Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 338: : Dragon's Destiny Props

Karp didn't care much about silence. He naturally understood that power was not so easy to obtain.

Even a jar requires a price.

He reached out and touched the ring, but at the moment he touched it, a bright green light burst out between the ring and the finger, and the contract was established. At the same time, some information about the profession entered his mind.

"Will is power."

Karp raised his fist, and the green light appeared, wrapped in his fist, and turned into a huge green glove.

This is what Karp thought at this moment.

Even more incredible is that he can clearly perceive that the rigidity of the glove changes with his will.

"The strength of the Green Lantern Force is will, and it can actually be understood as courage." Silently looking at the lamp in Karp's hands, "Justice is not absolute, but courage is there. The greatest enemy of this power is hesitation and fear. You must be very determined. What you think, and use your determination and courage to exert this power."

This is in line with the theme of justice.

It is also in line with the silence just said.

Justice is just in everyone's heart, there is no absolute right or wrong, but, I believe that it is justice for myself.

"I hope to have a chance to meet those people." Kapu's tone also has a yearning.

A unit that uses courage as a weapon should be more just than the navy he is in.

"If you continue to be strong, there will be opportunities." Silently said casually.

"Is there a chance?" It was the dragon who spoke.

"Of course." Looking at him silently, said flatly, "I have said that since you set foot on this ship, your destiny has been qualified to escape the limitations of this world, but what you have is only qualification ."

"Hahaha, it's already very powerful to be qualified." Kapu laughed a few times, very cheerfully.

Dragon felt the same way.

Witnessing your smallness also means that you have the opportunity to be not so small.

Therefore, the Pirates will proceed to succeed, starting towards the great route and the new world.

Long looked at his remaining jar and began to look forward to it.

Regardless of the more distant things, it is necessary to have strength only to destroy the Tianlong people.

Long continued to open the jar.

Karp no longer has the money to open the jar, he tried his new power there, and he found that no matter where he dropped the ring and the lamp, as long as he was within his sight, he could control it. They flew.

"It's a contract." Silence saw his doubts. "The lamp and the ring can only be used by you. This power is still very weak, and the relevant skills and training methods are only available in the jar. After all, you are not Orthodox Green Lantern."

"This is really amazing." Karp didn't care about the need to open more jars. His mood seemed to be very good. "I have lived for more than 70 years, and I have been exposed to such amazing things before I entered the earth. This life is in vain, but... the next time, our world will enter a new era."

The last sentence was said in silence.

As the understanding of this ship of destiny continues to deepen, a somewhat terrifying reality is also present.

Here is a place where money is used for terrible power.

And who is the richest person in this world?

In addition to the golden emperor Gilde Tezolo, it is the Dragon.

"You can think of it this way." The silence did not deny it, just continued, "But as I said, the fate of this world is still in your hands. Since you have different wishes, you can only compare one. Compared, whose fate is the ultimate winner."


Karp sighed rarely.

This is distressing.

From the current situation, people who board the ship will have the qualification to exchange money for power, and they will undoubtedly use money to gain more power. Karp is worried that he will eventually be hurt. Or ordinary people.

Silence read his concerns.

But did not say anything.

Because of such worries, people who are truly just will have to solve this kind of problem, even more so than in the past.

And... he will do some guidance.

at this moment.

The dragon finally started to open the third level jar.

His luck seems to be good. Although there are no prizes in these ten third-tier jars, he has a pretty good weapon design drawing-a portable flat fire gun.

A new type of artillery shell with simple process and extremely powerful.

The shells in this world have always been out of a very awkward position, and they are basically useless for the strong, but this design can already show the power of dense artillery fire, especially in this sea world, even The strong can survive, without the ship, most of the demonic fruit abilities have to bury the sea.

Long carefully collected the drawings.

Then looked at the last jar.

There is no hesitation too, just open it directly.


Although it was not strong, it sounded with an inexplicable domineering dragon chant.

In this jar is a wandering golden dragon. The whole body is translucent and resembles a gas, but the edges and corners are sharp, and even in the details, it is lifelike, just like a real living thing.


The little dragon's head lifted up, glancing away from Kapu and the dragon.

Only this moment, although a very light, but a very pure momentum struck them.

"Overlord domineering?" Karp said in surprise.

"No, it's a little different from that." Long shook his head.

Unlike Cap, he is a man with a domineering color, so he can more clearly perceive the difference. The momentum of this little dragon just now is a kind of murderous, bursting from the heart through the will.

What is this?

Both Long and Karp's eyes looked at This is the embodiment of humane luck, which is the dragon of luck. "The silence explained," a person's luck is good or bad, countless people's luck is combined, for humane luck, of course, luck can not determine everything, and this dragon of luck is used to assist the humane emperor The existence of, in other words, what you drove out is the road of the king of man. "

Because of the particularity of kingship.

The props of the dragon's fate are specially designed and customized by Silence.

The dragon of luck is just borrowing a bit of the idea of ​​the fairy world, but in fact, it is not exactly the same as that kind of mysterious mystery.

"Human King..." Long Wei frowned, still not proving his understanding.

"Simply put, your strength will depend on the person who trusts you." Silence paused, and then said, "When people trust you, they will concentrate part of their luck on you. You can practice. , You can cultivate, you can use, and even feed back this luck, the stronger the person who trusts you, the more trust you, the stronger the power."

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