Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 345: : Red Hair Meets Eagle Eye

During this period, Xiao Nan shot once.

Defeating Tu Ying in the stage of fate.

Finally, because of the appearance of the wave Feng Shui Gate, he was unable to kill Tu Ying.

The consequences of this battle.

The Yuyin Village, which has no foundation and lacks allies, has a feeling of being targeted by the whole world.

I can think of it in silence, there must be a shadow of earth behind it.

He still wanted to steal the reincarnation.

Naturally, I will find a way to design the rain hidden village first, and use the rest of the people to defeat the rain hidden village. This is indeed a breakthrough point in setting off a world war.

After all, the Xiao organization still has the betrayal of various villages, and the illegal plundering of funds over the years has gradually exposed it.

However, at present, he dare not act rashly.

After that war, Xiao Nan was already the strongest in the world on the bright side, and no one wanted to face this person first before making sufficient preparations, so as to benefit the rest of the village fishermen.

"War did not erupt so quickly, but it was already inevitable." After a silent analysis, a conclusion was reached.

The current Naruto world, even if it has not reached the point of the explosive barrel, is still approaching in that direction.

this means.

The situation in the Pirate World cannot be just waiting for the natural development of the situation, then the timeline is too long.

Moreover, the current situation is indeed prone to cause a large number of civilian casualties, and those pirates who get cans but have no money will definitely attack small towns on the island.

Most pirates are not good people.

Silence looked at the room, a place above the world map.


This is a superpower located in the first half of the great waterway. It has a vast territory and nearly ten million people. The Kingdom’s standing army alone has a population of 600,000. Now it is in a state of civil strife because of the plot of Krokdal, one of the seven martial seas under the king. .

Every minute and second now there are civilian casualties.

Just go there.

Silently took out the notebook and began to plan the next thing.

Within a few days.

Newspapers and magazines spread to the whole world once again have amazing news.

"The leader of the Revolutionary Army boarded the ship of destiny and defeated the combination of the navy hero Kapp and the navy general Yellow Ape. Kapp was seriously injured!"

That's right, the previous report is the previous battle.

A picture is also attached.

Kappun had bandages all over his body, lying with the yellow ape, which also had some burns.

Dragon, even under the cooperation of Cap and Yellow Ape, defeated Cap and successfully escaped?

The whole world is boiling again because of such news.

The reputation of the Revolutionary Army has increased a lot at once. Long, the "world's number one criminal", is also the most mysterious criminal in the world. Although his reputation has long spread throughout the world, few people know his appearance. He Strength.

The result of his first high-profile battle was so shocking.

not to mention.

This news is also related to the hot ship of fate recently.

Is the dragon so strong in the first place, or has it become stronger because he boarded the ship of fate?


However, because of this news, he went to sea and even started to rush to the town of Rog, hoping to find a ship of fate.

And a few days later.

Silence also lay on the beach chair on the deck during his practice time, looking at the newspaper.

"A lot of information was concealed," said Silent while looking at it. "There are no rules about the ship of destiny, nor do they say that Cap also boarded the ship of destiny, and Smog's news did not spread. It seems that it should be the Navy who issued the seal order."

"Not only that, there is basically no information about us in the whole newspaper." Bismarck also read the newspaper.

Indeed, except for the mention of the dragon, the words "Ship of Destiny" were not even mentioned.

Obviously, the navy, or the world's nobles, is downplaying news related to the ship of fate.

This is of course.

If you let too many people know that you can buy jars with money on the ship of fate, it is them who bear the brunt.

Especially those weak kingdoms.

Powerhouses all over the world are either navies or pirates, and even the so-called superpowers such as Alabastan cannot find a strong person who can resist Klockdal a little.


"Some things can be concealed without trying to hide." Silence put the newspaper aside, as if suddenly aware of something interesting, patted the beach chair beside him, "Bismarck, lie here."

Bismarck did not refuse. She is now wearing a white men's shirt with a bikini inside, basically a cool dress at sea.

This is naturally a request for silence.

Silence has long been found, compared to the three-no girl like Icarus, the sister Bismarck is the real hanger temperament, basically there is no clothing that she can not control, as one of the rare entertainment activities at sea, silence I had a good time.

Subsequently, the silence opened the projection.

It was a huge pirate ship.

——Red-haired Pirates.

The number of members of the Red Haired Pirates is the least of the four emperors, but the average value of the bounty is very high, and everyone's strength is very strong.

The reason why silence will pay attention to them at this moment is because--

The eagle eyes and the red-haired pirates met on the sea.

"This is a rare visitor." Red hair looked at the eagle eye on the ship in front of him, and it seemed quite surprised. "I heard that there is a pirate group destroyed by one person, and I wonder if you did it. "

Hawkeye left the ship of fate and returned to the great route, increasing the speed of clearing the pirates.

Naturally for first time he got money along the way, he bought the jar and then practiced at sea.

Although there are no enemies, this feeling of rapid progress has also enriched his life.

Looking at the red hair in front of him at this time, Eagle Eye just sat down on the seat prepared by the red hair and said quietly: "You are looking for me, you want to ask about the ship of destiny."

"Yes, come and say, drink." Red-haired Shanks gurgled a sip of wine, stretched his hands around the shoulder of Hawkeye, and leaned in and asked, "Listen Is it true that the man exhibited a sword spirit that could cleave the red earth continent?"

"Really." Hawkeye's drinking action is a lot more gentle. "Don't attack the ship of fate. If you attack, the only thing you can do is to face the death calmly, maybe there is still a trace of possibility to survive under his mercy. , Just like me."

"So powerful?" Fatty Raki Lu bit a piece of meat fiercely.

"Yes, this doesn't seem to be something you can say from your mouth." Shanks said half-jokingly.

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