Class is over!

“This is the end of today’s practical lesson, disbanded!”.

With Iruka’s gentle clapping, everyone immediately dispersed.

Lu Li glanced at everyone present, except for a few guys who were alone, the students were all walking in pairs.

Sasuke is already a very arrogant person, and in today’s situation, naturally no one wants to touch this mold head and go with him.

The other person that everyone shy away from was Naruto, who had a blue nose and a swollen face.

Almost all of their classmates had been severely warned by their parents countless times not to mingle with Naruto Uzumaki’s broom star.

So Naruto, who was beaten fat, looked and was in a situation at the moment, which was called a miserable and miserable relative.

“Hey, Naruto Uzumaki, do you want to come with me?”

Lu Li stepped forward and patted this guy on the back of the head.

Naruto looked back at Lu Li in amazement, a flash of trance flashing in his eyes with dark blue circles.

“You… What are you talking about?” Naruto thought he had misheard.

“I appreciate you very much, let’s go together!” Lu Li showed a big smile, his eyes were clean and pure.

“Admire me, really?” Naruto felt flattered.

Naruto knew that Lu Li didn’t lie to him, because the eyes didn’t deceive!

He had seen too many cold, even hateful eyes.

With an unbiased and discriminatory look like Lu Li, he could feel it keenly.

“What are you going to eat at noon?” Lu Li asked casually.

Naruto touched his stomach and what he was eating, and the first thing that came to his mind was ramen, Ichiraku ramen.

However, he can’t afford to eat!

Eating it once in a while is like a New Year’s holiday.

Seeing that Naruto didn’t speak, Lu Li proposed, “Why don’t you go to Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant to eat ramen, I’ll have a treat!”

“Really?” Naruto almost forgot about the injuries on his body, and was about to jump with excitement.

But the next moment, Naruto wilted again.

Lu Li wondered, “What’s the matter, don’t you like to eat ramen?”

Of course, Lu Li knew that Naruto liked to eat ramen, but he just asked this on purpose.

Naruto hurriedly shook his head and said, “Of course I like to eat ramen, the question is, why are you inviting me to eat ramen?”.

Invite someone to dinner, and ask why?

Of course, Naruto doesn’t feel like he has that kind of friendship with Rikuli!

That’s 60 taels a bowl of Ichiraku ramen, and it makes no sense to ask someone to eat it for no reason!

Yes, poverty limited Naruto’s imagination, and even a bowl of ramen became a luxury that was impossible to just ask someone to eat.


Lu Li was slightly stunned, he really hadn’t thought about this problem carefully.

To him, Naruto can be regarded as an old acquaintance.

And he does admire Naruto, and he kind of loves Ya and Wu to some extent.

For Naruto, Lu Li was a classmate he had just met, and there was very little intersection between the two.

Lu Li thought for a moment and said, “It’s a tribute, a tribute to the Hokage, a tribute to our common ideals!”

“A common ideal…,” Naruto muttered to himself.

Yes, their common dream is to become Hokage.

The reason why Naruto wants to become the Hokage is actually to be recognized by the people.

At the end of the day, Naruto was an orphan who lacked love.

Because of the relationship between the nine-tailed people, he was discriminated against by the whole village.

In fact, when Lu Li was watching the Naruto anime, he imagined that he would be Naruto.

With such a background and living environment, will you form an optimistic and upbeat character?

The answer is probably no

There is a 90% chance of blackening!

You must know that Naruto’s body is sealed with the most powerful of the Tailed Beasts, the Nine Lamas.

After being treated miserably for so many years, he didn’t even go berserk.

What a miracle.

In the Rebellion of the Nine-Tails, there were many victims, but the biggest and most innocent of them was undoubtedly Naruto.

Both parents sacrificed to save the village, and they became the container that sealed the nine tails as soon as they were born, not to mention, they also had to endure countless discrimination and white eyes.

Not to mention that he is the son of a hero, Naruto himself should be a person who deserves the pity and love of everyone in the village.

Don’t even ask for preferential treatment, just treat them equally, okay?

The result?

Isn’t it excessive?

Of course, this is Lu Li’s interpretation of these with the three views before the crossing.

And in fact, the world of Naruto is a world where strength is respected!

Strength = Value = Status.

As you can see from the decline of the Thousand Hands, no matter how powerful your ancestors were, and no matter how much they had contributed.

If your current strength is not enough to be taken seriously, then I’m sorry, you can only be a human being!

Naruto was orphaned for four generations, didn’t his parents leave him enough material conditions for him to squander his life?

And the truth is that Naruto has always been so poor that he even drank expired milk.

Well, it looks like it’s a bit of a stretch again.

Straight to the point.

The reason for the Lu Li’s treat.

Naruto was recognized, not only recognized, but also moved so much that his nose was sour, and his eyes were red.

Lu Li touched his head and said, “Let’s go, you will eat openly today, eat me poorly, count your skills!”

Naruto exclaimed excitedly, “Of course I’m not welcome, I’m going to eat two bowls!”.

Lu Li quipped: “With your little belly, can you fit it?”

“It’s hard to say anything else, but the ramen, of course, is not a problem!” Naruto is really happy now, not the usual forced smile.

The two had just walked out of the school gate.

Suddenly met an acquaintance.,That’s right.,It’s Mizuki.。

“Lu Li, the first day you came to school, did you feel anything? Naruto is also there, you don’t look very good, you usually have to work hard to cultivate, even if you still can’t beat your classmates, but at least don’t be so embarrassed!”.

Mizuki looked at Rikuri and Naruto in the eyes, as if he was caring for a mentally disabled child.

However, he was a little surprised that Lu Li was unscathed.

Could it be that it was because it was the first time to come to class, so I was just watching the battle and didn’t participate in the competition?

Ah, it must be like this.

It is said that things gather by like, and people are divided by groups.

The fool and the tail of the crane should mingle.

Mizuki felt that although there was a big height difference between these two people standing together, the feeling they gave him was extremely harmonious.

“It feels good!” Lu Li bared his teeth.

Naruto stopped talking.

He usually works hard, but the effect is really unsatisfactory.

“Isn’t that good? Looks like Iruka still takes good care of the freshmen, so she shouldn’t have let you play. Mizuki always had a smile on his face.

“No, Lu Li was the first to play, and he also defeated Sasuke!” Naruto clenched his fists to speak for Lu Li.

“Got on the field, and beat Sasuke? Is it the genius of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke Uchiha?” the smile on Mizuki’s face froze.

“Which Sasuke could it be? there’s only one Sasuke in our class!” Naruto was a little proud, as if he was the one who had defeated Sasuke.

Mizuki’s mouth opened wide, he still knew something about Sasuke, who was the most talented among the students in this class.

It’s because I understand that I’m shocked.

“This guy, did he directly counterattack on the first day of school? With such strength, the talent must not be bad, so why did he wait until he was 13 years old to enter school?”.

Thinking of his previous misreading of Lu Li, he felt that his face was a little hot at the moment, as if he had been slapped a few times and crackled.

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