Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 346: : This is just a sword

"Fear is an insult to the swordsman, but I'm just telling the truth." Hawkeye turned his head slightly, his eagle-like eyes stared at Shanks, "I saw a new mountain on that boat. Peak, and now I am just at the foot of the mountain."

This is the fact.

Redhead looked at the eyes of Hawkeye, suddenly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Hahaha, this is really interesting. It seems to be interesting all at once."

The rest of the red-haired pirate cadres all laughed the same. For a time, the whole ship was filled with joy.

Bismarck looked at the scene and asked:

"Don't they believe it?"

"No, it's just the reaction because of believing." Silent said with a smile. "Because they are excited and excited to find interesting things. The so-called sea adventurers are such a group of people. They are after Freedom naturally includes expressing emotions with impunity."

"Even the leader?" Bismarck looked at the red-haired middle-aged man with a broken arm.

This is very different from the common sense she understood in the past.

"Of course, they are companions, not superiors and subordinates." Silent turned his head and looked at Bismarck. "However, the excitement seems to be quite interesting. Should we also find some time to try it and call some powerful members to have a banquet? What."

Imagine a scene where those who are enemies of each other get together for a banquet and have to be honest.

Silence does find it interesting.

But Bismarck's expression was a bit embarrassing. "Just thinking about how many people gather to eat together, it feels a bit scary..."

"I'll talk about it when I have a chance." Silently patted her hair. "You just have to follow your own method."

"I understand." Bismarck said softly.

At this time, everyone in the picture seemed to be smiling enough.

Redhead also picked up the meat chunk and took a big bite, and said vaguely, "If this is said, is it true that any rumor can be fulfilled?"

"It's true." Hawkeye looks like the only gentleman in a bunch of rough military officials, and slowly says, "For them, any of our wishes should be able to be done, but at a price. ."

"Treasure?" **** clothed his hands around his chest. "It doesn't make sense at all. If it exists like that, what's the use of asking for treasure?"

Hawkeye glanced at the man in the star-shaped cloak and carrying a sniper rifle.

Suddenly said, "When I boarded the ship, another group of people also boarded. It should be the Luffy you said to Shanks."

"Oh, Luffy?" Shanks laughed, and then laughed. "He really went to sea, and he boarded the ship of destiny as soon as he went out. This is good news."

Shanks has always had high expectations for Luffy.

This expectation may come from the perseverance and decision of the other party, or from the blood of the D family.

But Luffy’s going out to sea was indeed good news to celebrate.

However, it is not Luffy that Eagle Eye wants to say.

He still looked at **** cloth and said, "I saw a person who looks like you on the Luffy Pirates, called Usopp, he..."

"Usop? That's my son." **** cloth also showed a surprised expression, "Is he also out to sea? Or on Luffy's boat?"

"Yes," Hawkeye replied.

Usopp passed the trial very quickly, which gave him a deep impression.

"The good news today is really one after the other." Shanks raised his wine barrel. "I haven't been so excited for a long time. Sure enough, today is a good time for a banquet."


The rest of the people cheered too.

After Shanks took a sip of wine, some drunk turned to look at the eagle eyes with an excited smile.

"If the ship of fate is so powerful, is your current swordsmanship breakthrough again?"

Hawkeye glanced at him, stood up, and asked:

"Do you want to feel it?"

"Haha, you haven't discussed swordsmanship with me for a long time." Redhead laughed and stood up. "It's okay to move before the banquet."

"Does Hawkeye discuss kendo with Captain?"

"The last study was a long time ago."

"Yes, yes, there hasn't been any discussion since the captain broke his arm."

"Come and come, bet, the loser goes to the sea to catch fish."

All the rest of the crew gave up their positions and looked at the two men in excitement.

Although Hawkeye said that he didn't want to learn about swordsmanship with the broken arm of Shanks.

But today's posture is clearly what we should learn from.

One of the four emperors and the world's largest swordsman, this will definitely be a rare battle.

"You misunderstood." Hawkeye slowly pulled out the night knife on his back. "I'm not trying to learn, but just let Shanks feel it, because in this world, there is no ship of fate. It is impossible for man to touch my current state in swordsmanship."


Shanks' eyes also sharpened.

Raised his hand and held the hilt around his waist.

If the rest of the people said this, he would only be talking big.

But what the person in front of you said is different.

"It sounds like the captain is going to be crushed." said a cadre beside him.

"Crushed, how could this be possible?" Lokstar, who had not been on board for a long time, did not believe it at all. "Our captain is the four emperors. Although the eagle eye is powerful, it is impossible to crush the four emperors."

"Hahaha." The cadres next to them all laughed, but stopped talking.

And at this time.

The eagle eye has moved.

The long sword in his hand was slowly chopped towards Shanks.

The speed is very slow, very slow.

But Shanks' sword had just been drawn halfway and stopped there.

He opened his eyes wide and saw instead of a sword and a slash, but the waves of countless slashes were coming.

How to stop this cut?

Even if a part is blocked, the remaining part will still hit his body, and escape is even more impossible. The huge sea wave has blocked all the escape space.

Shanks sweated a little bit at the tip of his course he can be defended with armed domineering, but he has already felt the meaning of the sentence before Eagle Eye with his body.

Along the way of Kendo, the other party entered a completely different path than before, and it was even a little difficult to understand.


Until the night knife stopped at the tip of Shanks' nose, Shanks failed to pull out the sword.

It's not impossible to pull out.

It is pulled out, and has no meaning in kendo.

He has lost since the sword was swept by Eagle Eye.

"It's a terrible power." Red hair retracted the hand holding the sword, looking at the eagle eye in front of him, his eyes were rare and dignified. "What is the name of this sword style?"

"Name?" Hawkeye retracted the sword and glanced at him. "No name, this is just a sword."

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