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Chapter 809: : Technology that detonated the world

Latest website: Even in silence, I didn't expect that the bee-eaters would suddenly think of such a plan.

Build a school city in this world!

But think about it carefully, this world does have similarities with the world of the forbidden. Although the conflict between the capable person and ordinary people is not exactly the same as the conflict between mutants and ordinary people, there are indeed similarities. .

It doesn't seem strange that she can come up with such a plan.


The silence is very clear, there is one thing that the bee-eater has not considered clearly.

The super power development technology of the Demon Forbidden World may not be effective in this world.

The reason why the bee eater prays that he can use his abilities in this world is largely due to the silent system, but this does not mean that other people can also use the same method to develop abilities.

That being said.

But it may not be impossible.

Silent half-squinted his eyes and began to deduction.

The nature of the power of the Devil's Forbidden World is actually magic. It is a product of idealism whose mind affects reality. Similar laws also exist in the Marvel world, whether it is the magic of the Marvel world or the appearance of mutants. , To a certain extent are the law factors of spiritual interference in reality.

and so......

Bring the Demon Forbidden World's ability development system to this world...

The silence suddenly laughed.

I always feel that things have become more interesting.

And while the World Council was discussing how to deal with the bee-eater, and the proposal put forward by the bee-eater, the bee-eater was not idle.

She has already begun to try her own.

With her current power, it is very easy to do a trivial human experiment, and volunteer volunteers can be found everywhere.

She is also very familiar with the set of development capabilities in Academy City. After all, there is almost public knowledge there.

Thought correction, self-reality, instrumental assistance.

One set down.

In just a few days, the volunteers she convened changed.

"Someone has the lv0 level ability? Or is it a thirty-year-old uncle?"

When Bee Eater Fuck Chi heard the news, she herself was surprised.

Because according to the experience of Academy City, it is much more difficult for people to develop their abilities than children. This is because the loss of "self-reality" can also be understood as the loss of imagination.

Therefore, the volunteers gathered some older people this time just to ensure the representativeness of the sample.

"Take me to see." Bee-eater Fuck Chi saw this man.

A very ordinary uncle, even a bit decadent. He is an ordinary person who has been tortured by reality. He joined this experiment for money. He even thought it was a place for organ trading under the name of the experiment, and he did it. Preparation for selling organs.

and so--

The ability he developed is "body regeneration."

And it is also the "body regeneration" with the potential of organ nature.

"What's this, desire turned into ability?" The bee-eater was a little weird.

But soon became happy.

In any case, success is success.

She is not a scientist, so she doesn't care why she succeeded or why she is different from the academy city. Let the scientist get a headache for this kind of thing. She only knows that the ability development has succeeded.

"Protect him well and give his daughter the greatest medical condition. We must have a big move." The bee-eater's eyes sparkled like a girl in anime.

"Yes!" everyone stood up and said.

All scientific researchers here are all controlled by bee-eaters.

And the core part of capacity development was done by her herself.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about these people leaking secrets.

On the same day, a company was registered and established.

the next day.

The press conference opens.

This one called a press conference from major media and only told everyone one thing.

"Do you want to have superpowers? Do you want to be stronger than mutants? Come join us, ability development, so that superpowers are no longer a dream..."

Throughout the press conference, he even provoked another biological company many times.

It's the company that claims to be able to treat mutants.

You want to treat mutants, but we can let ordinary people have the same special abilities as mutants.

Of course.

As soon as this press conference was brought out, it immediately caused an uproar.

The controversy about mutants has almost become the most controversial controversy in the world. As for the "capability development technology" that bee-eater exercises, there are people who yearn for it, people who question it, and people who abuse it. Every day, people protest in front of this new company, and the number of online and offline appointments continues to increase.

News, the Internet, officials, celebrities, and the general public are all discussing and arguing frantically.

"Crazy, crazy." Fury yelled in Coulson's office, "How dare she experiment in private and just publish the news like this."

"Fry, don't forget the power she has." Coleson sat in the seat of the chief, with a helpless expression.

That's right, strength is the craziness of bee-eater **** so crazy.

Don't talk about herself.

The white beard beside her was what Tsunade and Sauron called the "strongest person."

It is so powerful that no one dares to face it alone.

To some extent, their world did not have enough power to restrain the bee-eaters, at least they did not have SHIELD.

"But the situation has become very bad." Fury took a newspaper in his hand to the table, "Look at this report,'People don't hate mutants, they just hate weak self', I can promise. This newspaper is definitely collecting money. The biggest harm of mutants is that they cannot control their own power. Can you imagine a ten-year-old kid who can kill everyone around him with his voice?"

Ferry originally supported the proposal of the bee-eater.

But there is a premise.

Everything is controllable.

Those with developed abilities can control more than mutants.

Rather than using exaggerated language and propaganda to sweep the whole world rudely, and even the entire human race will be completely torn apart.

Those who yearn for capacity development, fearful of capacity development, questioning, admiring, washing the ground, insulting...

It's no wonder that Fury would say "all crazy".

"The top priority is to put down the riots first." Coleson appeared quite calm. "We must have contact with the bee eater. Now she is the only person who can press down on the riots. In addition, we must let the Council I know that all of this cannot be stopped. The only thing we can do is to strive for benefits and control as much as possible."

"..." Ferry looked at his former subordinate in a daze, and said hesitantly, "Coleson, you are calmer than I thought."

"Everything is the guidance of the Holy Light." Coleson smiled.

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