Lu Li and Naruto arrive at Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant.

“Uncle Ichiraku, I’m here!” Naruto couldn’t help but get excited as soon as he stepped into the noodle shop.

Uncle Ichiraku, whose real name is Teda, glanced over and said, “It’s Naruto-chan


Uncle Ichiraku is one of the few people in the village who doesn’t ostracize Naruto because he has the Nine-Tails in his body, and sometimes treats Naruto to ramen for free.

So for Uncle Ichiraku, Naruto is very close.

“I’m bringing my classmates to take care of the business today, that’s interesting!” Naruto said with some smugness.

“Oh, really, then I have to thank you, please have a bowl of tonkotsu ramen!” Uncle Ichiraku, who has always been unsmiling, showed a rare smile.

Naruto hurriedly said, “No, my classmate will treat you today, and by the way, his name is Thousand Hands Luli.” ”

In fact, Uncle Yile had already noticed Lu Li, and the moment his eyes glanced at the thousand-handed family tattoo on Lu Li’s chest, he was slightly surprised, but it was only an instant, and no one noticed the change in his expression.

Lu Li also looked at the owner of the legendary Yile Noodle Restaurant.

is a middle-aged uncle who looks very ordinary.

However, there are many Naruto fans who speculate that Uncle Ichiraku is a hidden boss equivalent to a sweeping monk!

They believe that Uncle Yile’s strength is actually very strong.

The evidence is as follows:

He once threw a rolling pin with his wounded right hand to accurately and easily shoot down Dingji and Naruto who peeked at him.

When Itachi came to Konoha, Itachi used Hitomi to kill Konoha’s janitor in seconds, but when he passed by Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant, he was discovered instantly.

Later, Payne destroyed Konoha with the Shinra Celestial Expedition, but the Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant actually operated as usual.

As a result, some people speculate that this uncle at Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant is the most hidden one, he is taciturn and stubborn.

has not revealed his identity, so it is very likely that Uncle Yile is not an ordinary person, but a hidden big boss.

Someone also made up his trick: the face shield thousand silk corset!

It can reflect illusions, limit physical arts, interfere with ninjutsu, balance immortals…


Just when Lu Li’s brain hole was getting bigger and bigger.

“Sit down, Lu Li!” Naruto patted the chair next to him, urging Lu Li to sit down.

“Naruto, you order, what you eat today, you decide!” Lu Li smiled slightly and sat down happily.

Naruto was not polite, and as soon as he sat down, he immediately got up and shouted, “A bowl of tonkotsu ramen!”.

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li smiled and nodded.

Naruto immediately changed his tune and shouted, “No, two bowls, two bowls of tonkotsu ramen!”, thank you!”.

After a while, two bowls of the legendary Ichiraku tonkotsu ramen were placed in front of Lu Li and Naruto respectively.

It’s steaming hot and fragrant.

Naruto took a deep breath in intoxication, folded his hands, and shouted excitedly, “I’m going to go!”

Lu Li picked up the chopsticks and took the lead in starting!

Seeing this, Naruto was unwilling to be reconciled, and began to gobble it up.

The two of them were almost at the same time with soup and noodles, and they all had their stomachs.

The taste is indeed a must, not to mention whether Uncle Yile is a hidden boss, in terms of food, just the level of this bowl of ramen, there is no doubt that it is a proper shadow level!

Glancing at Naruto, who was still unsatisfied, Lu Li knew that even if he still wanted to eat, he was too embarrassed to scream again, so he said, “Boss, two more bowls of tonkotsu ramen!”

That was when Lu Li and Naruto ate Hasai at Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant.

Konoha Village, Root Headquarters.

After listening to the information collected by the members of the root group about what Lu Li had done during the day, he fell into deep thought.

“This lonely ghost of the Thousand Hands Clan can actually copy the Uchiha Clan’s Fire Escape Technique, and even far surpass it in terms of power…”

“With that level of fireball technique, the amount of chakra you possess must be at least at the level of the upper ninja…”

“Could it be… He has awakened the Blood Inheritance Limit of the Thousand Hands Clan?”.

“Then, the person who killed Yun Shinobi and saved Hinata that day may also be him…”

Thinking of this, a glint burst out from Tuan Zang’s left eye.

“I’ve been at home for three years, don’t I dare to go out, or I’m practicing silently… So how dare you appear under the sun now, is it because you feel that you already have the strength to protect yourself?”.

“Now that he’s so close to Renzhuli, what does this guy want to do…”

The establishment of Konoha Village, in the final analysis, is just a few families getting together to keep warm!

Senju, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Shimura, Hinata….

The pattern of Konoha is in the hands of a few big families.

Senju has nothing to say, Tsunade ran away, Lu Li is already the only man in the village with Senju as his surname, and the honor and disgrace are all in one person.

The Uchiha is already in a very awkward situation now, basically marginalized, and it is time to put the extermination on the agenda.


The Sarufei family, currently the leader of Konoha Village, is led by three generations, needless to say, powerful.

The Hyuga family, due to the conflict with Yunyin Village, will most likely fall to the third generation.

Now a thousand hands are mixed with the power of the human pillar… If a thousand hands are a pawn that has been secretly cultivated by three generations….

Tuan Zang involuntarily gasped, frightened by his own analysis.

“Ape Fei, is that your layout? Could it be that the little ghost of the Thousand Hands Family is really cultivated by you in secret…”

“If this thousand-handed land really opens the blood inheritance limit, plus a human pillar force, in the conflict with Yunyin Village, he will try his best to win over the Hyuga clan… Ape Fei, what do you want to do?”.

“Here, Thousand Hands Lu Li saved Hinata, so the Hyuga family owes a favor to the Thousand Hands, which is another disguised friendship with the Hyuga family. ”

“On the other hand, Senju Lu Li didn’t go to school early or late, but he entered the school at this time, and he was in the same class as Renzhuli, and he was invited to eat ramen on the first day of school… Isn’t that befriending?”.

“One ring after another, what a careful plan!”.

According to the analysis of the existing information, Tuan Zang is very sure that there must be three generations of what is being arranged.

Yes, since he entered the door of the second generation of adults, he has been one step behind the three generations.

Hokage, you ape flew to be a shitty advisor, and my group can only be a bullshit advisor!

You are Konoha and I am Gen! !

The prestige belongs to you, and the black cauldron is !! on my back

Ape Fly, Ape Fly, you are always one step ahead of me!

Thinking of this, Tuan Zang smashed his fist on the table in front of him.

“You can’t let the ape fly, it’s a mistake for him to sit in the Hokage’s position!”.

“I have to sabotage his plan! Thousand Hands, Human Pillar Force, and Hinata, the key to whether the three points can be connected together lies in this Thousand Hands Lu Li! Therefore, he must disappear from Ape Fei’s plan!”.

“Give me the command, gather the roots!”.

……… New book, ask for all ………

(Thank you for the monthly pass reward of Uncle [Handsome’]!).

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