She couldn’t break through Lu Li’s defense, which meant that she couldn’t force Lu Li to take the initiative to attack with her own strength.

If you want to see Lu Li’s sword, you can only ask for it.

Although such a request almost meant that she was seeking death, she still wanted to see Lu Li’s inner more than resisting death, even if it was at the cost of death.

The swordsmanship that overtook her, the calm response, the strong physique and strength… Lu Li’s existence made her feel that every cell and spirit child in her body seemed to be trembling with excitement, making her irresistible.

“Since it’s your request…”

Lu Li smiled lightly and said, “I agreed.” ”

Uno Hanari stopped her attack, and she stepped back more than a dozen meters, placing the blood-dripping sword in front of her.

She understood that Lu Li’s attack was not trivial, although she longed to see this sword, but she was not pursuing death, because if she died, she could no longer experience the joy of fighting, so her resistance to death was very strong, even stronger than ordinary people.

It may sound paradoxical, but it’s true.

She survived after the battle with the teenager Kenpachi, and when the Corpse Soul Realm was facing the danger of extinction, she exchanged her death for the release of Kenpachi’s seal, which shows this.

Unless the time really came to defend her with death, she wouldn’t want to die no matter what happened, whether it was defeat or humiliation or whatever, because it didn’t matter more than fighting.

“I’m going to go. ”

Lu Li looked at Mao Zhihualie calmly.

“Come on. ”

Holding her sword in her hand, she took a breath, already making the most serious gesture and preparing for it with the strongest defensive sword momentum in the swordsmanship she had learned all her life.

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Under her gaze, Lu Li moved.

Lu Li’s movements were unremarkable, just walking towards her like this, without any momentary high-speed movement, no visual interference and confusion, just walked in front of her, and then swung a sword at her.

A sword, the earth collapses, the sky splits, space… Broken!

The Corpse Soul Realm is based on the power of the Spirit King, mixed with the power of a small number of land to build the Spirit Seed World, the tenacity of the space is stronger than the present world, and breaking the space here means breaking the Corpse Soul Realm itself.

But Lu Li’s sword did just that, tearing apart the entire space in front of him, causing the space to crack a huge black gap, dividing the entire heaven and earth in an instant.


Everything quietly fell apart.

The resistance made by Mao Zhihualie was almost meaningless under Lu Li’s sword, whether it was swordsmanship or pure strength, she was crushed by Lu Li’s sword.

The blood-like sword blade was broken in half in an instant, and along with the surging spiritual pressure, it was also cut off by Lu Li’s sword, like the sea that had been split by a sword.

All defenses were incomparably weak, shattered by a single blow.

The spiritual pressure, the slashing knife, the space, the sky and the earth, including her body, were all split in half by the darkness, like a black paintbrush, drawing a black ink blot between the heavens and the earth.


Mao Zhihua Lie looked at Lu Li, and his eyes lit up with an unprecedented light.

The power of never being experienced.

Power never felt before.

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