Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 337: : Cosmic-level profession

Long was a little disappointed.

But he had expected this answer long ago.

Just now this existence also said that he exists in a form that violates justice. Who really cares about the so-called justice?

Whether it is the time when the Tianlong people are destroyed or not, he will destroy the Tianlong people!

Long Yu's determination was firmer, and he sat down to open the jar.

And Kapu is also determined.

The Tianlong people will be destroyed, but if they are destroyed at this moment, it will bring a huge disaster in violation of justice.

Silence did not expect that his casual nonsense, but firmed up the two men's respective goals.

But this is better.

Silence was not going to change their minds.

"Kapp, this is your jar." The same wave of silence, hundreds of jars of different levels appeared.

Justice series.

Cap also sat down.

The primary jar of the justice series is different from the royal series. It contains a lot of pots that enhance strength, and from the moment they started to open the jar, the previous seal and silence have also unlocked them, and they can feel themselves more The change.

Silence paid attention to their luck.

turn out.

Dragon's luck is obviously better than Karp.

In the five hundred second-level jars, the dragon actually made three big prizes, and Kapu... only made one.

Fortunately, the grand prize of the second-tier jar is not very representative, otherwise, this father and son may have to fight another one.

And because there is more knowledge in the royal jar, although the dragon first came to open the jar, Kapu came first and finished the opening first, and then started to open the third-level jar.

The dragon couldn't help but paused and turned his head.

He wanted to know what kind of limited jar series his father would start.

And Karp’s luck doesn’t seem to be better at the third level. Except for a boxing iron finger cuff, which can leave burning damage when hit, he didn’t even open a general skill. Go out, so it's the last jar.

Without much hesitation.

Open directly.

Silence also somewhat curiously extended his perception.

He did not decide on Capu's transfer, but chose one of the more than ten forces suitable for Cap in the Justice series.

Inside this jar is a ring with a green light and a lantern with a green light.

"What is this?" Karp couldn't understand.

"A kind of magic, powerful, and respected by countless people in the universe to which it belongs." Silent staring at the contents of the jar, said slowly.

Unexpectedly, the European gas accumulated by Kapu in the previous non-chiefs actually broke out here.

This power is considered to be one of the most powerful in all transfers in the justice series. The applicability is very high, and the growth is very terrible.

Of course, compared to the original power.

Silent this is the castration version of the game.

Looking at the curious and puzzled eyes of Kapu and Long, he said silently:

"You guys, should already have the concept of the universe."

As the words fell, they felt their surroundings dimly.

At the bottom of the foot is still the feeling of stepping on the metal deck, but the ground is not visible. As you can see, it is the sky and stars in the dark, and an incomparably huge azure sphere.

"Here, the place outside of the world you are in is called the universe." Silence added, "Of course, it is difficult for mortals to survive in the universe. What you see now is just the illusion I used to demonstrate."

Both Cap and Dragon looked around in shock.

You can see the huge red earth continent from the planet covered by the azure sea at your feet, and you can easily distinguish the location of the great route.

"It turns out that this is what it is outside the world." Kapu sighed a little, how many meters it must be. I'm afraid no one can get there.

"Looking at this vast universe, do you think it is similar to your sea?" Silent laughed.

Both Dragon and Karp raised their heads, and even their world seemed so small in this endless dark universe.

"There is no comparison at all..."

Long whispered that, just like the first person who saw the sea, everyone who first saw the universe first felt his own insignificance.

"Kapp, the power you unleashed is a story of another universe." Silence raised his hand again, and the surroundings changed suddenly. Several huge spaceships shuttled rapidly. "Even if it broke away from the limitations of the world, In the endless universe of this world, there is still evil, just like your pirates, but it also has a group of people who maintain law and order and justice-the green light troops."

The voice fell, and in the distant interstellar, a green ray rushed over quickly, and the angle of view widened. It turned out to be a human being wrapped in green light.

Just looking at the planet that has been overtaken by speed, one can imagine how terrifying its speed is.

Directly caught up with those spaceships.

The battle soon began, and it was the first attack launched by the spaceships. Countless terrible laser guns rushed towards the green light.

It is a level of density that cannot be avoided at all.


Cap couldn't help shouting that the old man was already in the drama.

However, the man wrapped in light only raised his hand, and the green light turned into a huge shield, blocking all attacks.

"The Green Lantern Force, or Green Lantern, their weapon is their will." The voice of silent interpretation came. "Whatever you think of, you can create what you want. The strength depends on your will and your beliefs. Of course, hard work and practice opportunity."

When the words fell, the Green Lantern raised his hand again, and this time the green light turned into an incomparably huge sword, just lifted a cut, and the spaceships were easily torn apart.

This scene is familiar to both Dragon and Kapu.

In battles on the sea, things like this often happen.

Unexpectedly, it is the same when it comes to the universe.

Silently raised his hand and waved Everything around disappeared.

They returned to the sea.

Everything that was short was like a dream, but Cap and Dragon looked at the ring and green light shining in the jar in front of them.

Something in the dream appeared in front of me.

"Ha ha ha." Kapu suddenly laughed, his mouth wide open, and he could see that he was indeed very happy. "It turned out to be the navy in the universe. I really did something quite amazing." "

"It's not that easy to get to that level." The silence poured cold water on him.

The original Green Lantern, but a powerful force of the universe level.

Silent designed it as a gaming profession.

In order to ensure the balance of the game, a considerable reduction has been made.

It can be said that it has re-ordered a brand new force.

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