However, compared to the Corpse Soul Realm and the Void Circle, the number of alien exterminators is very small, and as soon as they appear, they are often regarded as ‘aliens’ by the exterminators and killed.

The only Xenomorph Exterminator who was not executed was an existence recognized by Youhabach and a member of the Star Cross Knights, while none of the other Xenomorph Exterminators were recognized!

No wonder!

No wonder the man in front of him said that he was not a knight, but he had such power!

“The kind of power you understand is indeed flowing in me. ”

Lu Li carried Bambietta with one hand, lifted her in the air, and opened her mouth with a calm expression, it is worth mentioning that the nobleman’s clothes are strong, and they are not broken even under such a pull.

Fear appeared in Bombiaetta’s eyes, and her body trembled, unable to be as calm as before, and said:

“No, I don’t know, I don’t know anything, please let me go…”

Each of the alien exterminators is regarded as an enemy by all the exterminators, and once they are detected, they will be besieged en masse, and even attract the actions of the Star Cross Knights.

So if you break the identity of an alien exterminator alone, what will happen next, obviously you don’t have to think about it to know – you will inevitably be killed!

At this moment.

Not to mention that her identity is only the eldest lady of a noble family, even if she is a descendant of the Star Cross Knights, even if she is a member of the royal family, it is meaningless, in order to hide her identity, the alien exterminators will not care about all sins!

Lu Li looked at Bambietta, and when he heard her words, he suddenly showed a gentle smile and said, “Since you broke my identity, then how could I let you go.” ”

This gentle smile looked very sunny, but when it fell into the eyes of Bambietta, it was as terrifying as a demon opening its huge mouth and revealing its fangs!

“Still. ”

“I’m not going to kill you. ”

Lu Li looked at Bombiata, kept a gentle smile, and said, “For you, it’s not just a death that can eliminate everything. ”

Hearing Lu Li’s words, Bombiaita was terrified, not knowing what Lu Li was going to do to her, but at the same time, a glimmer of hope rose, because as long as she didn’t die, she still had a chance to live!

It is difficult for the Xenomorph Exterminator to survive in the Invisible Empire, and once it is discovered and attracts the attention of the Star Cross Knights, then as long as she is alive, there is a possibility of being rescued!


Almost as soon as this thought came to her, Lu Li’s palm grabbed her clothes and suddenly sent it forward, piercing her chest in an instant.

With blood splashing everywhere, Lu Li’s hand penetrated her body and appeared behind her, with a beating heart in her palm.

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Bombiaita’s mind stiffened for a moment, and he felt the power in his body recede like a tide, and the whole person fell backwards and fell to the ground.

Looking at Lu Li who was standing there, looking at the heart that Lu Li was holding in her hand, emotions of despair, anger, unwillingness, and so on surged in her heart.

Didn’t you say you wouldn’t kill her?!


If she were a knight chief and a star cross knight at this time, she would definitely let Lu Li experience the cruelest and most painful torture in the world, and then die… But unfortunately there is no chance.

Bombiaita’s vision gradually descended into darkness.

Lu Li stood there quietly, his eyes swept over the heart that gradually stopped beating in his palm, looked down at the corpse of Bambietta lying on the ground, and said peacefully:

“This is your first death. ”


The light shone through the window and onto the warm bed.

Bombiaita lay there in a loose nightgown, her brow furrowed, and she gradually opened her eyes, waking up little by little.

Feeling a slight headache in a daze, she sat up with her forehead covered, her eyes swept around, and she realized that this was not her bedroom, but a strange room.

This is



Bombiaita suddenly felt a headache, and pieces of broken memories appeared in her mind, gradually connecting together.

She saw herself out hunting with her guards, she saw herself meet a man, she saw herself directing the guards to attack him, and finally she saw the man penetrate her chest with his hand and take out her beating heart.


The final scene caused sweat stains to appear on her forehead for a moment, causing her to gasp violently a few times, reaching out to tear off her loose pajamas and look at her chest.

The skin was intact, there was not a single wound to be seen, and she could feel her heart still in her chest, beating normally.

“…… Nightmare?”

Bombiata’s chest rose and fell violently a few times, then gradually calmed down, looked around, and said, “But how could I have such a nightmare, and what is this place…”

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