“It’s not good. ”

“If this continues, even if the captain’s control is quite strong and he can concentrate the power of the attack on one point, the aftermath of the spread can destroy this area…”

Yongzhi looked nervous, but at this time he couldn’t do anything at all, in front of this level of battle, even if he was the vice captain, he could only feel his insignificance, like a flat boat in the stormy waves, being carried by the waves and unable to stand on his feet.

Not far away.

Scarlet Zhen is also shocked.

“It’s so strong…”

Although she was sheltered by Diana’s barrier, she could not directly feel the turbulent spiritual pressure of the outside world like ocean waves, but she could see with the naked eye what powerful forces were colliding and erupting under the huge momentum.

This was beyond her imagination of the Grim Reaper, breaking the original concept in her heart, and making her understand that the original Grim Reaper could be so powerful!

“Mr. Lu Li, he’s going to be fine, right?”

Looking at the blood-like world that was constantly surging thousands of kilometers away, Scarlet Zhen took a breath, forcibly calmed down his shock, and looked at Diana with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Diana’s expression was calm, her two little hands were put behind her back, and she said, “In this world, even if it is the Spirit King, it is not as strong as Lu Li. ”

“Spirit King?”

Scarlet Zhen looked at her suspiciously.

Diana didn’t explain, just quietly continued to watch the battle in the field, but her fingertips were beating with a hint of divine power on her back.


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The battle continues.

In the fierce battle with Lu Li, Uno Hanari experienced the pleasure and enjoyment that she hadn’t experienced for a long time, and that passionate mood finally reached its peak in the battle, making her fall into a state of temporary forgetfulness.

And when she finally came back to her senses and regained consciousness, she noticed that Lu Li’s demeanor had not changed from beginning to end, and it was always that calm and peaceful demeanor, as if there was no mood fluctuation at all for this battle.

“The fight with me… Don’t you feel it at all?” Uno Hanari looked at Lu Li.

The gentle voice was at odds with the blood-soaked hellish spectacle and the blood-dripping blade in her hand.

Although the battle has not been won or lost between the two of them until now, she clearly understands that Lu Li’s strength is above her, because Lu Li just stubbornly resisted, blocking all her attacks, making her completely unable to break through.

Although there are also types of swordsmanship in this world that focus on defense, most of them focus on attack, which means that she can’t even break Lu Li’s defense, so if Lu Li takes the initiative to attack, she will probably not be able to resist.

“I’m not interested in the fight itself. ”

Lu Li swung his sword to resist the attack of U no Hua Lie, and spoke calmly.

He’s not a battle maniac, he doesn’t want to fight, although he doesn’t hate it, but he doesn’t like fighting very much, he prefers the thrill of crushing his opponent with absolute strength, and evenly matched battles are what he hates.

Uno Hanari is the opposite of him, she doesn’t like to crush others, she has no interest in the kind of weak people who are crushed by her, she enjoys the battle of equal strength, and wants to fight with the strong.

“That’s right. ”

“Looks like I’m being abrupt. ”

Mao Zhihualie looked at Lu Li’s apologetic opening and said, “I want you to suppress your strength to fight against the weak me, but… I’d like to see you take the initiative. ”

Although she had experienced the joy of battle that she hadn’t experienced in a long time, she wanted to see Lu Li’s attack just as much as she longed for battle.

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