can't ignore it. It is you who can quickly support it right now."

Whether it is to assist Kapu to investigate the ship of or to catch the dragon, it is not capable of ordinary combat.

At least it must be a general.

And the general who can catch up in a short time, only the yellow ape with shiny fruits.

"That's Capu's son." Yellow Ape still built his nails without any hassle, and had no intention of getting up. "And it's a super mysterious person, it's not so easy to catch."

"It was because of mystery that this opportunity could not be spared." Sengoku Shen said, "Let him continue this way, this world does not know how many people will die because of his revolution, if he still with the more mysterious destiny master What's the connection..."

The Lord of Destiny is the title of silence in this world.

The original meaning is "the master of the ship of fate".

But it was reduced to a more domineering "lord of destiny." The Warring States did not want to call it that way, but it was not his decision to call it a nickname. Mobile phone users, please browse and read. A better reading experience comes from Aiwang.

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