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Chapter 808: : Proposal of Bee Eater Fuck Chi

Latest website: Fury refused decisively.

It is impossible for him to agree.

However, the bee-eater did not care. She naturally knew that it was not so easy for Ferry to take the initiative to surrender her heart, but she was just planting a seed now.

As her power grew stronger and stronger, what she did became clearer and clearer, whether it was Fury or the rest, there would be a day of surrender.

And the purpose on the other side.

Naturally for Charles who is coming out.

Because what the bee-eaters said was the real thoughts in her heart, this "real" ordinary person could not be sure, but Charles could be sure.

This is the basis for the bee eater to come to negotiate today.

At this moment, when he saw Charles, the bee-eater had regained his power.

Fury was finally able to stand up.

But his face is still ugly.

"Charles, I didn't come to fight today." It is rare for Bee Eater to speak without her sweet tone, but to speak very normally, "It is here to negotiate. I have a plan, one that can really Projects that will help you."

"Charles." Fury also interjected at this time, he stared at Charles firmly, "You better refuse now, and then blast them out, otherwise, you know the consequences-this is not me threatening you, It’s the whole world threatening you."

The two most powerful mind masters must be hostile to each other.

Otherwise, no one in power can allow them to exist.

This will be a desperate war.

Charles was silent for a moment.

"Please leave." He said to the bee-eater. "Perhaps you can indeed help us, but until then, I will not let my companions get angry."

"I have mastered a power to develop abilities, which can give ordinary people the opportunity to become like mutants." Bee Eater said.

For a moment, neither Charles nor Fury were stunned.

Give ordinary people a chance to become like mutants?

"This kind of thing... an old friend of mine tried it." Charles took a deep look at the bee-eater, "but he failed. Not only did he fail, but he almost caused it irretrievably. s consequence."

The old friend Charles spoke of naturally refers to Magneto.

That incident, the bee-eater had already learned from Ferry's head.

"What I said is completely different from what he did." The bee eater smiled and shook his head. "I don't want ordinary people to become mutants. Ordinary people are still ordinary people, but they can have Opportunity has the same power as mutants."


Charles could not understand the meaning of this sentence for the time being.

However, he was not in a hurry to catch the bee-eaters and walk away.

in contrast.

Laser Eye, Storm Girl and others have taken the nearby students away from here, right here, at the gate of the school, it seems that the three parties have really started some kind of negotiation.

Fury secretly said that it was bad.

However, he has no way to stop it.

"In Minecraft, we have mastered a technology for developing superpowers, and relying on this technology, we have established a city called academy city." Bee Eater said without hesitation, "There, Children accept ability development, have a variety of special abilities, learn and participate in experimental research, promote the development of science and technology, and the entire civilization will benefit from it... This should be what you want to see most Scenery, isn't it?"

The bee-eater chi not only describes the appearance of the school city, but also transmits the city scene full of youth, peace and beauty to the two people.

Whether it was Charles or Ferry, their expressions were a little dazed.

Especially Charles.

On the surface, this is simply the scene Charles dreams of. The capable people can live happily, receive a good education, and use their own strength to contribute to the entire society, there is no conflict, no battle, everything is the same The harmony, so beautiful.

Charles himself has some idealism.

And Fury thought more deeply.

What he values ​​more is the profit of the college city council.

Use the ability of those with abilities to research and obtain advanced technology, and rapidly promote the development of civilization, even including military strength, and those with strong abilities can also use them for them, which contains huge benefits, reputation, and even rights. , It's so throbbing.

If it is this plan...

It may really be possible to convince the Security Council. Of course, the premise is to ensure the absolute interest of the World Council in such a city.

"I have said everything I have to say, and you decide for the rest." The bee-eater Fuck Chi already knew Fury's heartbeat, and Charles's feelings could be understood directly, and she turned around to leave with peace of mind.

The kings of the past have to know how to weigh before gaining the throne.

There is no point in blindly conquering.

You must know how to use others, turn the power of others into your own use, and then take back Xu Ruo's things one by one after ascending to the throne.

The bee eater has also gradually matured from being a queen in the school.

After she left.

Sure enough, Fury convened a meeting of the Security Council to explain what the bee-eater exercises said about the school city.

"A city that nurtures mutants?"

The representatives of the members of the Security Council did not directly veto them without coming up.

No one who can sit down to this point is a simple person.

Naturally, we can see the benefits contained in this proposal.

It is equivalent to putting the mutants under their own noses, and through "cultivating" to mix and break up the conflicts between mutants and ordinary people, and even to be able to conduct some "righteous" experimental research and obtain benefits... ... indeed sounds like a suggestion to consider.

And the only one is the biggest risk.

——Bee-eaters pray.

"Such a city cannot be handed over to people from another world."

"Let her hand over the technology."

"We lack the means to restrict Her abilities are too dangerous. Once such a city is built, it is likely to become her imperceptibly imperceptibly. We all make wedding dresses for her."

"Everyone, even if we don't agree, she can use the benefits to unite quite a few people."

"We need to discuss..."

The balance of benefits involved is extremely complicated.

It involves many aspects.

The opponent's hole cards, their hole cards, the benefits that must be mastered, the benefits that can be let out, and the distribution of benefits.

If you want to clarify everything, it will take a very long time, and the number of agreements signed will be unimaginable.

But I have to say.

As soon as the proposal of the bee-eater exercises chi was taken out, it could almost pull the most allies and support to the maximum.

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