Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 810: :The bee-eater is moving forward

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"Holy Light?"

Fry was stunned for a moment, surprised at first, and then looked at Coleson's gaze with some alertness.

"Sir, you have too much doubt, that's why you can't feel the power of the Holy Light." Coleson naturally saw the vigilance in Fury's eyes, and shook his head helplessly. This belief is actually not. What it really needs is belief. We can only believe in ourselves, and my belief is to guard the world and do my job well."

With Tsunade's help, Coleson could already feel the light.

This is indeed a very magical power.

It can accompany people in their hearts and give them strength and courage, but it will not ask for anything, but will guide people to fight against the weaknesses in human nature and fight against the destroyers of the world.

This is different from any belief so far.

"I don't need to believe in anything...All power is no better than my own power." The vigilance in Fury's heart was more triumphant.

He already regretted letting Coleson go and study with Tsunade.

The Holy Light has such a great appeal.

It was terrible.

He even suspects that the arrival of these aliens will only bring disasters to this world.

"Sir, you are always like this." Coleson was still helpless, but his expression was calm.

He knows Fury's character, his suspicion, any threatening thing or existence, if he can't control it, then he will be afraid and want to control it.

This is the case with those superheroes.

The same is true for special forces.

But Fury didn't say much, just turned and left, leaving a word.

"Now you are the chief, just do what you want to do."

He must also do what he wants to do...The earth now cannot rely on him to protect it.

Subsequently, Coleson also began to act.

He first went to the Security Council and asked them to give himself authority to deal with this matter.

This is naturally not so easy.

Even in this extremely dangerous universe, the Security Council still follows the "pig teammate" setting. Not only has it failed to play a role in protecting humanity and civilization, it has even been dragged down because of its interests.

Even so.

The pressure that the bee-eater began to put on there has also become greater and greater.

She even asked the company to announce that the company plans to build an artificial island on the high seas and build a city where mutants with special abilities and people who desire special abilities will be gathered there to create a technological paradise and promote the development of the entire civilization.

She let out a lot of "seductive" voices.

For example, the research of immortality technology from the body of mutants with quick repairs, the research of virtual reality technology from mutants who can produce hallucinations, and the research of space transfer technology from people who can teleport... ..

Let mutants and capable people become the treasure of civilization development.

The bee-eater exercises this as a propaganda point, constantly disturbing the situation of the entire world.

no doubt.

The World Council panicked.

"Using a nuclear bomb, is it possible to solve her?"

"The possibility is extremely low. Even Magneto cannot solve the nuclear bomb."

"Sauron's strength is enough to easily destroy a city, cut off before the nuclear bomb is detonated, or move away with supersonic mobility, and Whitebeard's strength is far above him."

"Then you can only cooperate."

All the objectives of the World Security Council’s actions are for the benefit, and all the action lines are arranged one by one. In the end, the one with the greatest benefit turns out to be "cooperation."


With authority, Coleson came to the front of the bee-eater.

Of course, I did not come in person.

"The distance is really far." The bee-eater frochi looked at the virtual projection in front of him, trimming his nails at will, "Even if I come here in person, I won't do anything to you."

"This is just to show respect for you." Coleson laughed.

"I like to hear that." Bee-eater exercises a sweet smile, put away her nail clippers, and her sitting posture became dignified. "Then, tell us your terms."

"Of course, we will give a piece of land to build a city. In addition, we will also provide funds, scientific research personnel, military power, etc..."

The condition that Coleson put forward is just one sentence.

We can prepare everything, but the premise is that all of this is ours. You can hold at most some shares, but you cannot participate in management.


He lost his signal.

In the end, the bee eater even smiled sweetly, but kept smiling and smashed the projector without saying a word.

"Sure enough, the talk collapsed." Coleson sighed.

Although I didn't expect to be successful at the beginning, the level of this talk shows that the ambition of the bee-eater is probably bigger than expected.

I am afraid, what she has to do in this world is not that simple.

Coulson looked worried.

He has already learned from his guide, Tsunade, that they all came into this world with their own things to Although they didn’t elaborate on what they were, they could probably judgment.

For example, what Tsunade has to do is to spread the Holy Light.

What Sauron had to do was to constantly fight the strong.

From the current situation.

What bee-eaters pray to do...

Afraid not to rule the world?

At the very least, we must pursue power, wealth, strength, etc.

First imaginary and Wei snake, and after mastering the technology of development ability, find a way to kill her, this is the only way left.

Coleson calmed down for a while, and then was about to start an extremely difficult and long negotiation.

Even if there is a general direction, it is unlikely that everything will be decided in a short time.

However, his plan, naturally, can't hide from the bee-eater.

"The rulers of this world really don't have the vision and ability. No wonder they want me to rule them." The bee-eater said to Baibeard with a smile.

"Using your brain this fast, you are indeed much better than us." Baibeard looked at her with a smile.

He is not simply acting as a thug.

Although many times he disdains to engage in conspiracy and tricks, this does not mean that Baibeard does not understand.

However, the confrontation of interests during this period of time has indeed made White Beard feel an eye-opener.

In contrast, their world is very simple.

Whoever has a big fist has the right to speak.

"However, it has been messed up to this point, and I still haven't achieved the first step of the mission." The bee-eater exercises a little regret, after thinking for a while, stood up, "It seems that it is time to meet those people, for example That famous scientist, rich businessman, and playboy..."

The bee eater is moving steadily towards his mission.

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