After judging that the previous situation should be a nightmare, she breathed a sigh of relief, even if she noticed that this was not her room, she was no longer as scared as before.

Because she is the eldest lady of the Bombiaeta family, and her status is noble, except for the Knights of the Star Cross who stand at the top, even the knight chief of Silverframe City does not dare to do anything bad to her.

She stood up, glanced at her bedside clothes, took them and put them on, then pushed open the bedroom door and headed outside.


Bombiaita asked in the direction of the hallway.

But the corridor ahead was empty, and there was not a single figure in sight.

Looking out the window, it appeared to be a villa estate, with an open and spacious courtyard underneath, which seemed to be at least a place where ordinary nobles were entitled to live.

However, it should not be a high-status aristocratic family, judging from the carpets in the corridor and the decorations on the beams and columns, it is only a lower nobleman at most.

The nobles would not use this kind of carpet of average quality, which would not be decent.

“Why is there no one. ”

Bombiaita shouted, but after receiving no response, she frowned, sensing the entire manor and beyond, but she didn’t perceive anyone’s spiritual pressure fluctuations.

The whole manor was deserted, as if she was the only one.

If the scene she encountered before the hunt was a nightmare, then how she had come to this manor before that made Bombiatta fall into confusion, and inexplicably felt a little cool, as if there was an eerie aura lingering in her heart.

Either way, to figure out what’s going on, it’s obvious to first judge what this place is.

Thinking of this,

Bombiaita took a breath and walked down the hallway to the location of the staircase, and down the stairs, soon to the hall on the first floor.

The main door to the courtyard outside was open, and she was about to walk out when out of the corner of her eye suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a shadow shaking in the side hall connected to the spacious hall.


Bombiaetta was slightly stunned.

Although a cold feeling inexplicably welled up in her heart, she still subconsciously, as if uncontrolled, walked in the direction of the side hall.

After walking a few steps, she came to the main entrance of the side hall and walked inside.

A side hall smaller than the main hall, but also very large, was greeted by a long table with about seven or eight portions of food in one corner.

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A man was sitting at the table, holding a knife and fork, gently cutting off a piece of fried egg and putting it in his mouth, while looking in her direction, smiling faintly, and saying:

“Early. ”

The man’s appearance is exactly the same as the person who killed her in a nightmare and took out her heart!

Bombiata’s pupils contracted violently, and an inexplicable terrifying feeling enveloped her entire heart for a moment, making her forehead overflow with cold sweat for a moment, and the whole person even shook a little, a little unstable.

Memories of nightmares overlap with immediate scenes.

A thought of fear welled up in her mind.

What happened before…

Is it really a dream?!

Lu Li ate the delicate omelette, he smiled lightly and looked at Bambietta, there was no evil or hideous expression in his expression, but it looked far more terrifying than evil.

Lu Li felt that he was a little too kind.


The same cannot be said either.

It would be accurate to say that when he is closer to God and more inclined to Godhead than personality, he no longer has thoughts of evil, darkness, and so on.

However, in fact, where there is light, there must be shadow, and as human beings, there must be a dark side in our hearts, but most people can use light to contain the darkness and prevent it from exploding.

Even a protagonist like Naruto Uzumaki has a dark side in his heart, always walking on the edge of blackening, and if he didn’t have a companion, he would have been in the darkness long ago.

So darkness and evil are part of humanity.

When he was in the last world, Lu Li felt that maybe he should try his hand at the role of a villain, but after coming to this world, he didn’t get a chance, and now it’s just right.

“Don’t you feel hungry? Come and sit. ”

Lu Li took a sip of milk, looked at Bombiaita and smiled lightly.

It was also when Lu Li’s words fell that Bombiata’s stomach sounded, and a somewhat unbearable hunger welled up.

However, she was not quickly conquered by this hunger, but looked at Lu Li, gritted her teeth and trembled slightly: “You… What did you do to me? ”

Lu Li didn’t look at her, calmly continued to eat the food in front of him, and said while eating: “Actually, I think it’s better to listen to it when you’re full, but if you insist on listening to it when you’re hungry, then I’ll talk about it a little.” ”

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